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City Attorney's Dispute Resolution Program

Who are your elected officials?  How would you get in touch with them?

Email Mayor Garcetti: E-Mail Address:

District 4 - David Ryu

City Hall Office (213)-473-7004
200 N. Spring Street, Rm 480
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Field Offices

District 13 - Mitch O'Farrell

City Hall Office (213)-473-7013
200 N. Spring Street, Rm 470
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Field Offices


Councilmember Ryu's WEBSITE
Chief of Staff, 
Senior Advisor, 
Executive Assistant,
Planning Deputy,
Senior Deputy, Toluca Lake,
Senior Deputy, Hollywood Field Office,

Senior Deputy, Hollywood Field Office,  
Neighborhood Advocate,
Neighborhood Advocate,
Neighborhood Advocate,


Go to the LA city website and type in your address or intersection.  You can learn a great deal of information.  Try it!

County of Los Angeles : General Information: 213-974-1234

City of Los Angeles Contacts:

Lots of information available..  go to and explore!

City of L.A. Environmental Affairs Department read their newsletter

Other numbers of interest

Anywhere in California...
To report an EMERGENCY, always dial 9-1-1

In the City of Los Angeles...
For routine City business and non-emergency services: Call 3-1-1
The 3-1-1 system is currently active and accessible to all wired telephones in the City of Los Angeles around the clock, every day of the year.

Outside the City of Los Angeles...

Those outside of our City, but within the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Ventura can reach the City of Los Angeles 3-1-1 Center toll-free at:

To contact the City of Los Angeles 3-1-1 Center from outside the above five county area, please call:
(213) 978-3231

The phone number for the Hollywood Police Station is (213) 485-4302.

City of L.A. Early Notification System (ENS)

For Hollywood:
Anonymous "We Tip" line:

To report Potholes: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm Telephone number: 1- 800- 996- 2489 (Bureau of Street Services) potholes lot cleaning street maintenance street tree division street use division