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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Minutes of the Board Meeting

Date:      Monday, June 15th, 2009
Time:      Full Board Meeting at 6:30 pm
Location: First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood Community Room – 6054 Yucca St. (East of Gower)

1. Welcome and Roll Call
Those present: Don Paul, Bechir Blagui, Andrew Ettinger, Erik Sanjurjo Charles Suhayda, Jamie Rosendahl, Margaret Marmelejo, Maurece Chesse, Rodney Hargrove, Ryan Hass, Susan Swan, Scott Larson.
Those excused: David Schlesinger, Debbi Aldahl, Robert Abrahamian, Jordan Birnbaum.
2. Approval of Minutes for May 18, 2009 Board Meeting
Motion: Don Paul, To approve the April 2009 HUNC Board Minutes.
Second: Maurece Chesse
Vote:  Yes—10      No—0     Abs—1

3. LAPD and LAFD Updates
No reports.
4. Los Angeles City and County Updates including but not limited to:
A. Mayor's Office Updates: none.
B. City Council Office Updates: none.
5. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (2 minutes each)

  1. Emily Chin (Hollywood Arts Council). Hollywood Arts Council is holding its 24th Annual Children’s Festival of the Arts on August 9, 2009 at Paramount Studios. They expect a turnout of 2,000 to 3,000 kids and families. There will be arts workshops and performing groups including: Tibetan prayer flags, a Mariachi band and Lamb chop and Valerie Lewis. HAC is seeking financial support from HUNC. They will print 10,000 brochures. HUNC will be given a table at the arts fair.
  2. Raymond Yu: The Chinatown LA Bid is holding a Chinatown Festival on Saturday, June 27th from 7-11 PM.
  3. Rhonda Guess (LA City College Journalism professor). LA City College prints is own newspaper—The Collegiate. Professor Guess addressed the board and asked HUNC for financial support to help send journalism students to the National Media Convention in Austin, TX (October 28 – November 1, 2009). The estimated cost of sending students is $3,800 and the students have to raise their own funds. Three others spoke: a) Tercius Bufete--he has won 2 cartoonists awards, Theresa Adams—she is the editor of the newspaper and also works PT at the LA Press Club, and Tim Carpenter—he’s interning at  and deals with all of the stats for baseball games.
6. Update on Neighborhood/Community Walks initiated and promoted by Hollywood 7th Day Adventist Church
                Nicole Clavon and Nathan French announced that the next community walk will be on June 16th at 6 PM, starting at the corner of Wilton & Franklin. Walks are scheduled for each Tuesday and will include community photographs. Visit the blog at:

7. Request for letter of support for the Franklin Village Street Fair (10/11/09).
                Anne DeBello spoke on the upcoming Franklin Village Fair. The 5900 block of Franklin between Tamarind and Bronson will be closed for the street fair. She asked that HUNC provide a letter of support.
                Motion: Rodney Hargrove: That HUNC write a letter supporting the Franklin Village Street Fair.
                Second: Scott Larson
                Vote:      Yes---11                 No—0                     Abs—0   8. Request for support, up to $1,000 for the 4th Annual Project YIMBY Connect Day, June 25, 2009 at the Music Box Theater on Hollywood Blvd from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
                Motion: Don Paul, That HUNC provide up to $1,000 for the Project YIMBY Connect Day outreach to the homeless.
                Second: Maurece Chesse
                Vote: Yes---10                       No—0                     Abs---1
9. Newslatter: request for additional $1,500 for production/distribution of the HUNC newsletter scheduled for late July.
                Charles Suhayda gave an update on the newsletter. It will be 4 pages, the content and photos are in place. The newsletter committee believes that this first edition should be mailed, but there will also be an electronic format for e-mail. Want to print 12,000 copies. Provided a handout on the costs of production, print, mail distribution.
                Erik Sanjurjo suggested contacting the Hollywood Independent for info on what a print page would cost. He also said that CD-4 and CD-13 use pdf-e-newsletters. No action was taken by the board, another update will be given at the July board meeting. 10 A—Public Safety & Transportation.
  1. Update on left turn signal at Hollywood & Vine: no new information
  2. Update on 2009 LAHSA Homeless Count: The count data has not yet been released.
  3. Update on proposal to hold committee meetings outside of boundaries at government facilities that are within one-half mile of HUNC boundaries: It may be possible to hold committee meetings at the community police station on a quarterly basis with committees from other Hollywood NCs.
  4. Update on street surveys for tree planting, street paving, sidewalks: We’ll need to schedule walks to look at past tree planting sites and identify future sites.
10 B—Business Committee: Update on efforts to reach out to local businesses.
                The committee wants to set up a booth at the Farmer’s Market on Ivar.
                On the issue of voting on the committee:
  1. A majority of PLUM Committee must approve.
  2. A vote by stakeholders will also be reported.
12-1 Change/adjustment to Standing Rules to include only people with a non-financial interest may vote on issues before committees…
                Motion: Scott Larson, “For a motion in the PLUM Committee to move to the full board, a majority of the permanent members of the committee (board members assigned to that committee) must approve the motion. There will also be a second vote of those in attendance that will be reported to the full board if the motion is approved.”
                Second: Maurece Chesse.
                Vote:      Yes---10                 No—0                     Abs---0 11-B Treasurer’s Report
                Ryan Hass reported that for 2009/2010 the HUNC Admin Assist has been budgeted for 10 hrs/week. He also presented the 2009/2010 budget (handout).
                Motion: Ryan Hass, To approve the 2009/2010 HUNC budget as presented.
                Second: Scott Larson
                Vote:      Yes---10                 No—0                     Abs—1 Meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Charles Suhayda
Recording Secretary