October 12, 2005 Public Safety & Transportation Ctte Meeting
6054 Yucca St., First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
Community Room-Upper Terrace
Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Joel M. Fisher
Present: Joel M. Fisher, Maurece Chesse, Ann De Bello, Susan Polifronio
Scott McConnell, Enci, Stephen Box, Lucy Grigorian
- Letter to DOT re: Changes on Franklin Ave./Argyle
Finished letter to be sent to meeting with DOT, HUNC Ctte and
Erik Sanjurjo
JMF stated that a stop sign will be going in with no left turn from Tamarind onto Franklin Ave.
Motion by Susan Polifronio to approve letter written by Scott McConnell and to send letter to Erik Sanjurjo to arrange meeting with DOT.
Second: Ann De Bello
Disposition: Motion Carries
- Public Safety Town Hall Nov. 14th
- Ann: Postcards
- Jen: research: med kits, earthquake kits, escape maps, no batt. flashlights, public health, dehydrated meals, CERT, Parks & Recs disaster Plan
- Recs & Parks: Display
- Disaster: Hollywood, the First Three Days
Motion by Susan Polifronio to get approval from Board for Disaster Town Hall
Second: Maurece Chesse
Disposition: Motion Carries
- Collaborative Learning Project
- Ann: DOT should generate a simple form
- Joel: refine the street closing policy
- Steven: DOT has too many sub-categories making it difficult for the public and professionals to navigate. Should there be a DOT Ombudsman
- Scott: Standardize a Form
Process, Chain of Command, define the task
- Steven: Clarify the EIDC mandate as it seems out of sync with DOT
- Maurece and Scott: the police department radically changed its model and includes many lateral meetings so that all department heads are aware of what the rest of the department is doing. DOT needs a head. Departments function independently at this point. The most important thing is for a Template to be agreed upon within DOT that will allow people to navigate the department.
- Susan: Maurece will take these suggestions to the October 19 th CLP meeting at USC and work out the parameters with the other NC's involved in the MOU. At the original meeting at USC we all agreed that Planning should be involved at some point in the process.
Meeting adjourned: 8:30pm