On November 8, 2005 the Arts, Park, Health & Aging Committee held a hearing on the LaBonge-Greuel-Hahn motion that provides for 37 Recreation & Parks Department Park Rangers, based in and exclusively serving the regional parks.
A number of park advocates, representing neighborhood associations, attended to voice their support of this motion to retain 37 regional park Rangers with pay parity, the ability to write citations and to retain ranger "uniforms". Councilmember LaBonge supported these requests and the Motion is being referred to the Personnel Committee and then the Budget & FInance Committee.
The Consolidation of the Rangers into the General Services Department is likely - it has been slowed down considerably but it is unlikely that a majority of Councilmembers will vote against it.
It is important, therefore, that the LaBonge-Greuel-Hahn motion is adopted in order to retain Rangers in the Regional Parks e.g. Griffith Park. At this juncture it is likely that this motion will be adopted.
Lucinda Phillips attended representing HUNC.