finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Draft Copy- For Approval Only

Planning and Land Use Management
Committee of the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council

The regular monthly meeting of the PLUM committee was held on Tuesday, October 9th, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, 6054 Yucca Street, Los Angeles, CA. 

                        Board Committee Members
                        Robert Abrahamian        
Scott Larson                   
Bree Long                      
David Schlesinger           

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome & Introductions


  1. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as amended.

  1. Public Comment


  1. Presentation: 1800 N. Argyle- Newport Capital Partners

Ira Handelman represented Newport Capital Partners on this proposed project. Current use of the property is a 5 story office building of 38,000 square feet built in the 1960’s. Proposed use is for an 87 unit residential condominium building totaling 15 stories above grade; subterranean parking with 170 parking spaces. Project includes rooftop pool deck, landscaped terrace, fitness center, and lobby/lounge.

HUNC PLUM Committee provided conditional endorsement of this project pending receipt of the mitigated negative declaration and any updated information as to potential signage that may be implemented on the building. Hollywood Dell Civic Association and Argyle Civic Association have granted their endorsements of this project.

  1. Briarcliff Gatehouse- Presentation

Gary Morris represented the owner of this property and was seeking endorsement from HUNC for a variance on the height of fencing surrounding the property from the existing height of 8’4” to 8’ 6”. The owner was pending a zoning hearing to request a revocable permit from the city for the height variance as well as to approve a 14’ gatehouse. Concerns and opposition from neighbors more specifically related to the proposed gatehouse resulted in HUNC declaring that further information was needed for this project in order to provide an endorsement.

  1. Little Country Church- Presentation

This presentation was tabled until December.

  1. 2nd Street Ventures/KFWB Site- Report by David Schlesinger

David reports that 2nd Street Ventures received unanimous support from the community at a recent zoning hearing for the project.

  1. Argyle/Yucca Island- Report by David Schlesinger

David asked for feedback from stakeholders as to proposed uses of the property.

  1. New Business

Owners of 2303-2305 San Marcos Drive requested to b put on next PLUM agenda to seek endorsement for proposed variances on the property.

Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.