October 18, 2004
Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Minutes.
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood: Upper Terrace-Community Room
6054 Yucca St., Los Angeles, CA 90028
Agenda Item #1: Welcome, Roll Call and Approval of September Minutes
Vice President Susan Polifronio chaired the meeting in Joel M. Fisher's absence. Welcome was done. Those present were Susan Polifronio, Robert Abrahamian, Jordan Birnbaum, Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Viktoria Gaw, Andrew Glazier, Ian McCubbin, Hilary Royce, Chris Stehr, Charles Suhayda, Susan Swan.
Excused absence:
Joel M. Fisher
Ann DeBello
Norma Foster
Scott Larson
Motion to Accept September Minutes:
1 st : - Andrew Glazier
2 nd - Susan Swan
Disposition: passed
Minutes are accepted.
Agenda Item #2: Hollywood Lead Officers Crime Stat Reports
Senior Lead Officers Armin Sevdalian and Mike Shea reported on their Hollywood reporting districts. SLO Sevdalian reported that the crime in his area was overall down. The only crime activity that he was concerned with was a recent rise in satellite dishes being stolen from apartment buildings. He reported that the suspects are two make Hispanics in Direct TV uniforms, driving a white Chevy van.
Officer Shea briefed on upcoming Halloween activities and the recent approval of a local ordinance to ban the possession, use or sale of silly string on Halloween night. This has been a blight on Hollywood Blvd. for several years and Councilmen Tom Labonge and Garcetti backed this up. A tentative street closure is planned pending the amount of traffic on Hollywood Blvd. There are no formal events planned for the evening.
The surveillance cameras on Hollywood Blvd are scheduled to be up and running on December first. These will be on Vine, Cahuenga, Whitley, Highland and Sycamore.
From 2003, the overall crime stats in Hollywood are down 15% in violent crime 18% property crime. The response is down from 7 minutes to 5.7 minutes and they credit this to the increased use of sirens and lights.
October 18, 2004 Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Minutes.
Agenda Item #3: Officer Reports
Vice President Susan Polifronio:
A: Do we want to hear from Mayoral Candidates as a group of individually
The HUNC board agreed that we would get better turn out it all the Hollywood NC's got together and held a Mayorial candidate forum. Andrew Glazier agreed to be the liaison.
B: November 6 th Retreat Location and Agenda
The board agreed that the best placement for the Nov 6 th HUNC Retreat would be at the
Community room at the Fountain City Hall. Details to be worked out via email.
C: Inclusionary Zoning Report and request for volunteers to work on Committee.
Susan Polifronio's report on Inclusionary zoning:
1: This is a Zoning issue, not a housing issue
2: Concern that it will override all existing zoning ordinances
3: Concern that the necessary infrastructure (traffic movement, parking, water, street services, schools, green space, gas, sewage) is not a parallel part of any plan.
4: Concern that those in low income housing at present will find themselves evicted to so that their property can be used for increasing the number of units for those not yet here at the expense of those who already have affordable housing.
5: Request that commercial space, such as strip-malls, be targeted first before encroaching on existing housing. Mixed use and adaptive re-use should be the first focus of attention.
6. Los Angeles' population will be increasing by 6.4 million over the next 20 years (according to actuarial plotting). This is the equivalent of two Chicagos. Much of this increase will be from births within Los Angeles, not transplants from around the country. Unless provision is made for this people will be housed in unsafe conditions. We need to have an intelligent plan for this growth.
The Board agreed, at the suggestion of Eric Sanjujro, that it was best to focus on housing as part of the Hollywood specific plan that is currently being revised. It was agreed that
October 18, 2004 Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Minutes.
all of the Hollywood NC's should be involved. Susan Polifronio asked for a Board member volunteer to be involved and with Board agreement, Susan Polifronio and Andrew Glazier will attend upcoming meetings.
Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan:
There are 405 members on Yahoo. Susan asked Board members for comments regarding the ability for our web page to host committee discussion pages.
Jim McQuiston stated that Board members should not comment on their own pages that it should be stake holder postings only. Susan Swan stated that she would look into the legality of this.
Agenda Item #4: Committee Reports
Request to move to item C first due to special Cheramoya request.
C: Presentation by Chris Stehr: Request for HUNC support of Spirit of Love Toy Barrels and support of Cheremoya Ave. Elementary School Thanksgiving Food Drive
Because of the proposed cut by LAUSD of a fifth grade teacher by week's end most of the meeting was spent discussing "NORM" Day, how it is implemented and what it means to the children and the quality of their education. Principal Chris Stehr had already taken every step available to him to preserve the class. Committee members decided to take a proactive stance and generate a phone campaign to LAUSD to let them know they do not have the community support for the proposed canceling of Ms. Nelson's fifth grade class 1/3 of the way through their school year and their dispersal into the remaining 5 th and 6 th grade classes.
The "Spirit of Love" Toy Barrels need to be placed at Cheremoya and we need at least 2 other locations. The barrels are provided by "Spirit of Love". HUNC would just need to find locations and make sure the toys are picked up.
Motion by Susan Swan for HUNC to support $400 for twenty turkeys for the Cheremoya Ave. Elementary School Thanks Giving food drive subject to DONE's approval.
2 nd : Andrew Ettinger
Discussion: Jim McQuiston questioned NC's ability to donate money. Susan Polifronio stated according to DONE we can use NC money to provide specific items.
Disposition: Chris Stehr recused self. Motion carries.
October 18, 2004 Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Minutes.
A: Upcoming Public Safety November 8 th Town Hall
Susan Swan reported on the Emergency response CERT training Town Hall and requested help from Maurece and stated that the presentation would be a portion of what was presented at the October 9 th Neighborhood Congress.
B: By-Law Stakeholder Reports
Andrew Glazier stated that after discussion with Joel M. Fisher that HUNC meets the requirements of DONE for Stakeholder definition.
Neighborhood and Environment:
Susan Swan reported that Tom La Bonge is having a Town Hall meeting on the disbanding of the dedicated Park Rangers. Susan said that we have already put in our statement on our disagreement with this policy change.
October 13 th will be the next tree planting on Franklin. Susan Swan asked for volunteers and stated that they should show up at 9AM at Immaculate Heart's lower parking lot where volunteers will be provided with food, dirt, trees and shovels. Hilary Royce said that she would ask for participation from Celebrity Center Int.
Russ Brown gave the board hand outs on the current and future projects planned for re-development on Hollywood Blvd. Hand outs on file at HUNC office. A particular note is that Whole Foods Markets proposed plan change from 22,000 Sq. Ft. to 45,000 Sq feet and has created problems with the surrounding community who do not want a large box market at this site. The original stated goal was for a boutique market along the lines of the market on Riverside and Coldwater in the Valley. The HUNC PLUM committee will closely follow developments.
Jim McQuiston we could use SNAP and Title 42 to put pressure on Whole Foods Market to conform with Neighborhood requirements. He stated that parking on any particular lot cannot exceed the original number.
Jim McQuiston stated that the adjacent owner on Vista Del Mar was not notified of the closure.
A.C & E:
When asked by Andrew Ettinger regarding a date for the Ctte meeting, Susan Polifronio stated that all the Board meeting dates are on the website and that Jordan, Andrew
October 18, 2004 Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Minutes.
Ettinger and Norma meet and set the date and agenda and send this to the HUNC office for proper posting and nothing needs to be done by the full Board.
Susan S. and Maurece and will post the upcoming open Board seats on the website.
SS & FF:
Charles and Hilary will be meeting and in November will announce the upcoming Holiday plans.
Agenda Item #5: Public Comment Items not on the Agenda
Cheryl Gaskill got up to thank the HUNC board for being so supportive and helpful in the successful petition for angled parking on Argyle for a net increase of 32 spaces in a two block span. She also presented each Board member with a pair of argyle socks as a token of the Blocks appreciation.
Agenda Item #6: New Business
A: Motion request by Jordan Birnbaum for HUNC to contribute to a fence to built around the Hollywood Free Clinic which is dealing with a severe drugs and violence from young adults sleeping in the vestibule.
Friendly amendment by Maurice Chesse to increase HUNC support to $1000 to help build the wrought iron fence in front of the Free Clinic. Accepted by Jordam Birnbaum.
2 nd : Susan Polifronio
Discussion: Jim McQuiston stated that we should use private funds and not use HUNC money. Luke Vicent felt that this made him feel persecuted and that the homeless people are continually being removed from more appropriate places to sleep and that HUNC should be thinking of places that can be opened up. Charles Suhayda stated that this particular group is problematic but that shelter available in Hollywood is at a crisis point and the only bus available to transport homeless to the East of downtown shelter comes at 3pm in the afternoon.
Disposition: Motion carries unanimously.
Agenda Item #7: Old Business
Agenda Item #8: Adjournment
Motion by Andrew Glazier to adjourn
Second: Susan Polifronio
Disposition: Motion Carries: Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Susan Polifronio and Hilary Royce.