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Mobility Action Committee meeting Bullet Points: June 4, 2004

Attending were members of HUNC (Susan Polifronio, Maurece Chesse), GGPNC (Julie Kipperman, Stan Thomson), Franklin Hills Homeowner Assoc., Dennis Chew, Ray Mellin, Bob Camou, Michelle Fleenor, Jeannie Chang, Park Rangers and others.

1: First order of business was to set up mission and boundaries

After discussion the boundaries were roughly set from the LA River to Cahuenga and from Sunset Blvd. to Griffith Park. The MAC Committee will meet once a quarter and remain flexible regarding boundaries. The Transportation Committees of the Neighborhood Councils and other organizations will continue to meet and set priorities. The Mac Committee will expand its focus from the its earlier incarnation to include traffic and transportation issues within these boundaries with Griffith Park as the focus.

2: Discussion of Old Business from Brian Gallagher Committee

A. Re-striping of Franklin east of Western to Normandie. The Committee agreed that it wished to pick up on the angled parking to increase spaces along Franklin both to alleviate the severe parking shortage of the apartment buildings, some without any off-street parking, and slow down the traffic flow on Franklin Ave. The question of permit parking for the residents came up. The angled parking will be revived.  The discussion left off with Michelle Fleenor stating that permit parking in this area is again on the table but with 2 hour parking for non-residents.

B. Signals at Finley, Hillhurst and Griffith Park were brought up. Bob Camou stated the signal at Griffith Park has been installed and will be operational soon and that Finley had been looked at and was not enough of a problem. All members from GGPNC stated that it was a very dangerous intersection with many collisions and a danger to pedestrians. A round-table discussion on the best way to furnish good information to DOT so that Finley would be revisited, at least for a ladder crosswalk, stimulated some very good ideas. The decision to collect information on the number and type of collisions and to pass this information on to the Senior Lead Officers was suggested and agreed upon.

C. The deficiencies of the ATSAC on weekends along Los Feliz Blvd. came up. There was a request for adjustment in phasing and to install additional sensors to make the phasing work. 

D. Bob Camou was asked about the angled parking on Argyle proposal. He said the data was with his design staff. That they wanted a 50 degree angle on spaces and that he was requesting a 75 degree angle. The original proposal from Cheryl Gaskill had the spaces at 90 degrees. This would not be feasible as the cars backing up would have to enter into opposing traffic. He was again asked about getting the residents some relief from ticketing and at least to mark tires and return,  not just wait and ticket people the second they leave their cars. Bob stated he would look into it and he also stated that the design for the angled spaces was roughly 3-4 weeks from being finished. Once they are done a public meeting will be held. The HUNC Parking and Traffic Mobility Workshop to be held on July 22 nd were suggested as a possible place for this meeting.

E. The park ranger stated that there would be very few events in Griffith Park affecting Los Feliz Blvd. The Zoo will have a special event at the September re-opening.

Jeannie Chang restated the importance of setting priorities to avoid overburdening the already understaffed DOT.

F. The triangle at Prospect and Vermont is under review by the CRA. There are three proposals

1. Do Nothing

2. Make Prospect one-way going west

3. Close Prospect at Hollywood Blvd. leaving the Bank traffic with an exit going east

Mike Meyers will be conducting traffic flow studies, moving the bus stop and crosswalks and designs and suggestions for the triangle are being considered.

G. Trolleywood: Running a Trolley/Dash along Hollywood Blvd. and Franklin, eventually to the LA River was discussed. At the cost of $1 million per line the Dash is not feasible right now but with public/private partnership and creativity the idea is engendering interest.

Dennis Chew thanked everyone for coming and stated at the next meeting car sales and flea markets along Franklin Ave. would be one of the topics for discussion.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm