August 11 th , 2003
Minutes for Public Safety & Transportation Committee Meeting of the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council. Meeting held at 6:30 PM at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood:
6054 Yucca St . Los Angeles CA : Upper Terrace-Community Room.
Agenda Item #1: Welcome and Roll Call
Meeting called to order by Chair Joel M. Fisher at 6:40 PM: Attending were Board Members Robert Abranamian, John Balasz , Russell Brown, Ann De Bello , Joel M. Fisher, Norma Foster, Susan Polifronio , Charles Suhayda and Susan Swan. In attendance, seven non-voting members of the Board along with eight members of the public.
Motion to Accept minutes of July 14 th into the Record by Susan Polifronio
Second: Joel M. Fisher
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
Agenda Item #2: Speaker Darryl Seif , General Manager EIDC
Darryl Seif introduced Donna Washington, 323-957-1000, Vice President EIDC as the contact person. He briefly laid out the type of Community Relations the EIDC attempts, the number of shoots per year, the number of trucks and personnal and the logistics of trying to bridge the needs of the filming community and the residents and businesses surrounding the location. He described all the various City organizations, such as Parks & Recreation, that need to be coordinated. Ann De Bello stated that one of the best forms of PR for film crews is limiting the parking impact by offering lot space to residents and shuttling them along with crew. Susan Swan stated that Neighborhood & Environment Committee has a subcommittee for filming issues. Also, our area was left out of the meetings held by KPMG. Mr. Seif stated they were an independent body which had set up 5 area meetings only were the filming was heaviest to discuss macro issues. Susan Swan stated there used to be a good relationship with this area but the calls are not being returned in a timely manner, that the wish is not to obstruct filming, but to facilitate and inform so that the filming goes smoothly with minimal negative impact on residents. Also there will be a Film Commission general meeting 6:00 PM on the 26 th . Robert Abranamian brought up the need to compensate businesses that lose money during film shoots.
Agenda Item #3: Report of Parking Committee for Discussion & Possible Action: Recap of the earlier final Parking Committee meeting by Ann De Bello with the decision to send all crosswalk sign changes on to the appropriate DOT personnel. Lead Officer Mike Shea said to inform him of areas with particular problems, such as the dangerous left turn from Franklin East onto Tamarind North, and they will investigate and ticket.
Agenda Item #4: Old Business
Officers Sollie , Shea and Aram gave updates on crime stating there are no specific crime alerts and that crime statistics are down in our area. The serious problem with the increased Homeless in Hollywood was discussed. The Officers stated the various social service agencies are bringing them in for services and not staying, just dropping them off. One of the problems is that there are many services for Youth, but few to deal with the adult Homeless. Norma Foster complimented the officers for clearing up the area around the Hollymount steps and asked for an update on the huge encampment around Gower and El Centro. Jim McQuiston wanted to know if the City intended to start enforcing the no sleeping on sidewalks law. According to Joel Fisher, the CPAB meeting on September 24 th will include the issue of the Homeless.
Agenda Item #5: New Business
Joel Fisher stated Brian Gallagher from DOT would be at the Beachwood Canyon meeting on Thursday for anyone who wished to speak to him. Norma Foster mentioned that a Club at 6623 Hollywood Blvd. was requesting a variance to remain open until 4:00am. Norma was going to poll Central Hollywood and Hollywood West NC's to find out their position re: the variance and perhaps sign a joint petition.
Agenda Item #6: Mayor's Budget Survey for Discussion
Susan Polifronio stated that HUNC would spend 2 Saturdays at Mayfair polling the Community on what projects the Mayor should fund within the HUNC boundaries for the 2004 budget. All Board members were requested to poll a minimum of 10 people and to turn in their results by August 22 nd .
Motion by Susan Polifronio to nominate Ann De Bello and Joel M. Fisher to represent Hollywood United Neighborhood Council at the Mayor's Budget Forums.
Second: Norma Foster
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
Motion to Adjourn at 8:00 PM By Chair Joel M. Fisher
Second: Susan Polifronio
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
Minutes Respectfully submitted by Co-Chair: Susan Polifronio