Agenda item #1: attending.. from Councilman LaBonge's office: Rory Fitzpatrick, Michelle Fleenor, Eric Sanjurjo. Also attending, Susan Swan, Martin Suarez, Wanda Clarke, Lucy, Lucinda Philips, Russ Brown, Bill Cooperman, Patricia Macfadden, Richard McNaughton, Scott Larson.
Agenda Item #2: Update on status of Concession Stand in Fern Dell
from Jeanne Chang: 5/21/2004 <<The situation and players have not changed, just the opening has been delayed. We have a signed permit with the gentlemen Linda had told you about. The delay is due to unanticipated upgrades necessary for the stand as well as the restrooms to meet Health Department requirements. The operator is still motivated and is lining up the contractors to do the work which should begin in the next few weeks. Once started the work should go quickly, so in perhaps about 30 - 45 days it should be open for business. We will keep you posted..
Hope this helps, Mike Honan>>
Agenda Item #3: Update on proposal by City to transfer GP Rangers in Griffith Park
from Eric Sanjurjo: 6/11/2004 <<The Rangers are going to remain in Griffith Park, it's just that a number of them will be switching departments from Rec and Parks over to GSD. The Rangers who stay will mostly concern themselves with maintaining the land and providing tours. The ones who are moving over to GSD will take on more of a policing function. We are monitoring the progress of this and will make sure that the safety of park patrons in not compromised.>> The Rangers consist of 46 security-based Park Rangers who will go over to GSD. There are 17 non-peace officers who will stay in an 'informational' Park role.
Agenda Item #4: Update on St Andrews Place Stairs fund-raisers Adam was unable to attend so Richard McNaughton and Patricia Macfadden attended from Friends of St Andrews Place Stairs. The timeline for the proponents of the stair closure to submit petitions has ended. Therefore, the group is working on plans for fundraising and beautification. They are also working with a historian to facilitate designation of the stairs as a historic monument. This is the 80th anniverary of the stairs construction.
Agenda Item #5: Update on Franklin Beautification Project. Volunteers will attend a TreePeople tree planting and get experience as diggers. The 50 trees will most probably be planted over 2 weekends.
Agenda Item #6: Update on Fire Safety/Access Sub-Committee. Everything is on hold until the various agencies work out a feasible plan Michelle reported that CD 5 met with DOT, FD and LAPD. The FD is revisiting the issue with DOT and the City due to conflicting standards between DOT and LAFD. They need to resolve these standards, including standardizing street width, identifying critical streets, identifying routes for evacuation and outline the parameters as a starting point.
Agenda Item #7: August Fire Safety/Town Hall N&E Meeting and mission statement for N&E Michelle Fleenor will assist in inviting the Fire Department, DOT, LAPD and any other agencies involved in Fire Access Safety. The meeting will take place on the usual N&E date on August 24, 2004.
Agenda Item #8: New Business: Russ: HUNC PLUM meetings will be the 2nd Tuesday of the month New Fire Station 82 will probably be at the Florentine Gardens site, with modifications to the site.
Agenda Item #10: Old Business.
A. Update on proposed residential development at top of Oaks nothing more to date
B. Beautification/renovation of intersection of Bronson Avenue and Canyon Drive Lynn Cohen is the Beautification contact with Cmn LaBonge's office. Susan will follow up.
C. Report from HPOZ sub-ctte Thursday, July 27th, 9am, is the date/time of the Town Hall meeting on HPOZ. It will be at the Braudy (sp) Center in Van Nuys.