finalized version adsfjhasdfds



Chair Jim Van Dusen
Vice Chair George Skarpelos
Chona Galvez
Greg Morris

Alternate 1. Brandi D'Amore
Alternate2. Luis Saldivar

Stakeholder Representatives
Cesar Cervera approved by Board on 11/13/17
Crissi Avila approved by Board on 12/18/17

Please contact Jim for information regarding the next meeting.

Meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30pm unless otherwise noted on the Calendar of Board Events on the home page

Home Sharing Ordinance FAQ June 2017

Los Angeles Planning Department Planned Ordinances

Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) Presentation

Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) Fact Sheet

The Agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting at the designated sites as listed at the bottom of the Home Page.

Hollywood Center Project Packet:

HOLLYWOOD CENTER PROJECT Application for Environmental Leadership Development Project May 2018

HUNC letter requesting extension of Public Comment Period May 30 2018

The Silverstein Law Firm objections letter 6/1/2018

Villa Carlotta Packet:

Villa Carlotta Letter sent 7.25.16 re Planning Hearing 7.27.16

Villa Carlotta Hearing Notice 7.27.16




THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 2018, 6:30pm
1800 N. BRONSON AVENUE, L.A., CA 90028
Second Floor Conference Room

The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any item of the agenda prior to the Board taking action on an item.  Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period.  Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, for a maximum of 20 minutes total for Public comment, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Board.  Agenda is posted for public review at Counterpoint Records and Books 5911 Franklin Ave, on our website at and with EmpowerLA.  In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at the scheduled meeting (or location noted in the Agenda item) or by making arrangements with our office (contact information above). As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.  Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.  To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood Council Support Help Line (213) 978-1551 or email  To subscribe directly to our Agendas, go to

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of order or merged as deemed appropriate by the Committee. Action may be taken on all items.

1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (2 minutes each)
4. Project: 1931 N. Ivar Avenue (6407 Dix Street). 12-new single family homes w/attached 2-car garage per dwelling & 1-guest stall per small lot subdivision with a haul route for the export of 1,750 cy. Earth AND a 9-ft bldg. encroachment for proposed lots 1&2 of an ex. 33-ft bldg line under Ord No. 126979; AND a request for waiver of street dedication(s).
      A . Action(s) Requested:
            1. A “Vesting Tentative Trach Map 76049” for the construction of 12 new single family homes under the small lot ordinance with attached 2-car garage per dwelling and 1-guest stall, totaling 25 parking stalls with an haul route application for the export of 1,750 cy. Of earth.
             2. A Haul Route permit application for the removal and export of 1,750 cy. of earth.
             3. A 9-ft building encroachment for proposed lots 1&12 of an existing 33-ft building line under Ord No. 126979 along Dix Street.
             4. A “Waiver of Dedication for By-Right Projects” for a 0-ft dedication on Ivar Avenue in lieu of 3-ft.
5. Hollywood Center Project: General discussion and review of the planning documents regarding the project and plan and development of general HUNC PLUM strategy for completion of the review. Discussion to include potential scheduling of PLUM Special Meeting for all board members to be able to attend and participate in the review.
HOLLYWOOD CENTER PROJECT Application for Environmental Leadership Development Project May 2018
HUNC letter requesting extension of Public Comment Period May 30 2018
Documents above are available to read at
6. Update, discussion, and possible action regarding the reopening of the Villa Carlotta, 5959 Franklin Ave and extended stay status, etc.
7. Committee Member announcements on items not on the Agenda
8. Old/Ongoing Business
9. New/Future Business

A simple majority vote by the Board members present, not including abstentions, at a meeting at which there is a quorum, shall be required to take official action, unless specified otherwise in the Bylaws (  )

Reconsideration: The Board may reconsider and amend its action on items listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place before the end of the meeting at which it was considered or at the next regular meeting. The Board, on either of these two days, shall: (1) Make a Motion for Reconsideration and, if approved, (2) hear the matter and take an action.  If the motion to reconsider an action is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: (1) A Motion for Reconsideration on the described matter and (2) a [Proposed] action should the motion to reconsider be approved.  A Motion for Reconsideration can only be made by a Board member who has previously voted on the prevailing side of the original action taken. If a Motion for Reconsideration is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Board member on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Recording Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for requesting reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall all be in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. 





Packet for August:

6363 Hollywood Blvd Project:

6363 Hollywood Blvd CUP

6363 Hollywood Blvd Prior Motion

6363 Hollywood Blvd New Application


6443 & 6459 Innsdale Drive Project (York Project):

6443 & 6459 Innsdale Dr. Planning Dept. Documents

Friends of Griffith Park letter

Hillside Federation letter

York Estate Project Communications

York Estate Project Communications 2

York Estate Project Communications 3

York Estate Project Communications 4



August 2017

October 2016

2000 CUP Approval for 5917 Franklin Avenue

February 2013

January 2013

November 2012

October 2012

August 2012

July 2012

November 2011

September 2011

August 2011

May 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010 no meeting

October 2010 no meeting

September 2010

August 2010

November 2007

October 2007

July 2007

March 2007

April 2005

March 2005

October 2004


6220 Yucca Project
Notice of Preparation, EIR and Public Scoping Meeting
 Initial Study of 6220 Yucca that has been filed.

Here is the Notice of Preparation<> of the 6220 Yucca development. I have attached the EIR Scoping Meeting Notice that was filed as well.  The 444-page EIR appendices<>

YATA Resolution

Conditional Use Beverage (CUB) Permits for Alcohol
Authority of City Zoning Administrators to Impose Conditions of Approval to Mitüate Potential Land Use
Impacts Arising from the Sale or Service Alcoholic Beverages That Are Adverse to Public Health, Safety and Welfare

Map of Hargrave Drive Roadway

Documents for Shake Shack Application
Master Land Use Permit Application
Photo Exhibit
Seating Plan numbered
Site Plan

Documents for Victors Square Application:
Master Land Use Permit Application
Modified Floor Plan
Site Plan
Support Petition 1917 North Bronson Avenue Dear Neighbors and Valued Customers, We are excited to be taking over the former Victor's Square Restaurant with a new Mexican restaurant concept to serve the neighborhood. The location is already approved for beer and wine however we are seeking to upgrade to full service alcohol. We want to reach out to our neighbors and community and ask for your support in our application. As a full service Mexican themed restaurant with menus to include specific kids and vegetarian options we are also looking forward in pairing our menu with great margaritas. If you would like to support this request, please sign below. Thank you for the many years of support! As long-term residents and now business owners we are proud to be a part of this great neighborhood. Best, The Oaks Gourmet Market and Franklin & Co. Team


Documents for Shake Shack Application
Master Land Use Permit Application
Photo Exhibit
Seating Plan numbered
Site Plan

Update: April 2014
Now that the Hollywood Community Plan has been invalidated, time to review the 1988 Hollywood Community Plan that has been reinstated:

 City of Los Angeles Planning Department
Draft Hollywood Plan
Draft Modified Street Standards
Draft Qualified Conditions
Draft Land Use and Zone Change Map
Draft Matrix of Existing, Planned and Proposed Land Use
Draft 'Q' Qualified Conditions and 'D' Development Limitation Appendix

From Mary Richardson, Associate Planner:
<<We would like to inform you that several additional sections of the
Draft Hollywood Community Plan are now available online for your review
and comment.

These sections include the following: the Draft Land Use
and Zone Change Map; the Draft Matrix of Existing, Planned and Proposed
Land Use; the Draft “Q” Qualified Conditions; the Draft “Q”
Qualified Condition and “D” Development Limitation Appendix; and the
Draft Street Designations.

You may find these documents on the City
Planning Department’s website,, under
“New Community Plans - Hollywood - Latest Plan Update - What’s

Copies of all available sections of the Draft Hollywood Community Plan
will be placed in the following public libraries:

● Frances Howard Goldwyn-Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 N. Ivar
St., LA 90028.
● John C. Fremont Branch Library, 6121 Melrose Avenue, LA 90038.
● Los Feliz Branch Library, 1874 Hillhurst Avenue, LA 90027.
● Will and Ariel Durant Branch Library, 7140 W. Sunset Boulevard, LA

Please note that the Draft Hollywood Community Plan documents are
presented in draft form and no formal recommendations have yet been
made. Staff will prepare recommendations after the first public

The last feature of the Draft Hollywood Community Plan to be released
will be the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The release of
the DEIR should occur sometime in the fall. At that time we will start
scheduling briefings with the neighborhood councils and other major
stakeholder groups. The briefings will provide an opportunity to go
over the proposed policies, programs and land use changes, answer
questions, and gather input from the community. The series of briefings
will conclude with an Open House/Public Hearing. >>

Fun things you can do online!
Check out:
City of L.A. website, allows search of planning areas etc.
Search by Neighborhood Council for services and demographics

City of Los Angeles Planning Department
Draft Hollywood Plan
Draft Modified Street Standards
Draft Qualified Conditions
Draft Land Use and Zone Change Map
Draft Matrix of Existing, Planned and Proposed Land Use
Draft 'Q' Qualified Conditions and 'D' Development Limitation Appendix

The Oaks Draft Hillside Regulations
Oct 2009

Inclusionary zoning discussion

Read the Department of Water and Power notices to the Neighborhood Councils here .

Read about a proposed new ordinance implementing State law, which permits a density bonus and incentives for providing affordable housing.  You will find copies of the proposed ordinance, staff report and draft guidelines at

Attachments to Community Letter to Director Gail Goldberg re: 1912 N. St Andrews Place

Open Letter to Planning 4.23.09

1912 St Andrews after demolition

1912 St Andrews Place-before demolition

1978 Petition

1999 Petition

2009 Petition 2-12-09

Home Inspection 1912 N St Andrews Pl Hollywood 90068

LFIA Letter re 1912 N. St Andrews Pl

Oaks Email to Immaculate Heart 2.22.09 p1

Oaks Email to Immaculate Heart 2.22.09 p2

City Controller April 2012 Audit of the LAFD Response Times

Documents sent by Richard McNaughton for item 5

2012 fix the city comment

CW 2047

fire 2012 Godwon

fire 2012 knbc

fire 2012 Jeff Godown

fire 2012 Daily News

fire LAFD press release

cra financial

anatomy of a 911 call

fire LAFD DSData

fire LAFD data

2011 LAFD draft deployment



Inclusionary Zoning