finalized version adsfjhasdfds


May 22, 2004 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

The Harmony/HUNC Office at 5911 ½ Franklin Ave . , Los Angeles

Saturday, 2:00 pm.

Board Members Attending: Joel M. Fisher, Susan Swan, Susan Polifronio, Maurece Chesse and Hilary Royce. Lucy Grigorian attended.

Item #1: Grievance Procedures for Discussion & Action:

Upon review, the by-laws seem adequate to deal with grievances relating to procedural issues. Joel stated he is now on the "Blue Ribbon" Committee being formed through DONE and the NC's to address grievance issues. Article XV, #7

Motion: Revise Article XV Grievance Procedures. Item 7 from "In the event that a grievance cannot be resolved through this grievance process, then the matter may be referred to DONE for consideration or dispute in accordance with the plan" will be changed to "In the event that a grievance cannot be resolved through this grievance process, then the matter will be referred to the Blue Ribbon Grievance Panel as appointed by the Human Relations Commission and DONE.

Motion: Joel M. Fisher

Second: Susan Polifronio

Discussion: As written above

Disposition: motion carries

Motion: Hilary Royce proposed audible roll call with all motions to avoid any inaccuracies and that motions should be put in writing and then turned over to the recording secretary prior to any vote. 

Motion: Hilary Royce

Second: Susan Polifronio

Discussion: General

Disposition: Motion carries

Item #2: Budget Encumbering for Discussion & Action

Due to the upcoming changes in DONE in how Neighborhood Councils  will be funded it is necessary for Neighborhood Councils to make sure any necessary funds are encumbered before  July 1 st 2004 or risk losing those funds. Priority items that were taken up were postcards mailed to all stake holders, newsletter to go out for the next three months and the HBT dinner plus additional postcards to be distributed at that booth.

Motion: Encumber $3,000 for the stakeholder postcards, $4,000 for the newsletter and $1,000 for the HBT dinner.  There was discussion about how to notify and engage stake holders who do not have computer access.  Susan Polifronio  brought up the automatic phone dialing system that Chris Sther through PACE.  The approximate cost is ten cents a call or six thousand a year for unlimited calls.  Follow up on cost of purchasing machine will be done by Susan Polifronio.  Also discussed was possibility of web casting meetings.

Motion: Joel M. Fisher

Second: Susan Polifronio

Discussion: The amounts were discussed and the motion remained the same.

Disposition: motion carries.

Meeting adjourned 4:00 pm.

Hilary Royce

Susan Polifronio