Planning and Land Use Management
Committee of the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
The regular monthly meeting of the PLUM committee was held on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, 6054 Yucca Street, Los Angeles, CA.
2. Committee Membership
3. Presentation on Argyle & Yucca Project
David Jordan & his associates at Second Street Ventures gave a summary presentation of their planned development located on Argyle & Yucca Streets at the site of the old KCRW building. Highlights include:
v Street landscaping with work/live lofts on ground level, 85 ‘for sale’ condo units ranging in size from 800 to 1,800 square feet, and a 14,000 sq. ft. mezzanine level intended for commercial office space.
v 2 levels subterranean parking and 3 levels above grade parking (242 spaces total)
v Green design to minimize heat load and maximize sun shades within building.
v Recreation deck with pool and landscaping.
Conclusion: PLUM offered conditional support of this project pending receipt of the EIR and an alternative resolution to the proposed placement of 1,250 square feet of signage currently planned for the north facing side of the building. Hollywood Dell residents and PLUM committee have expressed preference for signage on south side of the building and Second Street Ventures has agreed to explore alternatives for placement of signage.
4. Proposed Canyon West Historic District
A. David Schlesinger moved to ‘propose to the HUNC board that $5,000 in seed money be allocated to fund the proposed Canyon Western Historic District.
B. The motion was adopted.
5. Report on Lorae Place Project
Scott Larson reported that the previous request for variance has been withdrawn.
6. Old Business
The committee discussed changing the regular meeting time and date of the HUNC PLUM committee meeting from the 2nd Wednesday of each month to the 4th Wednesday of each month.
7. New Business
Ann Debello raised concerns over the need for the community to be updated on planning issues and proposed a town hall to take place in June.
A. David Schlesinger moved ‘that the committee begin planning for a town hall.’
B. The motion was adopted.
David Schlesinger reported that he had attended a meeting regarding the request for a liquor license for the restaurant at Griffith Observatory to be operated by Puck Catering. David concluded that the matter is still pending and the requested variance for a liquor license has not been approved.
Scott Larson reported that he would be attending the ‘Saving L.A.’ Conference on March 18th.
Scott Larson presented a survey for proposed distribution to Canyon Western residents to assess their concerns for a variety of neighborhood issues.
A. David Schlesinger moved to ‘request that the HUNC board approve the survey for distribution to residents to help prioritize for making changes.’
B. The motion was adopted.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.