finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Monday, April 21st, 2008
Full Board Meeting at 6:30 pm
                  First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Community Room – Upper Terrace, 6054 Yucca St.

1. Welcome and Roll Call

Susan Swan announced that there was a quorum and called the meeting to order at 6:50pm.

Present were Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Maurece Chesse, Ryan Hass, Robert Abrahamian, Jordan Birnbaum, Bechir Blagui, Andrew Ettinger, Rodney Hargrove, Scott Larson, Will Logue, Bree Long, Jamie Rosenthal, Erik Sanjurjo, and David H. Schlesinger.


Excused absences:  Debbi Aldahl, Hilary Royce.

2. Approval of Minutes

Susan then asked the board to review the minutes from March 2008.  A motion was in order to approve the minutes.  The motion passed. 
Motion to approve:  Jordan.
Second:  Charles.
Vote:  13-yes. 0-no. 1-abstention.

3. LAPD and LAFD Updates

No one was present to make an update.

4. Los Angeles City and County Updates including but not limited to:
                A. Mayor's Office Updates

No one was present to make an update.

                B. City Council Office Updates
Doug Mensman gave a quick update because he is going to be phased out as the Field Deputy for HUNC, although he will still do planning & land use, and Stacy Marble, who works west of here, will take over Beachwood Canyon and Hollywood Hills West.  He has requested information about the canopy permits on the Franklin Village area.  Multiple agencies are coordinating on that. 

Jullian will update on the Griffith Park Resource Board next. 

                                1. CD13's Hollywood Transportation Strategic Plan

Helen Leung, Field Officer for Hollywood area, gave some updates on current projects. Yucca & Argyle. Incorporate new projects at CD13 to avoid changing the intersection as it is. The community will be updated, and Maurece will talk more about that.  We had the second meeting for a proposed park over the 101 freeway.  The developers presented their design.  The next meeting will be in June.  Charles asked about where the park will fall along the range from Bronson to Santa Monica.  Helen responded that most in the community preferred the project to be towards the Santa Monica end.  Helen then talked about a transportation committee that looks at the traffic issues facing the Hollywood area.  Also. the Department of Transportation launched their new website last month.  Helen discussed a pilot program to renovate the valet companies.  Signage issues and new meters will also be addressed.  The rates and hours of the meters will be increased.  The Vine Street Garage will be expanded.  DOT also wants to meet with the taxi commission so that it will be easier for residents to use cabs.

Susan said that the CD 13 Strategic plan can be made available online at the HUNC website.  Jordan applauded the effectiveness of the plan.

C. DONE Updates

There is no DONE update, no representative is present.

5. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (2 minutes each)

Michael Cortez, from Community Redevelopment Agency – May & June is an important month with many meetings.  Parking circulation & transit will be discussed so it’s a good opportunity to be heard. It’s on May 15th – five year plan is going to board, public meeting at the Music Box, where comments are invited.  He then presented a detailed map of Hollywood.  Ryan attested to the good organization of that meeting, as he attended it last time.

6. Terry Migliaccio and HHWNC, update on proposed Splash Bash 2008

Ryan talked about this event.  Terry is from Hollywood Hills West, and Ryan had been in contact with him about co-sponsoring the event.  HHWNC spent a minimum of $22,000 of their budget on this event, so it’s a very heated topic.  One of the issues is street closures on Hollywood Blvd. for big events.  On Wednesday June 25th from 7-9pm, at Hollywood & Highland, they will be doing an upscale wine & cheese event where our council will be able to do outreach and introduce Cirque du Soleil.  We’re not being asked for anything, but we should promote this event because it’s a good one.

7. Adoption of DAW (Director of Animal Welfare) Program, and approval of Representative Rachel Paap (currently the DAW for CHNC) including funding for DAW Program up to $6000/year.  The Directors of Animal Welfare program (DAW) is supported by the Mayor and is the direct liaison with the Dept. of Animal Services.  The voluntary position will be the primary contact for animal welfare-related issues and concerns in the Hollywood area governed by the Neighborhood Council. Additionally, they may coordinate events, campaigns and programs pertaining to companion animal responsibility, education, adoptions and spay/neuter.  There should be allocated funding for animal welfare in the council, with the DAW responsible for its oversight and usage. (An average of $6,000 per year). Rachel Paap has been the DAW for the Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council for several years, whereby she has spearheaded a print campaign, several pet adoption fairs, and a humane education program in the area.

Susan said that Rachel could not attend tonight but that in the board member packets, there is a letter of recommendation from Scott Campbell who then spoke briefly and enthusiastically about Rachel’s qualifications for this position.  Jamie asked about the funds that have been allocated for children and was told, $9800.  The motion was then voted on.
Motion to approve:  Jordan.
Second:  Bree.
Vote:  12-yes. 0-no. 3-abstentions.

8. Support for Fire Service Recognition Day May 10th, up to $500

Jordan made the motion and Erik seconded it.  Jennifer Christie then discussed the initiative, which is to support local firefighters with a pancake breakfast fundraiser at the museum.  The motion passed unanimously. 
Motion to approve:  Jordan.
Second:  Erik.
Vote:  15- yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

9. Support for L.A. Police Explorers Carnival Fundraiser (April 25, 26,& 27) up to $500

Jordan made the motion and Will seconded it.  Jennifer returned to talk about students age 15-18 who get school credit for going on ride-alongs.  The organization needs fundraising support.  The motion passed unanimously.   
Motion to approve:  Jordan.
Second:  Will.
Vote:  15-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

10. Support for Hollywood Senior Center Caregiver Appreciation Day on "Big Sunday", request for assistance (funding) up to $1000

Barbara Linski, executive director, said that Big Sunday was good last year, relaxation and physical education techniques. LA Caregiver Resource organization will be there.  We hope for efforts to assist our organization.  Jordan made the motion, and Jamie seconded it with the provision that they report back to the board.  Barbara was friendly to that.  The motion passed unanimously. 
Motion to approve:  Jordan.
Second:  Jamie.
Vote:  15-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

11. Proposal to assist in printing and distributing Griffith Park Advisor newsletter to HUNC stakeholders, up to $9000, and include additional HUNC Newsletter

Susan talked about a request from PROS to assist in printing and distributing a special edition of an update on the Griffith Park fire recovery, and possibility of adding on a HUNC newsletter.  Robin would distribute it, and she previously did our election materials.  Jordan was averse to this idea because it seems like a high amount considering that the money might not be best used in this direction.  Charles suggested that a cost breakdown and an impact assessment would be helpful.  Bree noted that $9000 is a high number if it’s arbitrary.  Speaking as the treasurer, Ryan stated that there is not enough money to pay for this.  The board generally agreed that there was not enough information.  The discussion ended there.

12. Outreach: proposed purchases:
    1. Up to $1000 for HUNC patches. These will be used for emergency kits and misc outreach items such as hats
    2  Up to $1000 for HUNC Outreach cards (bi-fold card that has important info about the NC)
    3. Up to $5000 for the purchase of recyclable shopping bags with HUNC logo
    4. Up to $1500 for fridge magnets
    5. Up to $500 for the purchase of HUNC Banners

Ryan discussed all of these purchases as a group.  This was discussed at the last PS&T meeting.  Patches are the most cost-efficient method to brand items such as kits and backpacks.  Robert objected to  the lack of specificity regarding the costs (price breakdowns, but Ryan explained that those numbers are not exact and the aim is to get things done under those amounts, to start to get them done.  Outreach is important.  The fridge magnets are a repeat purchase.  These things bring people to the website.  Banners would be a good way to drive traffic in to meetings.  Susan recommended that the items be tabled, but Ryan noted how important the banners are, and how good the response to the bags has been, particularly as people are trying not to use disposable bags.  Jordan and Bree felt that the bags were not an effective outreach tool.  Will proposed a sign post.  Susan presented item 5 for voting.  Jordan made the motion and Robert seconded.  The motion passed. 
Motion to approve up to $500 for the purchase of HUNC banners:  Jordan.
Second:  Robert.
Vote:  12-yes. 1-no. 1-abstention.

13. From PS&T Committee
    1. Update on HUNC ‘Adoption’ of Fire Station 82, update on purchase of GPS units, and proposed further financial support up to $10,000 of items on wish list including but not limited to :
            A. Battery operated power tools
            B. Carpeting in dorm, locker room, and tv room
            C. LCD monitor and wireless keyboard for captains office
            D. Workout equipment
            E. New paint in dorm room   
     2.  $4000 to purchase emergency response kits
     3.  Proposal for purchase of lawn signs supporting Fire Station 82 that say sponsored by HUNC up to $750

Susan noted that a picture that Maurece took of the firefighters holding the GPS units is on the website.  Maurece gave an update and noted that for those that would debate the budget, the monetary figure is necessary.  Carpet Village offered a great rate because they want to help.  Maurece went on to give an exact breakdown of what kind of equipment would be used for each item, and how much it would cost.  Jordan made an amended motion for $5000 and Robert seconded that.  The motion on 13-1 passed unanimously.  On 13-2 Ryan made the motion and Maurece seconded.  It passed. 
Motion to approve $5000 for financial support of Fire Station 82 [13-1]:  Jordan. 
Second:  Robert.
Vote:  14-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions. 

Motion to approve $4000 to purchase emergency response kits:  Ryan.
Second:  Maurece.
Vote:  13-yes. 0-no. 1-abstention.


14. Update on DWP MOU and rate increases

There was none.

15. Executive Committee Reports including but not limited to:
    A. President
       1. Approval of agreement with GGPNC on HUNC Eastern Boundary 

Susan stated that after six years, there seems to be agreement on the eastern boundary with GGPNC.   

Hollywood United NC's Eastern Griffith Park Boundary defines their area of Priority and of Community Interest in Griffith Park.   All of Griffith Park is a shared resource of Greater Griffith Park NC, Atwater Village NC, and Hollywood United NC as defined in the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils.  The intent of the Plan was to empower Communities and Neighborhoods, and particularly those NCs that abut Parks, including Griffith Park. 
    Sharing such a huge Park (over 4200 acres) is an immense undertaking and responsibility, and affects many diverse communities directly adjacent to the Park.  HUNC is pleased that our Eastern Boundary adjustment has been worked out amicably with our neighbor,  GGPNC. 
    As proposed by DONE,  we request that DONE follow-up within the next month and write a formal letter to HUNC acknowledging that the intent of the Plan is and was that Parks are a Shared Resource when setting Boundaries for NCs.
    HUNC also moves that we approach DONE and BONC to approve a HUNC Eastern Boundary Adjustment to show that portion of Griffith Park lying westerly of a line drawn easterly from the north-westerly corner of the Los Feliz Estates easterly then north-westerly following the natural eastern ridgeline of Western Canyon (excluding the Griffith Observatory),  to a point intersecting the easterly HUNC boundary on its northern-most side (as shown on the attached map) which creates that portion of Griffith Park lying westerly of this line as a shared interest with the neighboring Neighborhood Council.  
Susan made the motion. Maurece seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve:  Susan. 
Second:  Maurece.
Vote:  10-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

       2. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding of Hollywood Coalition NC members   

When an issue that comes up to be agreed upon by coalition, this can be done by email or meeting.  Ryan made the motion.  Bree seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Hollywood Neighborhood Council Coalition
. . . an informal communication and coordination effort of the Hollywood Neighborhood Councils
Process for Events, Coordination, and Communication:
1.             Ideas on topics that broadly impact the Hollywood area may originate in any participating neighborhood council (NC).
2.             Ideas are presented in a Coalition meeting through the President and Vice-president.  The President of any NC may identify a representative to attend Coalition meetings on their behalf.  The Coalition has agreed to try and meet physically at least once per quarter.
3.             If all representatives agree, the idea is brought to their respective Boards for authorization and funding, as needed.
4.             A proposed event may be communicated as a Coalition event if all Boards are consulted and none disagree.  It is not necessary that every NC agree to sponsor or fund an event, but merely authorize it.  No NC name may be used without their Board’s express approval.
5.             Any Coalition NC Board may veto a proposed event from being considered a Coalition event.
Participating Neighborhood Councils:
•               Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council
•               East Hollywood Neighborhood Council
•               Greater Griffith Park Neighborhood Council
•               Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
•               Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council
•               Hollywood United Neighborhood Council

Motion to approve:  Ryan.
Second:  Bree.
Vote:  10-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

       3. Bylaws: Update on status of Bylaws changes submitted Dec 2007
                A.  Approval of Bylaws changes necessary for Election Procedure changes for 2008-2010 and postponement of HUNC election to 2010 as approved by Board, including amendments to Article III Meetings and Notification Section D. Election Day, and  Article V HUNC Board Section D. Terms of Office, and any other Articles affected by the City Clerk-run Election in 2010

Susan and Maurece will go over this one in the future.

        4. Proposed letter to be sent to Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks general manager Jon Kirk Mukri and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa requesting that the principles of the Griffith Park Wildlife Management Plan (Dan Cooper, author) be adopted and  implemented in an organized manner by one responsible party for a period of no less than two years. 

Susan made the motion.  Ryan seconded.  It passed unanimously.
Motion to approve:  Susan.
Second:  Ryan.
Vote:  10-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.


       5. Update on Miniger Draft Transportation EIR for Autry, proposed letter echoing concerns of GGPNC and Greater Cypress Park NC

Susan made the motion.  Ryan seconded.  It passed unanimously.
Motion to approve:  Susan.
Second:  Ryan.
Vote:  10-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.


       6. Update on new Griffith Observatory Rules and fees, Observatory Calendar of Events

Included in packets distributed at meeting.

       7. New filming guidelines for Griffith Park      

Included in packets distributed at meeting.

       8. Website updates and modifications, potential costs if outsourced

       9. Board Workshop: proposed dates and topics

    B. Vice-President
        1. Update/presentation on NBC/Universal Project Working Group, motion for up to $2000 to participate with NBC/UNI Working Group for contracting Independent Traffic Consultant for TPG DEIR review.

Maurece said that this pertains to the project being built on Lankershim, which will cause massive traffic shifts around the 101 freeway there.  Thomas Properties Group is taking over for MTA, working with Universal Studios.  We want a draft Environmental Impact review done by our own consultant.  $1500 to $2000 is what that fee would be.  We want to participate in the study with other groups, and this is our contribution to that.  Jordan recommended this as a great idea because smaller businesses benefit from such studies.  MOTION:  That HUNC approves an allocation of $2,000 towards paying the fees that will be incurred by the Universal/MTA Working Group’s traffic consultant(s) for analyzing the traffic studies that will be generated by the MTA and Vision Plan Project’s developers.
Motion to approve:  Maurece
Second:  Jordan
Vote:  13-yes. 0-no. 1-abstention.

        2. Update on acquisition of Franklin & Ivar property
        3. Update on Picnic Tables and Benches for Griffith Park
        4. Update on Yucca/Argyle beautification project.

    C. Treasurer
        1. Treasurer's report 

Ryan presented the budget report for the month, and explained the changes and additions to the expenses.  Charles noted that $2,000 for the food pantry was not in this report – Ryan said that is being processed.  David asked how much the city gives the council – Ryan said around $50,000.

    D. Secretary
        1. Update on Big Sunday efforts (

No update.

16. Committee & Liaison Reports/Updates including but not limited to:
   A.  Business
   B.  Education
        1. Update/progress report on plans for all budget requests/funding proposals
   C. Finance
        1.Update on the status of the Canyon/Western HPOZ (Historic Preservation Overlay Zone) in the area north of Franklin around Canyon Drive to Western Avenue, Motion to re approve the prior approved funding (March 2007) in the amount of $5,000, to be encumbered for 6 months.

This is a reallocation of money previously allocated.  Scott made the motion and Charles seconded.  Scott described that there are 22 HPOZs to be preserved.  It’s an overlay zone that requires the homeowner to maintain the original façade.  The motion passed. 
Motion to approve:  Scott
Second:  Charles
Vote:  13-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

   C. PLUM
        1. Request to review Hollywoodland Specific Plan

Susan said that the documentation for this is in the folders.  Tabled to the PLUM committee.

        2. Lot subdivision at 2620 Beachwood Drive.  Presentation by Jill Bigelow, owner and Principal of HollyLand Development LLC


David spoke about these items.  Jill Bigelow has been on the agenda for three months and has not appeared.  She emailed this afternoon to say that she cannot attend.  We cannot take a favorable position under the circumstances.  He moves that the board write a letter. Eda Hallinan has lived nearby since she was 10 – she asked what kind of power this body has to modify her plans.  David answered that we are advisory by law.  The best we can do is write and tell them that she hasn’t appeared, and has been complained against, and that we are not in favor of the project.  Eda asked what she can do – David said contact the planning commission and appeal the decision with your neighbors.  David moved that this board write a letter to the zoning board to present our position.  Stating that the history of this particular appeal by the property owner and the fact that she has not appeared. Since we have not been privileged to her position, we cannot take a negative position on her project, but we will not offer a positive one and we want that to be known.   Jordan suggested the following language be used for the letter: ”Because of the petitioners failure to appear at HUNC meetings we are unable to render a decision. Nonetheless we are concerned that the zoning administrator does not rule until we have a chance to make our ruling.”  Due to the failure of her appearance, we are against this variance until the petitioner comes to the board.  David theorized that she probably has been accepted because she hasn’t appeared.
This board is against the Lot Subdivision at 2727 due to the petitioners failure to attend HUNC meetings.

David made the motion and Jordan seconded.  The motion passed.
Motion to approve:  David.
Second:  Jordan.
Vote: 12-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.

        3. Residence addition at 2531 N Dearborn Drive. 

The owner appeared to speak, with his architect.  She had some plans that she passed out.  There was a landslide that undermined the footings at the front of the house, so they propose replacing the garage and building two rooms and linking them together with new walls.  The problem is that this is a 42-foot house in an area where they only allow 30-foot houses, but the zoning administrator has approved that because the house had sunk that much below the ridge.  The front yard also needs modification in the way of being extended.  Essentially the man is trying to rebuild his house.  This has been agendized for PLUM.  That committee found in favor of it and wanted the full board to support that decision.  Bree moved and David seconded.  The motion was voted on, and passed unanimously. 
Motion to approve:  Bree.
Second:  David.
Vote:  13-yes. 0-no. 0-abstentions.


        4. Hollywood/Garfield development.  Bond Company represented by Ira Dankberg.  Project has been approved in another version by HUNC Board.  Proposal now is for 100+ units in lieu of the 90 approved by the Board.

PLUM had suggested that these people come to make a presentation but was of the opinion that they are not prepared.  Ira Dankberg appeared with his architect and consultant.  90 apartment units to be turned into 100 for low-income affordable units.  Tomorrow they are going before the area planning commission.  He would like to give a quick design update.  Brian Lane the architect introduced himself as a community member, and explained that the project has remained the same as in its original form, the height is the same.  The bottom floor is for retail.  This is an SB 1818 project.  What changed is that there are more units, 120 where there was 90.  This new structure is better able to support the diversity of the community, a 32.5% increase.  Brian showed some renderings.  David expressed his concern with the parking capabilities of this project.  Bree asked if there were green concerns built in.  Ira said yes.  Russell then weighed in on the project, six years in the making.  He said that these guys have been through a lot of torture on this and came up with a solid design.  David asked if they needed anything from the board.  The group said they came as a courtesy.  Brian added that this building allows residents of different incomes to live together, which is positive, and its location to transit makes it crucial, though it may be controversial.  Charles said it would be good to stamp our approval and get this project launched tonight.  Bree made the motion to support the project and Charles seconded it.  The motion passed. 


Motion to approve:  Bree.
Second:  Charles.
Vote:  6-yes. 0-no. 4-abstentions.


   D.   PS&T
        1. Updates from CPAB reps            
       2. Update on proposed Preferential Parking District on Canyon north of Franklin and differing requests of blocks involved, possible motion
       3. Update on Planning Town Hall results and follow-up Planning Town Hall
   F. Renters
        1. Update on Renters Town Hall on May 31st, specifics, location, needs, volunteer needs

Ryan talked briefly about the town hall on May 31st.  He said that all councils except Hollywood Hills West will support this town hall, so it’s not a coalition.  Tentatively they want LeConte Middle School for the event, but that is not for sure yet.

17. Proposal for a Working Committee on study of re-lighting of the Hollywood Sign - Holidays, Special Events, LED.


18. HUNC Business Cards and Stationary update

Still in process.

19. Update on Hollywood Cap Park proposal


20. Update on L.A. Public Education Funding and Feedback Project: Clean Funding Campaign Public Workshops


21. Update on Hollywood/ Central Region office for the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting regarding the 2009 Budget and 5 year implementation Plan for the Hollywood Project Area.


22. New Business/Announcements

None were mentioned.

23. Old Business


24. Submission of proposed Agenda items for May   



The meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.