Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Oct 2004
PLUM Committee Corrected 10.18.04
Planning & Land Use Management Committee Meeting Notes
1. Hollywood & Western Redevelopment Project
There will be a follow up meeting shortly with NC reps and community groups to detail community input schedule. Design and component mix still to be determined. Date not set at this point. See attached sheet. . Project info available at http://www.lacity.org/CRA/Hollywoodproposal/index.htm
Northern side of Hollywood Blvd.
Developers picked were partnership with C.I.M. and St. Francis/ Gershwin Hotel. Proposal also includes expansion of footprint north of CRA boundary to lots including Tokyo Florist and The Study Bar.
Selection of northern team dependent on fulfillment of public commitments, successful negotiation with St. Francis/ Gershwin for new agreement, and acquisition of northern properties without CRA use of eminent domain.
Southern side of Hollywood Blvd.
Developers picked were partnership with Louis B. Mayer building and KOR Group. Recording Studio has voluntarily agreed to partner with southern group for an integrated project
Selection of southern team dependent on fulfillment of public commitments. Southern section includes need for land acquisition.
2. St. Andrew's Pocket Park Land to be acquired by CRA (voluntarily hopefully). Lot presently unoccupied and for sale. St. Andrew's street may be closed to through traffic.
3. Hollywood Vine MTA Project No public meetings scheduled. Successful field trip to Texas for on site visit of W Hotel complex with condominiums. Next step is MTA Board approval.
4. Adaptive Reuse Hollywood Tour See attached sheet
5. Planning 102 Class Councilman Garcetti Office
Attended by Susan Polifronio and Russell Brown . Mixed Use Development & Community input in design process.
6. Inclusionary Zoning . Silverlake NC and GGPNC have authored positions. Central City Association and Hollywood Chamber of Commerce have position papers. Proposal excludes adaptive reuse projects. Likely that issue is so complex to be deferred to after March 2005 mayoral election. City has recommended that community input in to the upcoming update of the Hollywood Specific Master plan would be an avenue for dealing with this issue. An overlay zone that would allow density bonuses with mitigated inpacts may be an option. An exclusion zone in dedicated areas such as hillside areas or problematic fire access areas could be an option.
7. Hollywood Dell Condominium Project . 1900 block of Holly Drive. Presentation to Hollywood Dell Neighborhood Association. Approved. Scheduled for Nov. 2004 PLUM and Nov 2004 HUNC Board
8. Fire Station # 8 2 Sept Meeting with significant protest by Florentine Gardens. Prop F Committee will proceed with selection, hopefully without use of eminent domain.
9. Whole Foods Market. Developer cancelled Sept 2004 PLUM presentation. Eastwood Coalition has had meetings with developer over design, impact and other issues. Security and maintenance issues seem to have been resolved with clearance of property and installation of fence. There has been loss of significant community parking. Agreement of PLUM committee that design guidelines and broad outlines of community integration of CRA redevelopment project should also apply to Whole Foods Project. These concerns include integrated design, sufficient self-contained parking for customers and employees, set backs and landscaping on traffic corridors, village pedestrian orientation. Significant issues of concern include wall to wall development. Truck delivery schedules and location and its impact on residents and hotel guests. Possible 3 stories of parking on top of a wall to wall big box design.
10. Ambassador Hotel . LAUSD voted last week to proceed with construction of 3 schools on the site of the Ambassador Hotel. The main hotel building would be torn down. The Cocoanut Grove building will be saved as a auditorium. The RFK pantry will be disassembled and possibly reassembled at a site and context to be determined.