Tuesday 8/26/03
Start 6:20pm
Attending Committee members.. Russ Brown, Norma Foster, Charles Suhayda, Viktoria Gaw, Lucinda Phillips, Stacy Title, Susan Swan and Bill Cooperman. Also attending various members of the public including Joel Fisher and DONE representative Christine Jerian.
Minutes of August's meeting approved unanimously
Filming Sub-Committee update
Darryl Seif of the EIDC came and introduced himself to those who had not met him previously. He would like to make a presentation at a full Board meeting. The community concern over filming in Bronson Canyon (Griffith Park) was expressed. Access to the park is limited if not totally restricted when filming is taking place, and people were upset to not have access to trails or parking. Darryl said that the EIDC is working with LA Parks and Rec Dept. Susan S wants to work with the EIDC on Bronson Park/Cyn productions. Darryl said he is working to make Production Co's good neighbors because that is not always the case.
EIDC phone numbers: 8am-6pm = 323-957-1000 x2
After hours/weekends= 800-201-5982
All still photography and filming has to be permitted by EIDC. Park use must be permitted by Parks and Rec before EIDC will issue permits.
Russ B. Filming of Scorpion King was a 120 day shoot. There was a heavy burden on the Bronson Cyn Park and the neighborhood. Can something be done for the better good of the community after the shoot is finished?
Darryl S., EIDC. This shoot was very long. Approved before I took over. I'd have done things differently. He agreed that something good could be done for the community ie, tree planting.
It was mentioned that there is also a perception that Council Members are and can request contributions to allow filming but this is incorrect. It was also commented upon that some people take advantage of advanced filming notices. For example, gardeners show up at residential properties, start working and ask the film companies for money to stop the leaf blowers. Advance notices are sent out to SAG and the unions. Susan S mentioned that she would like to have the NC Filming Sub-Committee informed ahead of time so that efforts could be made to mitigate the impact on the community involved.
DarryS., EIDC. We have numerous local contacts in the community to get the word out. We're awaiting the KPMG report.
Susan S. Our area was omitted from the KPMG report.
Darryl S., EIDC. KPMG will not be a definitive report. This is an organic process. We can however provide updates 1 week before the N&E meetings.
Norma F. Touchstone filmed in her neighborhood and gave residents 10 days notice of pending filming. She also met with Monastery of the Angels and LAPD. She helped the nuns understand filming notification and process. She talked to the LAPD on street closures overnight on the Friday night involved. She worked with SLO Sollie. But many people were not adequately informed of this street closure. There were some complaints of bright lighting at night. Norma spoke to the location manager to deal with the lighting issue. All in all a good shoot. Good closedown, good cleanup.
Susan S. Let's get the Filming Sub-Committee to meet 1/2 hour before this one in future. We'll contact Scott Larson for input.
Darryl S. EIDC. Although production companies may notify NCs 10 days ahead of time, we often don't get notified more than 48-72 hours before a shoot. Beginning next week we will have about 200 shoots per week as we enter into TV production season.
Susan S. Thanks for coming and thanks for your input, we really appreciate it and we look forward to working with you and the EIDC.
Public Comment.
Bruce Mahler, Christine O'Brian, Linda Doe from Hollywoodland. Re: Hollywoodland Specific Plan.. City ordinance.
They worked on this ordinance. They are upset because elements of the specific plan are being voided/violated such as set-backs, building types, roofing and fencing. Specifically, a neighbor has installed a 6' high, 60-80 foot long fence with no mandated 3-foot setback at 3200 Durand Drive. He has drilled into an 8" City curb and has installed the fence without a permit. This despite City requirements that requires fences be no higher than 3'6". He has also drilled into a historic stone fence.
Chris O'Brian. They met with owners and gave them guidelines relating to fence construction from the Hollywoodland Specific Plan Ordinance. The property owner went off and built the fence anyway. Now the owners are asking for a variance. Chris feels that the fence will need to be taken down and rebuilt. The owners will need to meet with the Design Review Board of Hollywoodland HOA. The owners have hired an attorney (a former building inspector) to represent them in this matter rather than comply with regulations. This Hwdland Specific Plan was formulated in 1992 with then-City Councilman John Ferraro.
Chris O'Brian. We're asking the N&E Committee for a letter of support of our efforts on this matter.
Joel F. What exactly do you want? What is your timeframe? The Committee needs to do some fact-finding and verify the claims being made here.
Chris O'Brian. Come and meeti with the Hwdland Design Review Board.
Bruce M. I'm very concerned about erecting fences without the 3' setback. This fence has been installed on City property.
Norma F. If granite wall is a historical landmark, then go to the Heritage and Cultural affairs Dept.
There was discussion that this more appropriately should be taken to the full Board, and Susan S. mentioned that the next full Board meeting will be Monday Sept. 16th.
Russ B. Why did Hwdland HOA not deal with this?
Chris O'Brian. There has been division in the Hwdland HOA. The proposed secession of Hollywood divided the group. The current Board has become less active.
Susan S. I would like to put this issue on the agenda for the next Board meeting on 9/16.
Joel F. Please present this under N&E committee report and not under new business.
Thanks to Chris O'Brian, Bruce Mahler and Linda Doe.
Griffith Park Sub-Committee
Christine J. I'm here to listen to what is going on and to determine if there is any confusion.
Russ B. Reports: In Feb 2003 we found out that DONE gave away part of our area to GGPNC. We found out through lighting issues along Fern Dell and this issue came to the N&E committee.
Christine J. I want to correct the history. When the NCs were forming, perhaps agreements on boundaries weren't smoothly communicated.
Russ B. There is also the issue of the L.A. River. But if everyone (NCs) who touch the river are included it becomes unmanageable. Sharing the park.. HUNC feels strongly about sharing all isues concerning GP but many at GGPNC don't want to share.
Christine J. Just because it can be shared doesn't mean it has to be shared.
Russ B. Kara Knack (PROS ctte) agreed that all of Fern Dell, Western Canyon Rd is within our (HUNC) boundaries. All issues are shared with HUNC.
Susan S. Concerned that an agreement with PROS or GGPNC could be changed or abolished if future GGPNC Board members want to change it. Feels that something more definitive should be set up.
Open discussion on where is our boundary on Western Cyn road.. middle of the road/ east side of the road?
Joel F. Wants an open meeting/special meeting of the Mediation Group. Will ask for input from neighbors in Fern Dell. He wants a joint committee with GGPNC to deal with all issues in GP.
Susan S. Do we have to go back to original boundaries?
Christine J. We'll (DONE) support any agreement between the HUNC and GGPNC.
Joel F. It's not so much an issue of the boundary but how you manage the Park. 1. Go back to Mediation group or 2. go back to our original boundaries.
Russ B. Are we throwing out our mediation agreement? We're going to antagonize GGPNC.
Big discussion on what we're really after here?
Susan S. Proposal on boundary.. All of Fern Dell to Los Feliz Estates boundary on East side. North north to and then along hiking trail to the top of Western Canyon Road loop (East side). To East side of Western Canyon Road where it meets foot trail. Along East side of Western Canyon Road near tank then North along Fire Dept service area boundary for FS82.
Vote: yes 7 no 0 (unanimous)
Susan S, Russ B, Lucinda P and Stacy T went over to large map and drew line to indicate proposed boundary and all agreed.
Bronson Park Picnic
Russ B. approved in principle by the Board but the Board requested a detailed plan for next Board meeting in September.
Susan S. keep it simple. Food, prizes for costumes. Food should be chips and soda.
Lucinda P. There are many regulations for doing a large barbecue in Bronson Park. We need good prizes at no cost.
Susan S. We have tentatively reserved Bronson Park for Sunday October 26th subject to Board approval. There is a need for a new fence to be constructed at the Playground area so this could also be a fundraiser towards that end. We are not an official nonprofit group yet so we need to be careful about this as to our wording. The picnic would have a Halloween theme, with costume prizes, an 'opportunity drawing' of donations from the various businesses, activities for kids (Stacy and Viktoria to investigate)
Russ B. we need detailed flier, press release etc for approval by the Board.
Russ B told the committee to come up with a budget and suggested we meet before the next Board meeting.. even 20 minutes before would work. Viktoria G would like to do a chili cookoff and will contact Michelle Fleenor and report back.
Meeting adjourned.