finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Renaissance Café
Celebrity Center—5930 Franklin Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Saturday, January 13, 2007 10 am – 2pm
Motions and Time-Sensitive Items (Partial Minutes)

Item 6—LANCC (Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Congress)

  • Discussion centered around our involvement and participation with LANCC. LANCC meets on the first Saturday of the month. It was decided that 4 Board members would attend: Robert Abrahamian, Erik Sanjurjo, Norma Foster and Ryan Hole Hass. Only these 4 will attend.
  • Motion: Susan Polifronio, “I nominate Ryan Ole Hass, Erik Sanjurjo, Norma Foster and Robert Abrahamian as HUNCs representatives to LANCC meetings. Second: David Schlesinger. Vote: Yes---13            No---0            Abs---0.

Item 7—Committees, Liaisons, Town Halls

  • Motion: Andrew Ettinger, “That our President pursue a plan for forming an organization of Greater Hollywood Neighborhood Councils to work for the greater good and common interests of all our constituents and stakeholders. Second: Susan Polifronio. Vote:  Yes—13            No—0            Abs---0.
  • Committee Meeting times:

Meeting at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, Upper Terrace Hall (6054 Yucca)
Public Safety & Transportation: Second Monday of month; 7 – 8:30 PM (with exception for April, when they meet on the 5th Monday)
Renters: Second Monday of month; 6 – 7 PM (with exception of April when they meet on 5th Monday).
Business: First Wednesday of the month; 7-8 PM (with exception of July, date TBD).
Arts & Culture: Third Wednesday of the month; 6 – 7:30 PM.
Finance: Fourth Monday of the month; 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Social Service & Faith-based: Fourth Monday of the month; 7:30 – 8:30 PM.
Neighborhood & Environment: Fourth Tuesday of the month; 6 – 7 PM.
By-laws: as needed
Election: as needed
Outreach & HUNC Board Meeting: Third Monday of the month; 6 – 9 PM.
Meeting at Cheremoya Elementary:
Education & Youth: first Tuesday of the month.

Item 9---Marketing, Newsletter, e-zine

  • Translation Services—It was agreed by the Board that translation services are necessary for effective outreach into our multi-lingual community (Thai, Armenian, Spanish, Korean?). Translation needed for meeting agendas, meetings, and newsletter. Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “In an effort to accelerate our outreach efforts, HUNC will set aside funds (exact amount to be decided later, but should be less than $1,000 total per month that the City would charge) to hire community non-profits (ethnic and religious cultural organizations) to translate and distribute HUNC written materials into Spanish, Thai and Armenian in order to increase participation from non-English speaking stakeholders. These groups should also be asked to provide estimates for the cost of providing live (simultaneous) translation services.” Second: Norma Foster. Vote: Yes---12  No—0  Abs—0.
  • Committee Meeting Agendas—Are due on the Monday of the week before your committee meeting.
  • HUNC Liaisons—If you cannot attend a meeting to which you are a liaison, contact Susan Swan in advance and she will make arrangements for an alternate.
  • Elections--(1) First Election meeting will be February 20th  (Tues) from 5:30 – 6:30 PM. (2) HUNC Election is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 25th.
  • Newsletter—Will be issued monthly, updating our mailing lists.

Item 10—HUNC minutes

  • Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That all HUNC Board minutes are distributed to the Board within two weeks after the conclusion of the Board meeting. Second: Andrew Ettinger. Vote: Yes---12   No---0   Abs---0.

Motion on Food Expenditures for Committee Meetings

  • Motion: Gary Slossberg, To allocate up to $120 per committee meeting for food and drinks.” Second: Hilary Royce            Vote: Yes—12   No—0   Abs—0.

Prepared by Charles Suhayda
Recording Secretary, HUNC