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May 10, 2004 Public Safety & Transportation Bullet Points:

2: Planning Session for the July Town Hall Meeting on Parking and Transportation issues along the Franklin Corridor.

Round-Table discussion between HUNC, members of the public and Rory Fitzpatrick & Matt Levy from Councilman Tom La Bonge's office.

Discussion centered on formulating structure of the Town Hall & focusing on priorities to help the Council office in making decisions. Mark Levy offered his help in arranging for the various City groups who will attend. Cheryl Gaskill emphasized the need to think "outside the box" and to come up with creative solutions such as the collaboration between HUNC, CD4 and the Hollywood Towers to allow local residents to rent secured parking. Cheryl also restated the Argyle residents desire to change the street cleaning times around the Argyle through Bronson area so that residents would have both sides of the street available until 10am and that ticketing has increased, not decreased in the Argyle area. Mark Levy also emphasized that just warehousing cars does not eliminate the problem and that working on ideas to get people out of their cars is primary. Rory Fitzpatrick made the point that there are 15 new issues a month in just our area of CD4 and that prioritizing will be key with the severe budget shortfalls. Ror y also stated that angled parking on Argyle and Beachwood are at the top of the list. Susan Polifronio and Ian McCubbin discussed alternative parking structures and encouraging the City to help in locating one of the new automated garages that will park 40% more cars within the HUNC borders and to use the vacated Fire Station #82 site on Bronson as a model.

Jim McQuiston encouraged all Board members to work with and become involved with the Mayors' Teamwork LA. Terry Little, resident and business owner on Cahuenga, stated the need for resurfacing and re-striping to help prevent speeding drivers from drifting to the curbs and hitting parked cars, a frequent occurrence. He also requested a speed monitor be placed at the top of Cahuenga near Odin.

#3: Ann De Bello brought up the need for informing the Community when there are high fire days and once the Community and the LAFD has come to an agreement on parking would like to follow through on prominent postings.

The Committee had an extensive round-table on efficient ways to get people out of cars and the HUNC Trolleywood proposal was again under discussion.

Jim McQuiston requested help on defeating a proposal to fence off Vista Del Mar below Franklin.

Disposition: Referred to Full Board on the 17 th

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.