finalized version adsfjhasdfds


November 29, 2005 Statement re: Item 6H from the November 21, 2005 Board Agenda.

In consultation with DONE regarding tonight's meeting we were informed that item

6H of the 11/21/2005 Board meeting regarding the CRA purchase of property on Gower north of Hollywood Blvd. for Transitional Housing should not have been voted on and was illegal after the public was informed that no action would be taken that night leading to a number of Stakeholders leaving before the public comment portion. There was a question from the floor asking to clarify that no action would be taken on this item and there was no dissent from any Board members before the Stakeholders left. DONE has indicated that no vote can be taken tonight, there can be no discussion among Board members and that at the next Board meeting the vote on item 6H must be stricken from the minutes.

Susan Polifronio

President, Hollywood United Neighborhood Council