finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Rough Draft Minutes for Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting August 16 th , 2004

ROLL CALL: Joel M. Fisher, Russell Brown, Susan Swan, Susan Polifronio, Maurece Chesse, Robert Abrahamian, Ann De Bello, Andrew Ettinger, Norma Foster, Viktoria Gaw, Jordan Birnbaum, Scott Larson and Christopher Stehr

 Excused-Andrew Glazier, Hilary Royce, Ian McCubbin, Charles Suhayda

AGENDA: Item 1 Approval of July minutes


Changes to minutes by Nora Foster- page 2, change date for Town Hall for Education and Youth Com. Sept. 21 st , 2004 hours 7pm. Page 4 HPOZ  to be made clearer and motion be more specific. Susan Swan LETTER VOTED ON LAST YEAR

Motion: Joel F.       Second : Susan P.

Vote: one abstention Viktoria Gaw, remainder of board voted to accept minutes

AGENDA:Item 2  Lead officers Crime Stat report

Pres.Joel Fisher gave report, on behalf of the absent representatives from the Hollywood Police Dept.

Minor crimes down 13%- goal to reduce by 20%

5 murders in area in past month- 2 were gang related and involved nightclubs in Hollywood.

AGENDA:Item 3 Public Comment

Christine_O'brien from Hollywood Sign Advisory Committee  was not contacted or made aware of filming at the sign.

Jim McQ. Reported an after hours club at Argyle and Yucca that operates a DISCO that starts at 3am. No notification given to neighborhood regarding permits. Club is using Valet parking and noise level is disruptive to neighborhood.

E.D.I.C. will be made aware of filming problems and lack of communication

PLUM com. Will contact LAPD regarding club activities and permit of operation 

AGENDA: Item 4 Presentation

Bureau of Sanitation------I.R.P. {attached material}

AGENDA: Item 5 HUNC Officer Reports

Pres.-------- Chamber of Commerce will have a Business Forum, HUNC Outreach booth

Street Closure com. denied permit for street closures on Hollywood for Latino           Heritage day and New Year's Eve group.

News Rack ordinance- Publishers will be at City Hall to oppose Ordinance

Mayor Hahn will announce candidacy on Sat. Aug.20 th

Vice Pres.--- attended Inclusionary Zoning mtg. expressed concerns about Developers using "IN-LIEU" and using 100% of zoning along the Transportation Corridor. Plan will be voted on in fall at council and may exclude public input. Will continue to follow and encourages board to keep on top of situation

SEC. -----No report

Treas.----- No Report                                                                                              Pg. 1

AGENDA: Item 6 Committee Reports

N&E----- Upcoming Town Hall Aug.24 th {flier attached} Tree planting date change__________ Aug.28 th Planning task force Meeting, joint effort of three N.C.'S all invited to attend

HPOZ Letter of Support ; Motion   Scott-----  That board support letter [ draft one-attached ] to be sent to stakeholders to survey community as outreach project

Seconded: Susan S.

Discussion: Susan P.- How much outreach has been done?

Scott L. - Block Capt. have been identified; will embark on this after receiving bard support.

 Viktoria G. - Separate from who? Los Felis?

How can we support Hopz when no outreach has been done and when did this come about.

Susan S./ Russ - HPOZ was determined before we became a neighborhood council. We are surveying to make smaller HPOZ.

Norma F. ____________________Urgency to vote_______________time needed to study_____________________Concern for "unhappy campers"

Scott- requesting that draft one be outreach / letter read by Susan S._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Letter of Support for Hollywoodland Homeowners Specific Plan ---- resubmit

Vote: abstain - Norma F. & Viktoria G.  Remainer of  board voted to support letter being sent.

S.S.&F-----No Report

ED&Y----- Reiterated date of Town Hall and theme ' FAMILY FAIR" Info on family activities for after school and vacation time. Prizes will be given....Please join us.

PS&T...No Report

By-Laws----No Report

OUTREACH----No Report

B G&ENV------No Report

Arts&Culture---- ____________________contact made but still researching a date for meeting.

PLUM COM.-----C.R.A. REPORT ATTACHED. Meetings to be held at Seniors Center above Ralph's on Western. Cross section of N.C,'S working well together with developers.

Closure of  Vista-Del-Mar cul de sac:

Attachment of Owner's plans

Attacment Jim McQ response

Discussion & Questions:

Susan S.- Besides landscaping what does the owner pay for the expansion of his property?

RussB $1000.00/month to maintain and he gains 400sq ft, none of the Cal trans property is being acquired .

                                                                                                                            Pg. 2

JimMcq Difficulty is people in neighborhood didn't get notified. The arithmetic is off ½ a city street is $80.00/sqft, $160,000.00, WE ARE TALKING BIG MONEY. Eight to Ten cars use to park there. The single owner, for several years has keep the property in terrible condition. The question is Who is promoting this?

RussB. Reality of questioning value of the property is not the same as prime property  This was all entered into by owner years ago before our elections. Cheryl G. asked question regarding parking.

Russ answer: only 4 or 5 spots will be lost.


Motion: Russ                                                                                     Second: SusanS. _RussB. City follow all rules and requirerments and  if the City wants to follow through with abandonment with City hearing in Sept.and with significant community support and no community opposition, and if the N.C. feels comfortable, in lieu of agreement of owner to spend in excess of twenty thousand for fence and improvements in area. NC support City's Formal Street Abandoning.


R.A. against

N.F. against

V.G. against

A.D. against

Ch ST against

S.P. against

J.F. abstain

M.C. abstain

A.E  abstain

R.B. for

S.S. for

C.S. for.

JB  for

S.L. for

AGENDA ITEM #7: new Business

  1. Reappoint Ann and Joel as H.U.N.C. representatives to Mayor's Budget Committee. Motion Susan P.                Second Chris S.


  1. Support for "get out the vote and Fire Fighters Fair Franklin Village on Sept.26 th , 2004

Motion Ann D.                                      Second Susan P.


1. $2OO.00 FOR Cheremoya Elementary purchase for Hot Dogs& Buns to support after fund raiser at Street Fair to support after school programs

  1. Business Tax Reforms Update-----none

Agenda item #8: Old Business----------none

Agenda Item #9: Adjournment

Motion Joel F.                                           Second Ann D.

Minutes: Ann De Bella