Draft Copy- For Approval Only
Planning and Land Use Management
Committee of the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
The regular monthly meeting of the PLUM committee was held on Tuesday, November 13th, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, 6054 Yucca Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Board Committee Members
Robert Abrahamian robert@josephscafe.com
Scott Larson slarson@chla.usc.edu
Bree Long breelong@gmail.com
David Schlesinger buzon@adelphia.net
Agenda Items:
• Welcome & Introductions
• Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
• Public Comment
• 5769 Briarcliff Gatehouse- Presentation & Update
Based on previous concerns of the community, the developer/owner has revised plan for a proposed gatehouse on the aforementioned property. The revised plans set back the gatehouse off of the street so that it is less visually prominent. Additional landscaping will be incorporated to obscure the existing fence line and create pleasing aesthetics that are compatible with the existing surroundings. The committee moved to provide its conditional endorsement of the revised plans provided that a covenant was put in place restricting an alternative use of the gatehouse for other than which it was intended. Motion passed.
- 2301-2309 San Marco Drive Houses
Tabled until December.
- Supper Club L.A. @ The Vogue Theater- Status Report
Applicants reported that a hearing was conducted after the original proposal of this project to PLUM last year. An appeal hearing was set for November 27th due to operational problems with the parking plan. The following revisions have been made since the original hearing:
- Kitchen plan enlarged to 1,058 sq.ft.; serving maximum occupancy of 570 people (300 as seated diners).
- “Massage” component has been eliminated.
- Moroccan style ‘beds’ have been removed and replaced with ‘banquettes.’
- Recent parking study shows minimal impact to nearest intersection.
- Proposed Letter of Intent for parking lease of 240 spaces at Crosswords of the World on the intersection of Las Palmas & Cherokee between Selma & Sunset.
- A variance is being requested seeking an alternative parking lot outside of the 750’ requirement for proximity to the proposed site.
- Cost of Valet Service will be limited to $10.
- New Business
- David Schlesinger has been appointed to a committee that will review an alternative proposal for use of the KFWB site on Yucca & Argyle. Millennium Developers is proposing the construction of two towers to the south and southeast of the Capitol Records building. The heights of the proposed towers are 350’ and 450’ tall.
- The L.A. City Planning Department will purportedly have the Hollywood Plan developed and available for review in November of 2008. The PLUM committee agreed to explore methods to compel the City to provide explanation for traffic, zoning, and variance issues as they relate to the Hollywood Plan.
Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.