finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Disposition and Bullets
Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Full Board Meeting February 16, 2004
Upper Terrace Room at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood.

Item 1 -   6:40 pm Meeting began.  Roll Call and Minutes Accepted

Attending Board Members:  Robert Abrahamian , Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse , Ann DeBello , Andrew Ettinger , Joel Fisher, Norma Foster, Andrew Glazier, Scott Larson, Hillary Royce, and Chris Stehr .   There is quorum.

Item 2 - Public Comments

Item 3 - Report from Sr. Lead officers read into the record by Joel Fisher, including the murder within HUNC boundaries of Antoine Miller

               CPAB meeting announced and flyers made available

Item 4 - Andrew Ettinger moved to accept the revised budget as presented by Maurece Chesse .   Second:  Norma Foster.

Motion Carries by unanimous vote

Item 5 /C 1 - Susan Swan moved to support the Franklin Beautification Project of Tree Planting on Franklin.  Second: Andrew Glazier.

Motion Carries by unanimous vote

Discussion:  HUNC offered over 40 hours of volunteer time to help the project obtain matching funds.

Item 5 /A - Norma Foster moved that HUNC support Measure R on the March election.  Second:  Andrew Ettinger . 

Motion Carries.  Two Board members, both employed by the district abstained themselves.

Action:  Letter to LATimes

Item 5 /A -  Short Presentation by Fernando Chaverria on search for site for new Middle School to ease overcrowding in Le Conte Middle School and King Middle School.

Item 5 /C 2 - Susan Swan made the motion to accept the draft letter by Adam Kear opposing the closure of St. Andrews Stairs with a copy to James Hahn.  Second:  Russell Brown. 

Motion carries by unanimous vote.

Action:  Letter to Tom LaBonge , cc. James Hahn

Item 5 /C 3 - Susan Swan made a motion to refer Brian Metcalf's request for funds for Observatory Symphony Orchestra event be transferred to the Arts and Entertainment committee.   Second: Andrew Glazier.

Motion Carries by unanimous vote.

Item 5 /C 4 - Susan Swan moved the board to support Tom LaBonge's request to add to Griffith Park.  Second: Andrew Glazier.

Motion Carries.  There was one abstention due to lack of information put forward before the vote was taken on where the property was and whom would it serve.

Item 5 /C 5 - Russell Brown volunteered to work with Greater Griffith Park on planning LA River Clean-up on May 1.

Item 5 /C 6  Andrew Glazier moved the board support the DWP rate hike.  Second:  Ann DeBello .

Motion Carries.  One member passed, another voted against.

Item 7 - Andrew Ettinger moved we send draft letter of his motion a year ago regarding the development of the Little Country Church with our position then and now.  And that if be submitted for approval at Tuesdays Neighborhood and Environment meeting.  Second:  Norma Foster

Motion Carries with one abstention.

Item 8 /1 - Motion by Andrew Glazier to accept the draft resolution to support the Motion Picture Museum in Hollywood.  Second:  Andrew Ettinger . 

Motion Carries by unanimous vote.

Item 8 /2 - Andrew Glazier moved to accept Espresso Mi  as official posting site.  Second:  Norma Foster.

Motion Carries.

Praise on the organization, involvement and co-operation of the board by audience member.

Joel Fisher closed the meeting at 8:30pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Christie