Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Bylaws
HUNC CURRENT BYLAWS: as of June 6, 2017 *
*Please note that the Grievance Process outlined in Article Xl has been replaced by a Department of Neighborhood Council (DONE) Grievance Portal at https://lacity.quickbase.com/db/bki8tm99k
Rosenberg's Rules of Order
HUNC Standing Rules including Financial Procedures: as of December 2017
HUNC Financial Procedures: as of December 2017
Office of the L.A. City Clerk
Revised February 2018
The Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils
Brown Act and Neighborhood Councils 2014
Brown Act Trifold
County Counsel Guide to Brown Act Requirements
Neighborhood Council Training Manual 2015
Proposed Bylaws, Boundary, Attachment B, and Standing Rule changes to be heard on 2/27
Bylaws changes proposed
Boundary changes proposed
Attachment B changes proposed
ATTACHMENT A - Map of Hollywood United Neighborhood Council

Map of Business and Renters Areas
Map of Geographical Areas
Boundary Description
The HUNC will include the following geographic areas:
A. Eastern Boundary: Western Avenue to Fern Dell north along Western Canyon to the northern boundary.
B. Southern Boundary: Hollywood Blvd.
C. Western Boundary: Cahuenga Ave. at Hollywood Blvd. to the 101 Freeway north along the eastern side of the John Anson Ford Theater property line, through Lake Hollywood to include the Lake Hollywood Neighborhood Association and north to the Hollywood sign.
D. Northern Boundary: Hollywood Sign and adjacent area.