December 8, 2003
Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Public Safety and Transportation Committee Meeting: First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood Community Room-Upper Terrace: 6054 Yucca St., Los Angeles, CA.
Agenda Item #1: Meeting called to order by Chair Joel M. Fisher at 6:35pm. Attending were Board members Susan Polifronio , Joel M. Fisher and Russell Brown plus members of the public.
Agenda Item #2: Public Comment Items Not on the Agenda:
Jim Fox, a resident in the Oaks, requested that we ask Transportation to look into a 3-way stop at the corner of Chula Vista and Bronson.
Disposition: To send to the Full Board for to recommend that DOT due a study as to benefit in traffic calming once Mr. Fox has gotten the signatures of his neighbors on a petition.
Jim McQuiston brought up the seriousness of the increasing budget crisis. Now that the car tax has been rolled back, Los Angeles will be losing an additional $13 million a month as of January. This will mean a probable closure of Parks, Libraries, the Zoo and golf courses along with, according to Mr. McQuiston , the laying off of 600 Police and 600 Fire Fighters. This would translate into a Public Safety nightmare in California with 47,000 layoffs statewide. Jim requested that we call our legislatures immediately and insist on the money.
Adam Kear brought up that the neighbors on St. Andrews were totally against having the stairs closed. The matter had been referred to Councilman La Bonge and Mr. Kysella along with a petition signed by residents. Letter entered into the record. Disposition: To Send the letter from the Lawyer back for Discussion and Action to Neighborhood and Environment Committee.
Agenda Item #3: Status of Crime within HUNC Boundaries:
Susan Polifronio reported that the City is starting Operation Truancy . Most daytime crimes are committed by truants. This program will create financial penalties for the Truants and eventually for the Parents. Bring LA Home , the 10 year plan to end Homelessness in LA, had its first forum. Councilman Cardenas motion that lead to a Sun Valley Environmental Improvement Justice Area will be pursued vigorously by Mr. Delgadillo . The anti-blight reclaiming of derelict properties is moving forward. Except for the violence among the young, the 10 year reduction in crime continues.
Agenda Item #4: Jim McQuiston Presentation of the Recommended Improvements of the 101 Freeway Mayor's Committee for Discussion and Possible Action:
Jim McQuiston stated that he needs HUNC feedback on the medium and long-term solutions as requested by the Mayor's Committee. He presented Items 1-26 and there was a lively discussion between all present. Items of specific importance discussed were Item #2: NB 110 connector to the NV 101 FWY to extend 2 lanes to Glendale Blvd. off-ramp. (Yes), Item #4A: NB 101 off-ramp at Echo Park lengthen ramp (Yes), Item #7 (no opinion), Item #8: SB 101 on-ramp at Alvarado St. (low priority), Item #9: NB 101 Rampart to Silver Lake add an auxiliary lane (low priority), Item 11: NB 101 between Silver Lake Blvd. and Vermont Ave. (high priority), Item #12A: 101on- and off-ramps at Vermont Ave. realign and elevate SB freeway mainline to eliminate sharp curve and grade (high priority) Jim McQ felt this was a very important safety issue. Item #13: SB 101 between Melrose Ave. and Vermont Ave. add auxiliary lane (low priority), #14 NB 101 off-ramp at Melrose a: widen exit lane to two lanes and add a dedicated right turn only lane at the intersection. (important), Item #15 SB 101 ramps at Normandie /Melrose extend the off-ramp to connect directly to Normandie Ave. (No) , Item #16 NB 101 Onramp at Normandie Ave. widen two lanes (No), Item #17 SB 101 off-ramp at Lexington Ave. (no action), Item #22: NB 101 onramp at Hollywood Blvd. improve signal operation and lengthen and widen the ramp (maybe: problem with Church), Item #23 SB 101 onramp at Hollywood Blvd. improve signal operation and prohibit left-turn for EB Hollywood Blvd. at Van Ness Ave. during rush hour and widen EB Hollywood Blvd. from the off-ramp to Van Ness Ave. by reducing south side of sidewalk (no notes), Item #25: NB 101 on-ramp at Argyle Ave./Franklin Ave. add EB left turn signal phase from Franklin Ave. and add a second left turn lane on NB Argyle Ave. at Franklin Ave. for access to the NB on-ramp. There was a very good discussion on these issues among all present. Disposition on the above and remaining items: to let Mr. McQuiston's recommendations stand as he was very conversant with the problems and that we with his suggestions.
Agenda Item #5: Old Business
There had been a request in September for the Arts and Entertainment Committee to support the California Youth Theater. A letter was sent with a money request. What is the disposition? Russell Brown stated the next Fire Department meeting will be in January. There is a request that the Board does not schedule its meeting for the same night. Also, as there is a Board policy of not holding meetings on holidays, it will be necessary for the Board to change its meeting as it conflicts with Martin Luther King Day. It was suggested that we meet on the second Monday at 7:30pm after an abbreviated Public Safety and Transportation meeting.
Agenda Item #6: New Business
A stakeholder brought up the smart crosswalks and felt the Highland and Hollywood would be an appropriate spot as the pedestrian traffic is so heavy. Jim McQuiston stated there is a study under way to see if they help prevent accidents. There was also some discussion as to how to make areas of the City more of a neighborhood and that this was the purpose behind the Neighborhood Councils.
Agenda Item #7: Adjournment:
Joel M. Fisher adjourned meeting at 8:28pm
Minutes Respectfully Submitted: Susan Polifronio