finalized version adsfjhasdfds


2PM @ The Harmony/HUNC Office: 5911 ½ Franklin Ave.

Board Members Attending: President Joel M. Fisher, Vice President Susan Polifronio, Recording Secretary Hilary Royce, Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan, Treasurer Maurece Chesse, Ann Debello, Norma Foster and Viktoria Gaw.

Stakeholders present: Jim McQuiston and Lucy Grigorian

The meeting started at 2:10pm

All Executive Committee members present as stated above.

General Business taken up before agenda items:

Joel M. Fisher went over some upcoming events such as 13 th District Councilman Garcetti's Leadership Breakfast for Neighborhood Councils on June 19 th 9-12noon. From 12-2pm, Garcetti will be taking up a review on "Untag" and Los Angeles Police Chief Bratton will be present for that. Joel M. Fisher encouraged those present to sign up and attend. Jim McQuiston distributed copies of the City Budget Highlights for Fiscal Year 2004/2005.

Item#1: Budget Encumbering Review of May 22 nd with additional items for encumbering.

Discussion preceded on the distribution items for the $23,000 available for Encumbered funds.

As all encumbrances need to be turned in by June 16 th , a special full Board Meeting was planned for June 14 th . Below were the finalized items that were named to be voted on by the full board for encumbrance:

Stakeholder Postcards/Postage - $3100

Newsletter Upgrade (Possible link with local papers) - $3500

Outdoor Bulletin Boards (24X30) Approx $270.00 each - $1,925

Automated Notification System - price TBD

Office Copy Machine - price TBD

HUNC Digital Camera/Video Camera - $2,000 estimated

PAL fundraiser dinner - $1000

HUNC Kiosk - $500

Additional 100 plants and cookies for 1 st 100 stakeholders visiting office at Christmas time - $500

Overhead expenses (utilities) - $350 per month

HBT dinner booth - $1000

Yucca Gateway Project - $1000




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Motion: Motion by Joel M. Fisher to accept the above named items and present them to the full Board for approval.

Second: Susan Polifronio

Discussion: General

Disposition: Motion carries unanimously

Item#2: Old Business

Joel M. Fisher met with David Judacan and Judacan reportedly"fast talked and tapped danced around the issues previously brought up and would not let the meeting take place on the actual property. Joel M. Fisher wrote a follow up letter and info'd all of HUNC and the respective municipal representatives. Board Members can see their copy of the letter for all the details.

Jim McQuiston requested that the Community Calender which Russ Brown was previously distributing to HUNC be put back in and be available at Board Meetings.

Laura Chick will be having a meeting on July 10 th at 11AM on five issues that relate to audits and it was requested that two HUNC Board members attend. Norma Foster and Hilary Royce agreed to attend and RSVP.

Item #3: New Business

A: Committee Chair Appointments for 2004-2005 For Review

Committee Chairs were reviewed and slated as written below:

1: B&G: Chair JMF, Co-Chair Jordan B., Susan P., Robert A.

2. Arts, Culture and Entertainment: NF & AE Co-chairs

3. E&Y: Chris S. & AG Co-chairs, Gary S., Ann DB, Susan P and MC

4. N & E: SS Chair, Lucinda/Russ PROS, Scott Larson

5. Outreach: Maurece Chesse, Viktoria Gaw, Jordan B and Ann DB

6. Planning, Land Use & Development: RB Chair/Chancee Co-chair w/Jordan B, Scott, Andrew G., Paul G.




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7. Trans/Public Safety: JMF Chair Public Safety/SP, ADB

Transportation w/Ian McC. Co-Chair/SP, Cheryl G, ADB

8. SS& FF - Hilary Royce and Charles Suhayda - Chairs.

9. Graphics- Maurece/Victoria w/possible help from Cheryl Gaskill

10. By-laws: Andrew G., Norma Foster

11. Elections: Maurece C/Susan S

On the above Victoria Gaw requested time to read a prepared statement. She addressed the issue of Outreach, stated she had only accepted the Chair upon assurances that she would receive support, felt that support had not been given when requested and stated if asked to step down from the Chair position she would still perform the same outreach which she has always done.

Motion: Motion to Adjourn the meeting by Joel M. Fisher

Second: Susan Polofronio

Discussion: none

Disposition: motion carries

Meeting adjourned 3:30pm

Minutes Submitted by Recording Secretary Hilary Royce