finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Interim Governing Board Meeting, November 6, 2002 6:30 pm at the Best Western Hollywood Hills Community Room, Los Angeles 90068.

Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm by Joel Fisher, Presiding Interim Governing Board Chair. Present: David Schlesinger, Victoria Gaw, Andrew Ettinger, Walter Blackman, Monique de Vernnes, Russ Brown, John Balasz, Maurece Chesse, Joel Fisher, Norma Foster and Susan Polifronio.

1. Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, October 25, 2002 approved.

A. Discussion of response to letters in Hollywood Independent

B. Determination to not respond at this time

2. Brown Act

A. Response from Christine Jerian: Brown Act comes into play with the elected board.

B. All board members encouraged to study the Brown Act.

3. October 25 th

A. Stakeholder draft letter submitted for approval by Andy Ettinger.

B. John Balasz: Add basic description of Neighborhood Council

C. Communications committee will finish letter and place on HUNC website and send to DONE.

D. David Schlesinger: Atwater letter to send to communications committee for review.

E. Walter Blackman: Will DONE write a letter for press release on about our certification?

4. Discussion of Committees For Election

A. Executive Committee Proposal Work assignments from Oct. 25 th

1. Norma Foster: motion to accept.

2. Maurece Chesse: second

3. Discussion: A.Ettinger: We need more people on the Outreach Committee. DONE will supply us with all need according to Christine Jerian. Monique volunteers to be part of the Outreach Committee.

4. Russ Brown: Discussion was held to build up Outreach before elections.

5. Overview from DONE read into the record by Joel Fisher: The Interim Board is only concerned with outreach and the election.

6. Norma Foster: We need to contact everyone who showed an interest in being on committees and running for election.

7. Election Committee to set up the physical process of running the election and drafting procedures.

8. Joel Fisher: insert the checklist into the minutes for follow up.

5. Return to October 25 th minutes

A. #3 on minutes: Advisory Panel

1. If asked, Tom Gilmore will accept.

2. We need outreach for youth panel as suggested.

3. Should we set up a mini-congress of Hollywood NC's= Concern was not at this time.

6. Logos

A. Need logo to go into elections----

B. R. Brown: poster with calendar of events: R. B. will take care of logo along with V.G. and M. DV, within the Outreach Committee for full board approval.

C. We need more I.D. cards.

D. Discussion of logo uses.

E. DONE money is not available until after the board is elected by the community. DONE will do mailings and printing as allowed.

7. Bring By-Laws into conformity with City for elections

A. Andrew Glazier on Committee: NF, MDV, JF, DS, (RB to be alternate.)

B. Explanation: After election, new board, not community, will approve the by-laws. Only then will board vote for its officers.

8. Board meetings and Election forums

A. 11/18/02 election committee meeting

B. 12/17/02 full board meeting at the Best Western Hollywood Hills.

C. First Candidate forum changed to 1/14/03: Tues.

D. Are slates allowed: Cannot be prevented.

E. Norma Foster will contact League of Women Voters: Motion by Joel Fisher, Moved by Andrew Ettinger, 2 nd by Monique de Vernnes: unanimous.

F. MDV declines chair for the Election committee: JB nominated, NF moves, DS 2 nd : unanimous vote.

G. Second candidate forum changed to 2/4/03, Tues.

H. Election remains 2/12/03, Wed.

9. Venues

A. Susan P to check with Cheremoya School on dates.

B. Elections committee to select venues.

10. New Business

A. 11/12/02 5pm: Hollywood Courthouse meeting re: keeping lock-down unit open. Maurece Chesse volunteers to attend on behalf of HUNC and to speak in favor of retaining the lockdown unit.

B. DONE early notification system

1. How to handle

2. RB will forward all notifications to entire Board

C. Clarification from Claudia Dunn: any group can use the word NC in their organization as long as they leave off certified.

D. DONE will provide each council w/$600.00 for a computer on a first come first serve limited fund basis.

E. Should we do an office share with the other Hollywood certified councils: consensus: may not be possible.

F. We need the by-laws physical map on poster: requested by NF.

G. JF: re: New Year's Party update Hollywood Blvd.

H. AG: Hollywood High will be joining the BID and this will help with security, reduce drug use and will be a great partnering.

I. NF: Outreach committee to define borders of the 5 districts ASAP and names for the districts.

J. BCNA 11/7/02, 7:30pm: need HUNC volunteer to attend meetings.

K. Summit 11/13/02 Fountain and Wilcox: Homeless in Hollywood: Chief Mike Pomeroy and Mike Downing

L. Christine Jerian: board meetings need 72hr notice, public speaker cards once elected.

Joel Fisher moved to adjourn: 8:20pm

Second, AG and JB

Respectfully Submitted: Susan Polifronio: HUNC IB Secretary