July 14, 2003 :
Monday: Meeting of the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Public Safety and Transportation Committee Meeting. First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Upper Terrace Community Room. 6054 Yucca St., Los Angeles, CA
Agenda Item #1: Welcome and Roll Call
Meeting called to order by Chair Joel M. Fisher at 6:30 PM. Attending were Board members Robert Abrahamian , Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse , Ann De Bello , Viktoria Gaw , Susan Polifronio , Chris Stehr and Susan Swan. Also present were members of the public.
Agenda Item #2: Approval of Previous meeting minutes
Joel asked if everyone had received the previous minutes. After an affirmative: Motion to approve the Minutes of the June 9 th Public Safety and Transportation Committee Meeting Minutes. Second by Susan Polifronio , passed unanimously. Joel also stated the City will approve a Street Fair at Franklin and Bronson again for next year with some modifications.
Upon request by Susan Polifronio , Joel allowed David Jones to speak out of order on a request to prohibit eastbound Franklin Ave. traffic to turn south onto Vine Street. Joel requested that Ann and Maurece take photos of the area before any further discussion and bring this issue back to the Parking Sub-Committee for review and recommendations.
Agenda Item #3: Presentation & Discussion by rep. of Sheriff's Dept. & Metro Security: Postponed as the representative was unable to attend. Metro is now under Sheriff's authority.
Agenda Item #4: Crime Update & Public Awareness for Discussion
Officer Sollie stated that the person allegedly responsible for the home invasion burglaries had been arrested with stolen property in his possession. This is a 3-strike criminal and the sentence, if convicted, is 25-life. Two arrests had been made in the valley and tied to 8 of the robberies in the hills also in possession of stolen property. Two other individuals were caught at Grammercy and Wilton and at Garfield connected to other crimes in the hills. 2 weeks ago 4 men in a black SUV, with shotguns, were arrested near Bronson and Franklin. Crime is down into the single digits which is very good for this area: 3 to 4 burglaries/month, 3-4 car break-ins/month. Maurece Chesse stated there had been an apartment invasion at 1844 N. Bronson. Joel Fisher commented on the success of the Greenshirts in picking up a serious felony offender and in their good working relationship with the Police. Officer Armen updated on the current Vice Task Force working on Sunset Blvd. prostitution. 14 cars have been seized in the prostitution sweeps. Further discussion on crosswalks (Hobart) and the types of crosswalks (smart) was entered into by Walter Blackman, Joel Fisher and Ann De Bello . Bill Kysella , Hollywood Neighborhood Prosecutor, discussed the seizure ordinance and that it might be expanded to include narcotics and street racing. Narcotic use is up in certain apartment buildings within the HUNC boundaries, mostly in the Yucca corridor and near Western. The City is also looking into how to control private homes being rented out for commercial parties. Building and safety is the only recourse at this time with neighbors required to put together a nuisance suit. Susan Swan asked how we follow through and what else the community can do. Officer Armen stated the civil laws are very effective and perhaps the NC's can weigh in on how to handle these issues.
Agenda Item #5: Presentation by Jordan Birnbaum , Owner of Q- topia , for discussion and possible action.
Q- Topia was opened in January, 2003. The idea was to target the 18-21yo audience and to use the profits to underwrite a Media venture. Mr. Birnbaum addressed problems that had arisen in the operation of the Club and how he had dealt with them. Joel Fisher and Russell Brown had met with Mr.Birnbaum the previous week to discuss how he had handled complaints re: parking, vandalism, noise, etc. The determination had been made that Mr. Birnbaum had been very responsive to the Community. His original concept has not been financially profitable and they are looking to expand their original idea to include a liquor license so that they can attract the a larger group. Mr. Birnbaum had responded quickly and with responsibility to all complaints in the past. Residents behind Q- Topia had complained to HUNC, Susan Polifronio , about the situation and had later reported that Mr. Birnbaum worked quickly to rectify the problem by providing parking to residents when needed and by stepping up security on Carlos Ave. Mr. Birnbaum has also offered his premises for the use of the Community and sees part of what he wants is to become a community center offering classes in costumes, special effects, trapeze lessons, etc. The nightclub will only be on weekends. Off duty Police Officers will be used as security and to check ID's. Russell Brown and Joel Fisher commended Mr. Birnbaum on being proactive in solving problems and, after touring the facility, walking through the neighborhood, talking with Captain Downing , recommends we support Mr. Birnbaum's request for a variance.
Motion by Joel Fisher that we support the Jordan Birnbaum's application for a liquor license and move to accept the Committee Report at the Full Board meeting on the 21st as a Committee Report.
Second: Maurece Chesse
Carries Unanimously
Agenda Item #6: Crosswalk and/or stop sign at Franklin & Tamarind for discussion and possible action.
Ann De Bello is requesting support for a stop sign and crosswalk going from the west corner in front of the Villa Carlotta to the East corner in front of the Manor Hotel. None of the corners meet at the correct angles and it is this crossing that is the most dangerous. Susan Swan the proper authorities should be asked about the numerous traffic studies that have already been done at that intersection and that we should ask them what their professional recommendation would be, as this has been ongoing for over 10 years and
had been discussed at the old MAC meetings with no resolution.>>. John Farrion wondered if Cheremoya across Franklin wouldn't be better. Joel Fisher requested that Ann De Bello go to DOT and the City with a formal proposal and bring it back to the next meeting.
Agenda Item #7: Discussion on Community priorities for Mayor Hahn budget summit with Neighborhood Council Leaders for possible action.
Everyone present was asked to think about what our priorities should be given the current budget crisis and give suggestions to take to the budget committee. Jordan Birnbaum suggested expanding subway video security. Officer Armen stated they have the QStar 3500 motion/voice camera. Walter Blackman suggested we use more police and cameras on the Subways.
Agenda Item #8: Old Business
Russell Brown announced that Christine Jerian will recommend our Boundary changes be accepted. GGPNC will be meeting on Tuesday and this item is on their agenda.
Agenda Item #9: New Business
Joel Fisher requested people to volunteer for a coalition to save the former Mayor Toberman House, at 1749 N. Harvard, which is slated for demolition. Russell Brown brought up the proposed HUNC outreach Social for leaders in Hollywood to get to know each other. Joel Fisher also stated that the Parade permit for the New Year's Eve Coalition Against Drugs march had been granted by the Police Commission upon recommendation by Chief Bratton.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 PM by Chair Joel M. Fisher
Minutes respectfully submitted by Susan Polifronio