finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Monday, November 19th, 2007


Agenda Item (AI) 1.  Welcome and Roll Call
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Jordan Birnbaum, Andy Ettinger, Maurece Chesse, Rodney Hargrove, Ryan Ole Hass, Bree Long, Jamie Rosenthal, Hilaery Royce, Erik Sanjurjo, David Schlesinger, Charles Suhayda, Susan Swan.
Excused: Debbi Aldahl, William Logue, Bechir Blagui (?), Scott Larson (?).

AI 2.   Approval of Minutes from October 15, 2007 Board Meeting

Motion:  David Schlesinger, “To approve the Board minutes with corrections.”
Second:  Maurece Chesse
Vote:  Yes – 11       No -   0        Abs -   0
AI 3.  LAPD and LAFD Announcements

SLO – Mike Shea – Distributed 2 Crime Statistics reports:

  • Overall Crimes
  • Hollywood Area – Violent Crimes

To date – we are at a -2.6% decrease in crimes. What’s hurting is a +7.8% increase in violent crimes. Our goal is a 5% reduction in overall crime.

SLO – Paula Davidson
          LAPD- FBI targeted MS-13 gang members in Hollywood/ Rampart area.  45 arrest warrants were served and 40 people were arrested. Then Department of Children and Family Services took 20 children into care homes. The targeted geographical area: East of Western – Lemon Grove, Kingsley, all the way to Rampart

SLO Armen Sevdalian
          December 15th (Saturday) LAPD Hollywood division hosts the Children’s Christmas Party. Anyone who wants to volunteer call:  Heather Beller at 213-485-4316 or 213-485-4310.
On November 20th – Demonstration by writer’s guild along Hollywood Blvd.
The Christmas Parade this coming Sunday.

AI 3- Mike Feuer – California Assembly member 42nd district Report

The new Session starts in January ’08.  The Assembly is wow in a special session to work on 2 important issues:
          1, Health Care reform (vote tomorrow)
          2.  Water – there is a loss of water supply from the north to LA

Another current debate in Sacramento is whether to build more roads or to build more mass transportation

Mr Feuer made additional comments on the issue of water. We use no more water in LA then we used in 1987.  Yet we have 1 million more people.  He doesn’t see re-negotiation of the compact between CA/ AZ/ NEV on the use of Colorado River water.  There will continue to be a struggle between CA agriculture which uses 80% of the state’s water and the cities. Another facet on the debate over water is whether to conserve and recycle, or to build more reservoirs in the northern part of the state.


AI 5A.  Ben Saltsman – Planning Deputy for Zev. Yaroslavsky – update on SB1818 – passed in 2004
This legislation gave a 3-fold directive:

  • Reduced the parking standards if Affordable Housing (AH) is offered (as small as 5%)
  • Provides a density bonus : 100 units – 11 units Affordable Housing = 135 units total
  • Waives Zoning standards (height, FAR, set back, etc) if you have AH units

The City of LA has to adopt an ordinance to implement SB1818.  But the City will worsen the situation because they created a menu of incentives for developers.  The ‘menu’ is so generous that it defeats the purpose of the menu.

Unintended consequences:

  • Our zoning standards created for (?)
  • Where will density, sewer, water, transportation go if you create on an Ad Hoc basis

Build AH through public financing.
The City can improve their ordinance and can comply with SB1818. Two weeks ago City PLUM began to address the issues

Zev Yaroslavsky, County Supervisor for District 3 believes:

  • We shouldn’t allow height increases next to Single Family residential / family neighborhoods

2 ) Only allow FAR within 1500 ft of fixed transit. The reason for using the fixed transit criteria is because of the problem that at a major bus stop, the bus stops 4 times / hr between 5-7 PM. This is almost every bus stop in LA and would allow FAR.
3)  Some people claim they are only implementing SB1818. But the City is more generous than the Stat Law with density bonuses. The State:  10%, the City:       15%.

4) The City can deny a zoning request for 2 reasons: (?)
The AH scales are defined as:
  Moderate  80 – 100% of Area Median Income (AMI)
   Low         50 – 80% of AMI
  Very Low  below 50% of AMI

AI 5B. Tom Rothman – LA City Planning update on proposed parking ordinance
He manages the code studies unit. He looks as how to change the zoning code.  In last year there have been a number of changes to the parking code.  Now we have:          Robotic garages and tandem parking in Single Family home driveways

To amend an existing provision of zoning code you need to: seek variances and prove 5 hardships. To reduce parking you need to:  Provide a flex car or transit passes for workers.
There are many requests to reduce parking capacity.  Now there are also requests for residential areas

Erik Sanjurjo:  With the high cost of housing, people rent claiming not to own a car – and they actually have cars.  Biggest problem is apartment buildings without parking in Hollywood.
Tom R – We’re granting variances to developers who are not providing flex cars.
Rodney Hargrove – We’re allowing developers to skip a step
Tom R – We’re changing the process.  It now goes to a Zoning Administrator.  There will be public input.  This is not by right.
David Schlesinger:  We’re exasperating a parking deficit.  I haven’t heard anything about City owned parking garages like - Burbank, Pasadena, etc. I’ve heard the planning Dept say we have a great mass transportation System.  But most people don’t agree.  There are a lot of places that transit doesn’t go to.
Tom R – The commute may be as long by car as by bus. The cost for parking construction:

  • Minimum in LA--$25,000 for a PS
  • Minimum in Downtown is $40,000 for a PS

The Parking Space requirements:  2 ¼ space / condo unit of 2 or more bedrooms

Robert Abrahamian:  Is the ZA in touch with DOT?  We’ll have more people.  We need to think about building more parking.

Susan Polifronio:  She doesn’t trust the City to make this change without teeth. 

Russ Brown (DLANC):
He opposes this proposal because this de-links parking and development.  How do you create shared parking when there is no incentive for developers?  There are problems downtown and the way this is written now is not workable.
Tom R: This Ordinance will be at full committee this Wednesday –to be sent to City Attorney. Some are proposing an in lieu of fee

AI 10- Proposed approval of $260 from membership line item for Hollywood Chamber of Commerce membership – Le Ron Gubler

Erik Sanjurjo – We had concerns of the Chamber opposing Neighborhood Council files. NC files would allow Councils to be a real part of City discussions.
LeRon- We can always improve dialogue.  There were 17 recommendations on NC recommendations. We approved of 16 of them, but differ on one recommendation.
Motion:  Erik Sanjurjo – Approve $260 for Hollywood Chamber membership
Second:  Jordan Birnbaum
Vote:           Yes – 11                No – 0                   Abs – 1

AI 5C – Mayor’s Office
– No report

AI 5D – Helen Leung – CD 13
She has handouts from CD13—New updates. Some highlights:

  • Every week there are Hollywood / Vine Construction meetings
  • Anticipate the closure of Selma / Argyle
  • Camden Whole Foods – opens 3rd quarter of 2008
  • Hollywood Santa Parade – Sunday after Thanksgiving


AI 5D – Doug Mensman – CD 4

  • Tom is removing his name from (?)
  • Department of Rec & Parks – Will have a public meeting on 11/28/07 at Friendship Auditorium for the purpose of listening to what the community wants from Rec & Parks
  • Holiday Lights – 11/20 – 12/25 pedestrian only. This opened tonight

AI 6—Public Comment on items not on the agenda
Raymond Yu: He attended the “Subway to the Sea” meeting today. Also announced the Hollywood Christmas Parade.

AI 7-(PLUM) Update on 5769 Briarcliff Road/5750 Valley Oak Drive variance request and possible motion/letter
Gary Morris (Pacific Crest Consultants): Our plan was not well received, so we made changes to the plan. We moved the guard house. We withdrew the plan to build the wall. We will not remove landscaping along the street, but will increase the landscaping. Delivery trucks will go to the front entrance of the property to the maximum extent possible. We will covenant on the use of the gatehouse and it will remain in effect even if the property is sold. He now has a new plan.
Motion: David Schlesinger, “In as much as both parties have come to an agreement of the variance request, the HUNC supports the variance application.”  This refers to Case# ZA 2007-2354 (ZAA) (ZAD).
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Vote: Yes—11       No—0                   Abs—0
Note: See letter submitted by Pacific Crest Consultants.

AI 8 – Presentation on Autry Expansion Proposal
          Faith Raiguel--CEO / VP of Autry National Center. Made a power point presentation to the Board on the planned construction and changes at the Autry Center and the Southwest Museum. She distributed a flier to all of the Board on the project.

AI 9 – Presentation on the Handelman Project at Yucca & Argyle and possible motion letter
Presentation of project with architectural renderings by:

  • Ira Handelman – Handelman Consulting on Project at 1800 N. Argyle
  • David Zack
  • David Nix – NCA
  • Chris Coe--Architect


  • All ingress and egress from property will be off Yucca.
  • Design review committee of CD 13 has approved the project.
  • Parking is according to code.
  • $1 million – placed into AH Trust Fund
  • $500K – set into Green Space fund
  • They’d like to see re-vitalization of Franklin / Argyle
  • 170 PS (of which 21 PS are guest parking)
  • At a minimum this be a lead certified building
  • Signage – Looking into signage in east facing wall.  Hoping to comply with the sign ordinance.
  • EIR – next 30 – 60 days
  • Project goes before CRA Board in Feb 2008
  • Project goes before ZA in January 2008

Chris Coe – Building is on the edge between the urban City and the residential hillside area. The design has spectacular views, clean curves, thin –feel, and  light.

Motion:  Bree Long, “To endorse and support this project (1800 N. Argyle).”

Second:  David Schlesinger
Vote:                    Yes- 11                 No – 0         Abs – 0

Erik Sanjurjo – friendly amendment:  We support the project and request that the funds be spent within ½ mile of the project.
David Schlesinger – We want the signage at a minimum and this should be in writing.

AI 11 Ziggy Kruse of the HSDNC and Sonya Young Jimenez of the Lemon Grove Park Recreation Center: announcement and request for  assistance with the Fourth Annual Multi Cultural Holiday Party, hosted by HSDNC and the Lemon Grove Park Recreation Center, $300 for toys.

Motion:  Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve the allocation of $300 for toys for the Holiday Party.”
Second:  Robert Abrahamian
Vote:           Yes – 10                No – 0                   Abs – 0

AI 12. Tabled from October: Approval of up to $150 for Villas at Gower Open House Event.

Motion: Charles Suhayda, “To approve of up to $150 for Villas at Gower Open House Event.”
Second:  Erik Sanjurjo
Vote:           Yes – 10                No – 0                   Abs- 0


AI 13  Discussion and possible motion regarding the suggestions laid out in the 912 Commission report on Neighborhood Councils

Erik Sanjurjo gave the following update:

  • Education & Neighborhood Committee (City of LA) is taking up this matter tomorrow at 1:40 pm
  • They will look at changing the NC election process. There will be a Pilot Project in 2008 with anticipated implementation in 2010.             

Erik asked that this be table to the next meeting.

AI 14 Update on QUIMBY funds and possible motion regarding proposals for using the funds.

Erik Sanjurjo – QUIMBY funds only come from condos not apartments. In HUNC’s boundaries there are about 5 developments totaling about $500,000 in QUIMBY funds.

He will ask CRA about park.

15.  Update from PATH on HERO program and Walk on Nov 17.

Rudy Salivar – Director for Outreach for PATH gave the following report:

  • Homewalk LA – 3,700 people participated on Nov 17th
  • HERO – Presented a 1-page written report entitled, “PATH HERO Outreach, Narratives and Trends, October 2007.
  • Extended an invitation for a ride-along for those who want to see first hand


AI 16  Executive Committee Reports

A.  President – Susan Swan
          1.  Approve Standing Rules

Motion:  Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve the standing rules as presented.”
Second:  Jordan Birnbaum
Vote:           Yes- 10                 No – 0                   Abs – 0

          2.  Hollywood Coalition – Will meet in January 2008

          3.  Eastern Boundary Change

B.  Vice President – Maurece Chesse

          1.  NBC /Universal – this is a huge scale project.  Studio City NC opposed to the project. Studio City Council is against this project. This is a 25 year project

C.  Treasurer Report – Ryan Ole Hass

          1.  Hand out on finances provided to Board.
                        Budget / Finance meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month

          2.  Financial Procedures:
          We met with DONE finance trainer – Susan, Ryan, Maurece and                        Charles

Motion:  Ryan Ole Hass, “That HUNC approve the revised budget and finance procedures.”
Second:  Erik Sanjurjo
Vote:           Yes- 9                   No – 0                   Abs – 0


AI 17 D1 Finance/Budget—Proposal to assist in purchase of turkeys for Life Choir Thanksgiving Dinner up to $1,000.00.

Linda Smith – Made a presentation on the event; it has been self- supported for 26 years.
Ryan Ole Hass – Thanksgiving Day Dinner will be at Hollywood Community Center at Cahuenga and Santa Monica. This event serves the elderly and the homeless.
Motion:  Ryan Ole Hass, “To provide up to $1000 to Life Choir for turkeys, dessert and coffee.”
Second:  Andrew Ettinger
Vote:           Yes – 9                  No -   0                 Abs – 0

AI 17A Education & Youth-Update on food drive for Cheremoya

  • Tabled

17b – PLUM 1. Motion:
          “Whereas the Planning Department says they will have a revised Hollywood Plan perhaps as soon as November 2008, no sooner; Whereas the LA City Council is about to consider “bonuses” to builders per SB 1818 which will densify Hollywood and decrease parking below current Zoning Code requirements, remove front yards and thus green spaces w/o provision of other green spaces, necessarily and relax other requirements as the Council sees fit; NOW THEREFORE It is apparent that rapid and sweeping changes are being made in Hollywood with no valid plan guidance, and the HUNC, in concert with the other adjacent NCs should immediately organize and present a protest to the City, demanding a halt in development until research has been done and appropriate plans revised, approved and in place.”
Motion: David Schlesinger, “To approve the motion from PLUM as presented.”
Second: Ryan Hass
Erik Sanjurjo: Raised the question of how we could approve such a motion; then asked that it be tabled. Tabled by Board.

AI 17C-2 Tabled from October: Security issues regarding First Presbyterian Church, support for an possible funding for security cameras on City poles.    


AI 17C -1    PS &T: Update on CPAB
Ryan Ole Hass and William Logue gave a brief report.

AI 18 Outreach—Christmas Tree, plants, toys or other Holiday HUNC outreach options  

  • PAL Christmas Party Assistance Request (donations and volunteers)

B)  Spark of Love Toy Drive Assistance Request (need for box locations and donation solicitations).        LAFD asks that more boxes be put out.

Motion:  Susan Swan – Budget up to $1,000 for Holiday Outreach with designation by the Treasurer
Second:  Jamie Rosenthal
Vote:           Yes – 9                  No – 0                   Abs -0

AI 19 – New Business

Ryan Ole Hass – the food tonight from Ralph’s. Next month a holiday pot luck.

Erik Sanjurjo – movie – A Christmas Story – Sunday, December 9th at 2 pm at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood – FREE event
Susan Swan
          1.  By Laws Committee next Tuesday at 6 pm
          2.  Certificate of appreciation for Viktoria Gaw

Adjourned 9:48 pm


Charles Suhayda
HUNC Recording Secretary