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September 20, 2004 Minutes for the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting held at 6054 Yucca St., First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood

Upper Terrace-Community Room.

Attending Board Members: Robert Abrahamian, Jordan Birnbaum, Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse, Ann De Bello, Joel M. Fisher, Norma Foster, Andrew Glazier, Scott Larson, Ian McCubbin, Susan Polifronio, Chreis Stehr, Charles Suhayda and Susan Swan.

Agenda Item #1 & 2: Welcome, Roll Call and Approval of August Minutes.

After roll call the attending LAPD officers report has been moved to first on the agenda.

Officer Shea of the Hollywood division stated that violent crime in our area is down 16% over 2003 and that property crime reduction has been 18% over the same period. There have been no major crimes within the HUNC boundary in over 6 months. The west end of Hollywood around Sunset, Beverly and Wilshire has seen a rash of masked, armed bandit robberies. This is being dealt with by the downtown robbery division. Homeless outreach is being done bi-monthly and there will be a parole sweep from the 101 at Beverly through Barham.

Officer Svedalian distributed the new Hollywood Division phone list. The old numbers are slated to change at any time. The increase in sirens is due to a change of policy so that most calls are code 2 and require sirens.

Agenda Item # 3: Presentations

Roberto Haraldsen of the Silverlake NC gave a brief presentation on renewable energy and asked that we add a motion to recommend "that the Mayor mandate that by 2010, 20% of the energy provided by DWP to the City of Los Angeles come from clean, renewable energy sources. That this 20% standard be met only with renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, fuel cells and small hydro as defined by state law." Roberto also stated that LA has the dirtiest utility in the State and that DWP puts 18 million tons of CO2 into the air with Coal fire fuel.

3 A: Motion by Viktoria Gaw for HUNC to supply the shortfall of $1,783.32 to pay for planting supplies, planting day food and beverages and miscellaneous expenses.

Second: Susan Polifronio

Motion carries

3 B: Vista Del Mar Street Closure

Presentation by Jim McQuiston against the street was accompanied by a petition with 52 signatures and was handed to HUNC by Jim.  Bob A. presented his request to vacate the street and stated there would only be a net loss of one parking space and that the problems with vagrants and crime had been eliminated by the temporary closure. Russell Brown stated that the site had been examined by any interested Board members, that fencing, landscape and maintenance were in place, the renovations of the apartments were high quality and that the building and safety issues would be vetted.

September 20, 2004 Minutes for the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting

Cheryl Gaskill spoke against the vacation as setting a dangerous precedent and that no loss of parking spaces were acceptable. Silvia of 1807 Vista del Mar stated that the street should be left open. Jim McQuiston stated that HUNC should poll the residents. Andrew Glazier wanted to know if the street could be made into a gated lot, Scott Larson wanted to know if the drawings of the closure would be what was implemented. Susan Swan stated she would support if it is a sale instead of a giveaway. After stating that he appreciated the work done on the Vista del Mar buildings, Ian McCubbin made a

Motion to keep the temporary closure on Vista del Mar as we look for other options for parking.

Second Russell Brown


Andrew Glazier clarified that motion supports the vacation provided the vacated portion is used for parking. Ian accepted the amendment to his motion.

Second: Susan Polifronio

Jordan Birnbaum stated he felt the council was over governing and that the vote should be  a simple. Call for the amended motion vote of vacating Vista del Mar with no requirements.

Disposition: 7 For, 8 Opposed, 1 Abstention: Motion Fails

Original Motion by Andrew Glazier to close Vista del Mar and that the vacated portion should be used for parking if legally possible.

Disposition: 9 For, 3 Opposed, 2 Abstentions: Motion Carries

3 C: Motion to consider support of LAFD Hillside Parking Ordinance in its present form and motion to urge City Council to require LAFD involvement in Building & Safety/Zoning decisions/variances in the "high fire danger areas."

Susan Swan stated the remapping had not been done, no signs have been put up in the proposed red zones, the zones make little sense to residents in affected areas, the plans for notification are vague and no parking alternatives have been provided. In view of this the HDCA voted on September 15 th to not support the plan in its present form. Susan Swan stated the Oaks did not support the plan as stated.

Motion by Susan Swan to vote not to support the proposed LAFD Fire/Parking/Hillside ordinance in its present form and until Building and Safety, LAFD and community input on notification and parking alternatives are included in the plan.

Discussion: Viktoria Gaw stated the plan is not open to negotiation. Ian McCubbin stated the LAFD has valid concerns and that he will trust them on this and the problems can be worked out later. Ann de Bello stated LAFD and DOT need to sit down and together and plan the postings, designated where the public will be able to park, security and how to get to home and back. She wishes to amend to support any community involvement.

Motion remains as stated

Second: Robert Abrahamian

Dispositon: 8 For, 5 Opposed, 1 abstention

Motion Carries

September 20, 2004 Minutes for the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting

#4 D: Inclusionary Zoning Presentations: Don Scott & Walker Dearth Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and Kurt Rademaker of GGPNC

Don Scott publicly thanked Ann De Bello for her wonderful care as his R.N. during his recent ICU hospitalization. He then proceeded to state the need for designing an ordinance that will find compromises to upgrade blighted buildings, vacant lots and provide workforce housing along the transportation corridors. Included in the handouts were the program components of Inclusionary Zoning ordinance and a short synopsis of Chamber recommendations. (On File at HUNC office). Kurt Rademaker stated Silverlake and Greater Griffith Park NC's agreed with the Chamber recommendations in many respects. Kurt stated the proposed one size fits all will not work and that the proposal should be flexible within each district. The reduction on parking requirements would have a heavy impact on neighborhoods. Walker Dearth felt that the IZ should be optional for developers, not mandatory. Walker also stated that existing specific area plans and ordinances should take precedence.

Lute Vincent from the downtown NC stated adaptive reuse converted buildings into too many high-end large units and this pushes out the low-income residents. He wished for deeper targeting on the poorest people.

Susan Polifronio encouraged Board members to attend the October 9 th Inclusionary Zoning sessions at the upcoming Neighborhood Congress and that there would be a vote on an impact statement at the October Board meeting.

Agenda Item #4: HUNC Officer Reports

President Joel M. Fisher reported on the upcoming Chamber Event and that he, Maurece, Ann and Jordan would be attending.

Vice-President Susan Polifronio requested the completion of at least 10 Mayor's Budget studies by stakeholders from each Board member to be turned in at the HUNC Office by September 24 th .

Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan proposed changing the website so that each Ctte chair could hold "module forums" online.

Treasurer Maurece Chesse reviewed the 3 page HUNC 2004 Financial Report and Expenses. Current balance is $24,098.00, current credit card balance is $1,454.18 and available petty cash is $113.84. $11,000.00 has been encumbered and $12,500.00 is unused. Maurece also requested that all minutes be paginated and that the meeting and date be at the top of each page.

Agenda Item #5: Committee Reports

PLUM Ctte Chair Russell Brown reported on the continuing LAUSD/Ambassador Auditorium site controversy. The update on the CRA/Hollywood Blvd. development has the project given to two separate developers, both with significant property ownership in the affected area. The plans now call for a pocket park at the vacant lot on Garfield and Hollywood Blvd.

Education & Youth Ctte Co-Chair Andrew Glazier encouraged Board members to attend the Sept. 21 st "Raising Urban Kids" information fair and Town Hall. Norma Foster stated there would be a proclamation for International Peace Day read at the opening.

September 20, 2004 Minutes for the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting

Motion by Andrew Glazier for $120.00 from HUNC to pay for child care at the "Raising Urban Kids" Town Hall

Second: Susan Polifronio

Disposition: Passed Unanimously

Arts & Entertainment Chair Norma Foster stated that she and Jordan Birnbaum are setting up a date in November for the Ctte meeting. She also stated she attended the LA Birthday held at Olvera St.

Neighborhood & Environment Chair Susan Swan stated the Rangers were being eliminated as a dedicated unit and asked that we support the PROS Ctte letter drafted on this issue.

Second Viktoria Gaw

Disposition: Passed

Susan Also stated that the Destination Restaurant is still an issue. The current suggestion is to take half the bookstore and expand the café to add liquor.

Agenda Item #7: New Business

7 A: Possible HUNC Board Retreat

Susan Polifronio requested that the Board consider 3 dates for a retreat led by Gary De La Rosa. After discussion November 6 th was the date decided upon.

Motion to hold Board Retreat on November 6 th with venue and mission to be decided on at the Executive Ctte meeting.

Motion Seconded: Andrew Glazier

Disposition: Passed

Norma Foster brought up the request for a liquor liscence by the Chevron Station located at Dix and Cahuenga. She requested this be agendized for the next Board meeting.

Agenda Item #8: Old Business

Jim McQuiston asked for help with the illegal nightclub activity at Argyle and Yucca. Joel M. Fisher stated he has discussed this with the police and they are looking into it.

Motion to Adjourn by Joel M. Fisher

Second: Susan Polifronio

Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Susan Polifronio