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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2007
6:30 PM
Community Room, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
6054 Yucca St, Los Angeles, CA 90028

1---Welcome & Roll Call.
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Bechir Blagui, Jordan Birnbaum, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Scott Larson, Rodney Hargrove, Erik Sanjurjo, David Schlesinger, Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Gary Slossberg, Ryan Hass, Norma Foster. Excused: Bree Long, Hilary Royce. Absent: Viktoria Gaw.

2.  Approval of Minutes from June meetings.

  • Motion: Bechir Blagui, “To approve the minutes of the HUNC Board Meeting Minutes of August 20, 2007.” Second: Maurece Chessei. Vote: Yes—13 No—0 Abs---0.

3. LAPD Police Reports.  None.

4. Los Angeles City Updates including but not limited to:
A) Mayor’s Office---No report.
B) Council District 4—Doug Mensman referred the Board to a new website:
C) LAFD--- Battalion 5 Chief Chris Kawai spoke on behalf of LAFD. They received the HUNC gift of a laptop computer.  It saves them 100’s of hours of work. They are making plans to bring in up to 100 fire fighters and engines into Hollywood in case of a major fire. Norma Foster:  Thanks to LAPD / LAFD for the Emergency Preparedness Workshop.  It was great. Gary Slossberg:  Are there additional needs at LAFD where we can provide support? Chief:  Thank you, we’re good.

5. Public Comment for items not on the agenda (2 min):

  • Raymond Yu:  September 25, 2007 – Chinese Moon Cake Festival in Chinatown Gateway Plaza on September 29th from 10am until midnight
  • Robert Abrahamian:  recuses himself from participating in the issue regarding “Crowbar”  He read a statement explaining this circumstance and his rights as a private citizen.
  • Tricia LaBelle – Hollywood Hospitality Association – Crowbar would go into Fox theater @Wilcox – Hollywood Blvd. (SW corner).  This will be a 1,000 member / patron club.  Opposes club because of parking.  There was a closure of Crowbar in NYC. Hearing on Crowbar is next Tuesday, 9/25/07 at 4:30pm in City Hall downtown.
  • Comments on Crowbar by Robert Abrahamian–

They will be operating a 1,000 occupancy place without parking. There are 62 entitlements now operating in Hollywood. There are 40 more coming. Another 2,600 member occupancy is coming to the old Fredericks Building.

  • Dexter Jones – Executive Director “The Way In” Salvation Army Youth Program.  Mr. Russell Prince will conduct surveys in Hollywood Area to find out how the Salvation Army can be more involved with the community. Rita Byrd – Business Manager – SilverCrest – Salvation Army Senior Residence was also present.
  • Barbara Ferris – Managing Director of Symphony In the Glen announced a free concert in Griffith Park Sunday, October 14th – “Out of the Ashes – celebration of Hereos. The events starts at 4:30pm with children’s activities. The concert begins at 6:00pm @ the old Zoo with parking near the Carousel.

6. Update on Villas at Gower Permanent Supportive Housing Development

  • Postponed

7. Executive Committee Reports including but not limited to:
7A. President:
7A-1) Presentation: Postponed.

7A-3) At the October 15th Board meeting we will:

  • Install New Board Members
  • Elect new Executive Committee

7A-4) On Saturday, October 20th we will have the HUNC Workshop.

7B – Treasurer:

Scott Larson – Requested a listing of encumbered funds regarding HUNC expenditures
Gary Slossberg – All Election expenses are in the Election line. He also discussed the 7 re-allocations of funds.
Ryan Hass – Requested an inventory of what is in storage, and how is storage used.  Do we have items we can use here in our meeting?
Gary Slossberg:  He will inventory all purchases of equipment.
Ryan Hass: So we have two kinds of inventory: 1) what we purchased, and 2) what we are storing.

7B-2) Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Discretionary Expenditures-- Tabled until workshop

7B-3) Gary Slossberg – he has informed Robert Abrahamian regarding treasurer training at Westside Pavilion (Overland and Pico)

7B-4) Approve up to $1,500 for technological support to LAFD Battalion 5- Remove this because LAFD doesn’t need the money at this time.

8A. Additional Funds for one-time charge of $400 for imprint charge (HUNC) for Griffith Park Tables (imbedding) including language of the imprint.

Maurece Chesse recommended the statement – “Enjoy the Beauty” – Hollywood United Neighborhood Council.
Motion:   Maurece Chesse, “That HUNC approve the logo/statement.
Second:  Jordan Birnbaum
Vote:     Yes---12       No---0              Abs---1
Motion:   Maurece Chesse, “To approve up to $500.00 for the imprinting of HUNC logo/statement in Griffith tables donated by HUNC>”
Second:  Jordan Birnbaum
Vote:     Yes---13       No---0              Abs---0

(Note: These imprints will appear on two tables and four benches.)

D. PS&T –
          2. Update on the status of the lot on Franklin at Ivar,
               a. Presentation by Robyn Whitney for a proposed use of the lot.
Robyn Whitney presented the concept of a Hollywood Dell Music Park for this site.
How this land might be used--some options: 

  • Leave as empty land
  • Parking
  • Park
  • Condominiums –(26 units)

An innovative use would be a Music Park. H. B. Barnum, the benefactor, would like to leave a park on this site. This will be a private / public park partnership. Quimby funds could be used to purchase the lot.  Developers contribute to Quimby Funds to help acquire green space. A caretaker will live on the premises. The site would have buildings and 39 parking spaces below ground. Robyn made a power-point presentation with diagrams and renderings showing the envisioned project.

She also noted that keeping it as a park would benefit Hollywood because State Law states that: “Once land is designated as a park it remains a park forever.” There is a need to form a Parks Advisory Board.
Robyn Whitney requested a support letter from HUNC to Tom LaBonge for the Hollywood Dell Music Park.

Motion:  Gary Slossberg, “To support the Hollywood Dell Music Park and to write a letter of support to Tom LaBonge and the appropriate LA City and State officials.”
Second:  Andrew Ettinger
Vote:     Yes---11       No---0              Abs---1

10-D-3) Motion from PS&T
Motion: To require the City of Los Angeles to develop a realistic plan for developers’ parking onsite requirements to be based on the actual usage of public transportation in Los Angeles and not the current method of extrapolating based on Cities in the United States that have a well-established and extensive public transportation systems, have a smaller defined City limits and do not have the existing severe lack of parking in the transportation corridor areas that already severely impact quality of life.

Stakeholder Richard MacNaughton – supports this motion. Just because you use mass transit doesn’t mean you won’t need a car.

Motion:   Erik Sanjurjo, “That HUNC approve this motion from PS&T.”
Second:  Jordan Birnbaum
Vote:     Yes---9         No---0              Abs---1

The Planning Department and LA City are authorizing development without adequate assessment of parking needs. HUNC would express this view (the concepts in this motion) by:

  • Writing a letter to Planning Department
  • Attaching this motion to a City Council motion

10-D-1. Request to install parking meters on Bronson Avenue south of Fire House. 
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “To support the installation of up to 12 parking meters along Bronson Street south of the Fire Station 82 (east side preferably) in order to qualify the area for funds from the City Parking Transit Fund for underground parking at a new Fire Station 82.” Discussion but no second.

10-D-4 Motion from PS&T
Motion: HUNC opposes the current Planning Department method of calculating the number of parking spaces needed in areas near transit lines as well as the recent proposal detailed in the August 30 L.A. Weekly to further decrease the number of parking spaces needed to build.  We call on the City to perform a parking study specific to Los Angeles to determine what the true usage is of public transportation so that these figures can be used in calculating more realistic parking requirements.
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve the motion from PS&T.”
Second: Maurece Chesse
Amendment to 10 d 4 by Gary Slossberg: “We further call on the City to urge Los Angeles residents to use public transit more to mitigate the problems associated with the shortage of parking in Hollywood.” This friendly amendment was accepted.
Vote:     Yes---11       No---0              Abs---0

9. Elections
      1) Volunteer sign-up for Election night, funding for party.
          Susan Swan: We need more volunteers to sign-up to help with the election night.
     2) Need for & approval of Supplemental Funds for 2007 HUNC Elections & mailing.
Motion:   Gary Slossberg, “Approve an additional allocation by taking 2800 from rent-line and from community events for a total of 5,500.00
Second:  Bechir Blagui
Vote:     Yes---10       No---0      Abs---1

10. Committee & Liaison Reports including but not limited to:

10 A) Education and Youth:
            1) Update on the Cheremoya beautification grant project.

2) Approval of $400 for Cost Overrun for Cheremoya Mural Grand
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “To approve $400.00 for cost over-run for Cheremoya Mural Grand Opening .”
Second:  Norma Foster
Vote:     Yes---11       No---0     Abs---0

  10 C) PLUM
                1) Request by T-Mobile to put a 50 foot monopole in the shape of a tree along with 6 steel cabinets at the north side of the water tower at 2799 Creston Drive.

  • No action taken

2) Mansionization of Communities.

  • Postpone to workshop

3) Update on Yucca/Argyle beautification project.
Norma Foster – There was a good presentation by CD13’s Helen Leung.  The funding will come from the developers before their projects are complete.

10-D) PS&T
            1) Request to install parking meters on Bronson Avenue south of Fire House. 
Erik Sanjurjo – This is not part of a parking district because there are no meters. With meters, this would qualify us for parking funds
Motion:   Erik Sanjurjo, “That HUNC Support a maximum of 12 metered spaces on Bronson Avenue, south of Fire Station 82.
Second:  Rodney Hargrove
Vote:     Yes---11       No---1    Abs---0

10- E)  Emergency Preparedness update
          1) Oaks Evacuation Drill – After-event briefing for discussion/possible action - Motion - HUNC letter on Pluses and Minus or overview of Evacuation Drill - challenges and suggestions for correction on future drill exercises.

  • Move to workshop

10 F)  DWP:  NC/DWP MOU Oversight Committee Update

10-F-1) Proposed letter regarding recent DWP outages

  • Postponed

10-F-2) Motion to support the NC/LADWP Memorandum of Understanding Oversight Committee Letter of Resolution to not recommend  the DWP proposed Water and Power Base Rate Increases, Reliability or Deferred Maintenance Adjustments, Pass Through or Surcharges  Increases. Oversight Committee does not recommend Water, Power, Surcharges, and Pass Through, Rate Action Increases. OSC does not recommend Transfers to City General Fund or non core projects.  The amount transferred is not "excess" money, but comes from rate increases. OSC is concerned about the salary disparities between DWP, City and other Utilities and how this affects the cost of infrastructure, of outsourcing vs in house, reflects 70% of budget. OSC is concerned that the 30-70 year deferred maintenance has affected services. New Bond issues are already with City Council.  Little or no notice was given to NCs or stake holders. OSC objects to the lack of 120 days time to respond after the Huron Report on 8/18/07.  DWP did not follow City's directive, CF 05-0548,  to provide 120 days to respond.  News Release from DWP has cut the time shorter, by asking for our input by 9/21/07.
OSC recommends a Rate Payers' Advocate to ensure transparency in budget preparation.

Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve the motion from the NC/DWP Oversight Committee.”
Second:  Jordan Birnbaum
Vote:     Yes---11       No---0     Abs---0

11. Grievance Ad Hoc Committee update and possible recommendations

  • Postpone
  • Gary Slossberg wants the Committee to hear the grievance regardless of what form it is on.

12. Old Business
            A) Notification that the date of the Annual Hollywood Beautification Team Event has been changed to October 2nd.

13. New Business/Announcements

  • Erik Sanjurjo – 912 Commission recommendation came out today
  • Gary Slossberg – he is running for East Hollywood NC Board.
  • Norma Foster – clarification for Candidates Forum

Hollywood Music Park letter

Dear ______,

The Hollywood United Neighborhood Council would like to extend its enthusiastic support of the proposed Hollywood Dell Music Park to be built on the Caltrans empty lot at the intersection of  Ivar Street, Franklin Blvd and the 101 Freeway.  The park is an innovative and cost-effective way to create more green space in Hollywood and to celebrate the accomplishments of musicians and (_____________) in the Hollywood area.
We strongly encourage the City and State to make all efforts to provide the adequate funding to make the Hollywood Dell Music Park a reality.


Adjourned at 9 PM

Charles Suhayda
Recording Secretary, Hollywood United Neighborhood Council