finalized version adsfjhasdfds

Fire Department Access Document:

A .     Any person owning or having control of any facility, structure, group of structures or premises shall provide and maintain Fire Department access in accordance with provisions of this section.

B .     If any portion of the first story exterior walls of any building structure is more than 150 feet from the edge of the roadway of an approved street, an approved fire lane shall be provided so that such portion is within 150 feet of the edge of the fire lane.


     An entrance to any dwelling unit or guest room shall not be more than 150 feet in distance of horizontal travel from the edge of roadway of an improved street or approved fire lane.

C .     When required access is provided by an improved street, fire lane or combination of both which results in a deadend in access of 700 feet in length from the nearest cross street, at least one additional ingress-egress roadway shall be provided in such a manner that an alternative means of ingress-egress is accomplished.

D .     Where fire lanes are required under Subsection B of this section to provide access for Fire Department emergency vehicles, and such fire lanes are other than access roads, they shall be granted to the City without cost as easements from a public street or alley to the required terminal point. Provided, however, that the easement requirement may be waived, unless otherwise required by the General Plan of the City of Los Angeles, where the Department determines that the acquisition of an easement is not necessary for the protection of the public safety and welfare. Fire lanes shall be designated and maintained as follows:

     1.     Fire lanes shall have a minimum clear roadway width of 20 feet when no parking is allowed on either side.

     2.     Those portions of a fire lane which must accommodate the operation of Fire Department aerial ladder apparatus shall have a minimum clear roadway width of 28 feet when no parking is allowed on either side.

     3.     Those portions of a fire lane 30 feet on either side of a private fire hydrant shall have a minimum clear roadway width of 28 feet.  No parking shall be permitted within those portions of the roadway which are within 30 feet of and on the same side of the roadway as a private fire hydrant.  (Amended by Ord. No. 167,326, Eff. 11/16/91.)

     4.     Where parking is allowed on only one side of a required fire lane parking shall be on the same side of the roadway as the hydrants.

     5.     Where parallel parking is allowed on either side of a fire lane, the roadway width shall be increased eight feet for each parking lane.  (Amended by Ord. No. 167,326, Eff. 11/16/91.)

     6.     Where access requires accommodate of Fire Department apparatus, overhead clearance shall not be less than 14 feet.

     7.     Deadend fire lanes shall terminate in cul-de-sacs or other approved turning areas consistent with the Department of Public Works Standard Street Dimension Plan D-22549.  (Amended by Ord. No. 167,326, Eff. 11/16/91.)

     8.     Fire lanes shall be paved to the City Engineer's standards for public alleys.


(Amended by Ord. No. 167,326, Eff. 11/16/91.)

     Any person owning or having control of any facility, structure, group of structures or premises, shall maintain all fire lanes in an unobstructed manner.


     Gates and Gate Devices approved by the Department.

SEC. 57.09.05.  SIGNS.

A .     Fire lanes shall be posted with signs not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size, with lettering not less than one inch in height, stating "NO PARKING - DESIGNATED FIRE LANE. VIOLATORS WILL BE CITED VEHICLE CODE SECTION 22500.1. VEHICLES PARKED IN VIOLATION WILL BE TOWED AWAY AT OWNER'S EXPENSE." Signs shall also contain a telephone number of the Los Angeles Police Department which may be called by the person owning the vehicle to find out where it has been towed. Signs shall be in plain view at all entrances to required fire lanes and the spacing of signs shall be as required by the Chief. The bottom of such signs shall be six feet above the adjacent ground surface.  (Amended by Ord. No. 167,326, Eff. 11/16/91.)

B .     The installation of approved fire lane signs on private roadways is the responsibility of the owner of the property.
