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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Minutes for March 20, 2006
6:30-8:30 PM
Community Room
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood

Agenda Item 1 ---Roll Call & Approval of Minutes from December 19, 2005 Meeting.

Roll Call : Present: Robert Abrahamian, Ann DeBello, Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Joel Fisher, Norma Foster, Viktoria Gaw, Scott Larson, Susan Polifronio, Hilary Royce, David Schlessinger, Charles Suhayda, Susan Swan. Excused: Jordan Birnbaum.

Minutes from the February 21, 2005 board meeting were approved after review. Motion:   Joel Fisher: To approve the minutes. Second:   Susan Swan.

VOTE:   Yes - 13       No - 0

Agenda Item 2 ---Police Department Crime Stats Report:

SLO Armen Sevdalian - We have 2 new Senior Lead Officers (SLO) in Hollywood-Paula Davidson and Maggie Fernansky. There are two reports for tonight:

A) Crime in Hollywood : Historically, crime in Hollywood has primarily been property crimes, such as burglary, theft and break-ins. Captain Sanchez has noticed that there are some problems in the area encompassed by: 101 freeway to Gower, and Gower to Sunset, and Sunset to the 101. Two things have been done to deal with crime in this area. 1) Undercover narcotics sweeps. There was a narcotics sweep in the St. Moritz Hotel which culminated with a shooting on the roof of the hotel of a suspect. This first phase is now over. 2) Sargent George Hoops leads the Property Crimes Unit. His unit has placed decoy bicycles and items into cars and by this means has made arrests. The property crime rate has decreased about 19%.

B) White Fence Injunction : The City Attorney and Gang Unit Officers are now working the area: Franklin to Santa Monica, Bronson to Vermont. They want to expand the injunction to Gower/Vine to the west. Up to this point White Fence has not gone north of Franklin Ave.

Agenda Item 3 :  Public Comments--Items not on the Agenda

· Gary Slossberg : Announced that he was getting married.

· Bill Hooey : Expressed disappointment over an e-mail that is circulating concerning Florentine Gardens that appears to be from HUNC.

· Anne DeBello : She sent the e-mail in question to Council members LaBonge and Garcetti. This was a personal communication and it has nothing to do with the HUNC.

· Susan Polifronio : No letter from the HUNC Board has gone out on any matter concerning FG.

· Enci : Some suggestions-1) Name tags of placards to identify HUNC Board members, 2) Better distribution of minutes, 3) Better notification and distribution of motions.

· KC Schmidt : Expressed concern over the lack of proper ENS (early notification system) by Eric Garcetti to stakeholders and the HUNC Board. In an e-mail, Eric Garcetti stated that all matters relating to the Gower Street Project should be referred to Bea Hsu. Susan Polifronio reply : HUNC will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting to address homelessness in Hollywood and the Gower Street Project. HUNC had a Task Force that wrote a very strong letter to the city on this project and ENS.

· KC Schmidt : This Saturday (March 25 th ) there will be a rally at Hollywood & Vine to demonstrate against eminent domain.

· Christine Jerian : She has fliers for the mandatory conflict of interest training that is required for Board members of all NCs. By the end of 2006 all Board members must complete this training.

· Raymond Yu : The LA Marathon was successful, but unfortunately 2 people died of heart attacks. On April 30, 2006-the 17 th Annual Fiesta Broadway for Cinco De Mayo.

· Chris Shabel : Remember the Saturday event at 1 PM at Bernard's Luggage; a demonstration against eminent domain. There will be petitions that can be signed against eminent domain. There was an ABC News item concerning the possible sale of the Capitol Records Bldg. All NCs need to meet to discuss ongoing development/redevelopment in Hollywood. Finally, the Annual Dinner of the Hollywood Highland Democratic Club will be on Sunday, March 26 th at the Forbidden City Restaurant. The speaker will be Congresswoman Diane Watson.

· Jaime Rosenthal : Who decides when Hollywood Streets are closed down for such things as parades, marches, etc? Joel Fisher reply : There are 2 ways this is decided: 1) Demonstrators can go downtown and get a permit to march. This is their 1 st amendment right. 2) For other events, such as a premiere, there are 2 ways streets can be closed---either by a City Council member, or by the Street Closure Committee. Susan Polifronio reply : Baydsar Thomasian, in Council Member Garcetti's office, is the person you should contact.

Agenda Item 3A : Reading the proposed changes to HUNC by-laws re: Elections.

            Proposed changes were read by Board Member Gary Slossberg. Request by David Schlesinger that this go back to the by-laws committee. Susan Polifronio indicated that there would be a dedicated by-laws meeting coming up on April 2 nd . Most of the original board members were involved in drafting the original by-laws. Susan Swan-Move to send the by-laws changes back to the committee. Second by David Schlesinger. Discussion-Susan Polifronio the purpose here was a first reading of the proposed changes to by-laws. Stephen Box: Concerning the changes that have been recommended, Gary Slossberg did a good job..focusing on the election portions. Action: sent back to committee, no vote necessary.

Agenda Item 4 : Executive Committee Reports -

· President-Susan Polifronio -A complaint has been filed by Richard McNaughton concerning seats on the NC. There is an event for NCs being planned for Hollywood & Highland. Those NCs participating are: Hollywood Hills West, Hollywood Central, Hollywood Studio, and HUNC. This is being referred to the events committee of HUNC. Debbie Weibe and Anastasia are coordinating this event.

· VP - Susan Swan -We are moving the website to a different company

· Rec. Sec. Charles Suhayda - No report

Treas. - Maurece Chesse - We are being reloaded with $16,000 with $6,250 going to the credit card and the balance going into the HUNC account.

Agenda Item 4A-Standing Rules for HUNC appointed Representatives (for action). --- "Any person or Board member officially appointed to represent HUNC on any body shall not voice personal opinion as being the opinion of HUNC. Any representations made on behalf of HUNC or appearing to be from HUNC shall have been voted upon by the Board of Directors of HUNC. Representatives are then free to discuss HUNC's position on those matters within the parameters given by the Board.

Motion: By Susan Swan to adopt this standing rule. Second: Viktoria Gaw.


· Jim McQuiston : Stakeholders need to be informed of everything you want to do. Need enough copies for the public. On these standing rules, I don't like the last sentence. You can't sounds like you're opening up the door to something. I recommend that you remove "discuss" and instead add "present."

Amendment: Read amended version (based on McQuistion) of this standing rule by Susan Polifronio. Motion: Norma Foster to accept amendement. Second: Gary Slossberg. Vote on amendment:   Yes---16   No---0

Vote on the main motion:   Yes---16   No---0.

Motion: By Susan Swan to remove Item 6B from the agenda. Second: Joel Fisher. Vote:   Yes---16   No---0.

Agenda Item 5A-DWP: CPOR :

· Andrew Ettinger , Board member working on matters related to the DWP, distributed a one-page written report to the HUNC Board, entitled-"The CPOR/LADWP matters, previously submitted for discussion and action," dated 3/20/06 (see attachment). [CPOR-Coalition to Preserve Open Reservoirs]. Andy invited Mr. Chris Hesse of the CPOR to make a presentation to the Board. Mr. Hesse reviewed the history of negotiations on the Hollywood Water Quality Improvement Project (HWQIP) which spans 1989-2005 (see attachment). After the presentation, Andy Ettinger made the following Motion: "That the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council recognize, support and endorse the continuation of the long-standing working relationship between the CPOR and the LADWP; as the CPOR has proven their value in this process for the past 16 years, as community advisors and representatives. We hereby confirm that the CPOR has and does represent the best interests of our neighborhood,and adjacent neighborhoods; that HUNCs CPOR member organizations are hereby authorized to negotiate on behalf of HUNC with the LADWP; and that the February 2006 draft of the Hollywood MOU be approved in principle; and that the common MOU between CPOR and LADWP be approved; and that the CPOR/LADWP mediation process continue through 2006 and 2007, with later discussions and extensions." No Second . Question from Recording Secretary on lines 7,8 of motion---.. that HUNCs CPOR member organizations are hereby authorized to negotiate on behalf of HUNC with the LADWP... Can we authorize CPOR to negotiate with LADWP on behalf of HUNC? Motion: By Norma Foster, "That the HUNC Board appoint our Board member, Andy Ettinger to act on HUNC's behalf with CPOR and LADWP and Homeowner groups to conclude the matter by returning with information and all MOU's for the Boards consideration." Second: Charles Suhayda. Discussion: Gary Slossberg -Standing Rules state that Board members can only state HUNC's position. Russ Brown -We have experts here who've worked with the LADWP Planning Process. Anne DeBello -Put in language that NCs who've worked with the DWP should be included in our group. In addition to the CPOR that we support the NCs of Los Angeles that are working with the DWP on MOU's. Erik Sanjurjo -Willing to facilitate a meeting between parties. JimMcQuiston -He's very concerned about the public safety of the reservoir. He wouldn't leave it up to the people who live around the reservoir to handle the situation. You cannot turn over HUNC responsibilities to another group. You can't send someone to negotiate. Don't get caught up in trying to be the City Council. The NCs represent all stakeholders, not just a homeowners association. Susan Polifronio -Sending this back to Andy Ettinger, and will need to get MOUs to HUNC. Vote: Yes----16    No---0.

Agenda Item 3-Public Comment (continued) : Jacqueline Wolf McNary displayed photos that showed that many signs warning people of rattlesnakes in the Hollywood Hills have been removed. She has been talking to the City to get the signs replaced.

Agenda Item 5B-LANC: Request for revisiting of HUNC's participation in LANC :

· Norma Foster -How can we commit to anything when we don't have by-laws for LANC. They are still in the formation process. Why do we need to rush into this? We have a Congress of NCs, why do we need this? Actually, Susan Polifronio and Susan Swan should be our LANC representatives. Maurece Chesse -My concern is that there will be another layer upon the NCs. That first meeting was very chaotic. There were no demonstrative statements on finances or legal liabilities. No statement on officer liabilities. Its still not structured to the point where I see any clarity here.

· Ken Draper -(Editor of City Watch; member of the Mid-City West Community Council; LA Neighborhood Council Congress-LANCC). Thus far 38 NCs have joined. The first meeting of LANCC was dysfunctional. However, your NC also had a turbulent beginning. That's part of the formation process. LANCC chose to have an open process. To start with a blank page on the structure of this congress. The March 4 th meeting was very functional. Regarding liability and the Brown Act, both of these are currently before the City Attorney. We'll get an answer soon. We were interested in expanding communication with the NCs as fast as possible. When your NC sends a representative to LANCC, you are doing the business of the City and you are covered by the City's insurance.

· Motion: By Norma Foster, "That at this time HUNC not belong to LANCC until we have more information, by-laws, articles of incorporation, and until LANCC is formalized; once formalized HUNC will reconsider this matter." Second: Robert Abrahamian. Discussion: Anne DeBello --We need to be better connected to other NCs on issues affecting the City of Los Angeles, i.e. pollution. Russ Brown -We talkabout cooperation with the homeowner groups on the reservoir. We cooperate all the time. The LANCC meeting-all the issues raised tonight were discussed. Joel Fisher was elected to represent us. David Schlesinger -I don't like the idea of another organization serving as a filter. Remember that at one time we had the idea of 4 NCs in Hollywood with a 5 th NC that would overlay the 4 others. This overlaying NC would collect City dollars and distribute it to the 4 others. Our voice will be one out of 38. I'm voting against this again. Susan Swan -We need to support it so we can help frame it. Maurece Chesse -I want to see the questions answered. Initially it would be a resource center for information? Robert Abrahamian -I personally don't care about LAX and the Habor. We shouldn't be the Mayor. We have so much work to do. LAX is the City Council's issue and the Mayor's issue. Andy Ettinger -Did we appoint someone? ANS : We originally appointed Joel Fisher to the working group at the time LANCC was forming. Scott Larson : HUNC is here for Hollywood. LANCC will take us off our focus. Hilary Royce -We have a lot of issues here in Hollywood and a lot on our plate. It's a bit premature to jump in (to LANCC) but we should be kept informed about what's going on. We have a representative who attends meetings and keeps us informed. Viktoria Gaw -We've had enough difficulties on our Board. Things we need to clean up. Jeff Jacoberger -(Secretary for LANCC; member of the Mid-City Community Council). This is not another layer of government. This is for cooperation between NCs. For example, we just had the LA Marathon and it disrupted many neighborhoods. Cities belong to other umbrella collaborative organizations---SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments), the Association of Cities, etc. We are in formation. Come and join us in helping form this organization. Maurece Chesse -What upset me was Janice Hahn's statement, "You don't need the City Council (LA City) anymore." Stephen Box -This was a very contentious issue. There are PRO people here, but no CON people here. What about the process-1) resolution to join (motion? Agenda item?), 2) representative appointed, 3) completed paperwork; we didn't follow the process. Susan Polifronio -We've discussed this in previous HUNC meetings and took a vote. I filled out the paperwork for our delegate. Jim McQuiston -This is a problem for the HUNC Board. The stakeholders will perhaps sue the Board and the City will not defend you. The law is the City Charter. The problem-even if the City Attorney tells you something, opinions are opinions until the Court rules. Mike Miller -The issues in Hollywood are important issues. KC Schmidt -This seems like a powerplay. What problems does Hollywood have that downtown has? Encie -HUNC is for the neighborhood. We have so much to take care of here first. Vote: Yes---10   No---3   Abstain---1.

Agenda Item 6-Old Business :

A) Request for input to 912 NC review Commission for Action: Susan Polifronio -please provide information for a community impact statement by April2, 2006 to Susan Polifronio.

B) Request for $500 - $1,000 for Mayor's Big Sunday of Serrvice-Outreach for action: Hilary Royce : The Mayor's Day of Service (Big Sunday) is May 7 th . The area where we will be working is the Girl's Camp in the Bronson Canyon. We expect 50-100 volunteers. We are requesting $1,000. The money will be used for supplies, barbecue, and outreach. We'll have a full budget for you. Motion: By Susan Polifronio, "That HUNC provide $1,000 to the Mayor's Big Sunday Event." Second: Robert Abrahamian. Vote: Yes---13   No---0.

Agenda Item 5-Committee Report : Hilary Royce -HUNC will host a Town Hall on April 24 th or 25 th . The Social Service and Faith-based Committee is coordinating the event. The rough agenda is-first hour will be an overview of homelessness in Hollywood; the second hour will focus on the Gower Street Project.

Agenda Item 7-New Business : There are 25 plus small theaters in Hollywood. We should use HUNC surplus funds to do outreach through these theaters. These neighborhood theaters could run small ads for HUNC in their program brochures. Susan Polifronio -we'll send this to the outreach committee.

· Robert Abrahamian -1) that HUNC moves to limit the number of CUPs (Conditional Use Permits) in Hollywood., 2) All Board members sign a conflict of interest statement, 3) Everything should be available to the public.

· Susan Polifronio -The next HUNC Board meeting is on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 because Hollywood Presbyterian Church will be closed on Monday 4/17.

· Russ Brown -Hollywood Hills West NC has a proposal. The night clubs have been impacting everyone. Need to look at the CUPs. Currently, each NC looks at this piecemeal. Liquor licenses are coming in incrementally. There will be a Hollywood/Highland Outreach by NCs because of rapid development of projects in Hollywood.

· Susan Polifronio -The HUNC by-laws meeting is on April 8 th from 1 to 5 PM.

· Norma Foster -New rules for CPAB. Everyone who joins the CPAB Board has to serve on committees.

· Viktoria Gaw -The LA River Clean-up is on May 5 th for the general public and May 6 th for kids. In case of rain the event is moved to May 20 th .

· This Wednesday from 6 to 8:30 PM there is a meeting of the LA River Master Plan. The location is 435 S. Boyle Ave.

· Erik Sanjurjo -On FS 82, he made a mistake and passed along hearsay. We'll make a final decision on FS 82 at the end of the month. There will be a meeting of CD 13 & 4, the LAFD Chief and the CAO. There is concern over the costs of this project. There's another oversight committee meeting on March 30 th or 31 st . Discussion will center on whether or not to eminent domain FG. There should also be public discussion on what other sites can be used.

· PLUM meets the second Wednesday of every month.

· Greater Griffith Park Master Plan meets on April 3 rd at 6:30 PM at the Ranger Station in Griffith Park.

MOTION: To Adjourn. Adjourned at 10:00 PM