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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Minutes for November 21, 2005
6:30-8:30 PM
Community Room
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood

Agenda Item 1 -Roll Call & Approval of minutes from October 17, 2005 meeting

Roll Call : Robert Abrahamian-notified he'd be late, Jordan Birnbaum-excused absence, Russell Brown-excused absence, Maurece Chesse-present, Ann DeBello-present, Andrew Ettinger-present, Joel Fisher-present, Norma Foster-present, Viktoria Gaw-present, Andrew Glazier-present, Scott Larson-excused absence, Susan Polifronio-excused absence, Hilary Royce-present, David Schlessinger-present, Gary Slossberg-present, Charles Suhayda-present, Susan Swan-present.

            Minutes from the October 17, 2005 Board Meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion: Joel Fisher-To approved the minutes of the 10/17, 2005 HUNC Board Meeting. Second: Norma Foster. Vote: Yes---10,  No---0,  Abstain---0.

Agenda Item 2 -LAPD Senior Lead Officer Reports

1) Officer Mike Shea : A few crime statistics from the West Bureau-Violent crimes are down 30%, total crime is down 7% from last year. Report on Hollywood Blvd:

· Cameras : One unit does operations. In the month long period 2 operations were conducted. Finding it is harder and harder to catch criminals (they stay away from camera areas). There were a total of 10 arrests---2 felonies (narcotics) and 8 misdemeanors. There was a questionable use of force incident at Hollywood & Highland involving LA County Sheriffs Deputies. The cameras exonerated the deputies.

· Street characters : Conducted a second operation (to enforce rules of conduct) 2 weeks ago. Now Street Characters are cordial to tourists.

· Halloween Night : There was a big problem with illegal vending, both food and otherwise. LAPD took into custody 35 illegal carts. Both the carts and the food were destroyed.

· Vice Unit : There is a problem with illegal vending around nightclubs. Legal and health codes will be enforced.

· Murders : Now stands at 10 for the year. In 5-weeks, we had 5 murders. These are related to gangs and narcotics.

2) Officer Bill Sollie : Update on a murder case from earlier this year (woman who was pushed down in a robbery and later died of injuries). Police again scanned neighborhood, going door-to-door and talking with neighbors. They received a lead, which connected them to someone already in prison. The man confessed to the crime.

· Officer Sollie's area is averaging a 15-20% drop in crime compared to last year.

· BTFV (Break-in Theft From Vehicle) is the biggest problem. Had 11 cases in the last month.

· Burglary in the Hollyridge area. Suspect may be male or female.

· If you have a crime problem-call Bill Sollie.

· There was a problem with a trailer parked on Bronson Ave. It was cited by DOT and was towed by LAPD Hollywood Division.

3) Children's Holiday Party : This year's Christmas Party will be held on December 10 th . Volunteers are needed. For more information, please call Heather in Community Relations at (323) 485-4316.

Agenda Item 3 -Presentations and Discussions

A) Request for Clarification of Red Flag Day (RFD) Notification & Hillside Posting

1) Jeannie Shen (DOT) : She works with CD 14, 13 and 10. She reviews requests for crosswalks, speeding signals, etc from CDs and NCs. Points concerning DOT and the Red Flag Program:

· This is an LAFD Project. DOT is assisting LAFD with RFD.

· LAFD installs RFD signs. DOT does not determine where signs are posted.

· RFD are determined & declared by the Mayor's Office or the LAFD Chief.

· Conditions needed to declare a RFD---Wind speed of 25 mph or greater, Humidity 15% or less.

· Signage is white with red letters/symbols. No parking, a visual of a car being towed.

· On RFD please call 311 for information.

Ques : On RFD is parking in the apron of the driveway permitted?

Ans : Probably not. Car can be towed.

2) Chief Fry (Battalion Chief-Hollywood Area) : On RFD, the No Parking Priority Enforcement Program is in place. This is in effect citywide. It is one step in improving the safety for hillside residents. On a RFD the potential for a brush fire is greatly increased. During Santa Ana wind conditions, the potential for a brush fire increases 10-fold. Some examples-In the Oakland fire of 1998, 22 people died; in the San Diego fire of 2004, 19 people died. In both of these fires, people were unable to exit these areas. An RFD is one aspect of a total package. We also have a tough brush clearance program. LAPD SLOs distributed brush clearance fliers to residents. LAFD personnel have driven every hillside street . They identified every problem street and intersection. They looked for absolutely critical areas and these constituted 10% of the hillside streets. LAFD went to the DOT with this information. The DOT prepared 1,700 signs and posted them.

· When is an RFD? They are rare. Since 1994, we've had 12 RFDs.

· What is an RFD? When these weather conditions are met---Wind speed ­ 25 mph, Humidity ¯ 15%, and High Temperatures.

· How are people notified of RFD? By TV and Radio. TV stations---2/4/7/11/13/34. Radio stations---Infinity and Clear Channel.

· Other types of notification : Working on a specialized website. Can be notified by e-mail the night before. In the first year, LAFD will personally drive the hillside streets to notify homeowners and residents.

· Where do I park my car ? You can move your car out of choke points. Its a workable system, not the best system.

Andrew Glazier : You can notify people on their cell phones. Not everyone has e-mail.

Susan Swan : Are updated maps available? Ans : Maps have been given to City Council Members.

3B---Request by Oaks residents for HUNC letter of support in their efforts to prevent issuance of any permits or approvals or variances for construction of 4 large homes at 2245-2265 Live Oak East until the proper procedures as required by CEQA, the Hillside Ordinance and existing Planning/Zoning Laws are followed.

Wayne S : The homeowners in the Oaks oppose the issuance of variances for this project. The property for this development is just over one acre. There will be 4 homes built on this site, each being 4,000 to 7,000 sq. ft. In size. Developer is asking for several variances regarding: retaining walls, re-grading the hillside and removing all trees, removing 15,000 cubic yards of soil. There has been no environmental review of this project. It is in an earthquake fault zone. It is not in compliance with Department of Building & Safety and CEQA (State Environmental) codes.

Motion by Maurece Chesse---That HUNC write a letter of support to Oaks residents to prevent issuance of any permits or approvals or variances for construction of 4 large homes at 2245-2265 Live Oak East until the proper procedures as required by CEQA, the Hillside Ordinance and existing Planning/Zoning Laws are followed. Second: Joel Fisher.

Discussion :

· Wayne S : There is nothing in the zoning laws that prevent building a 7,000 sq. ft home.

· David Schlessinger : Are they cutting down all the trees? Wayne S (Ans) : Only relates to live oaks and walnut trees. The city has an Oak Tree Ordinance. This ordinance doesn't apply to cutting down all the trees. But the CEQA ordinance does apply.

· Andrew Glazier : Was the developer notified of today's meeting so that we could hear the developer's side of the issue? Wayne S (Ans) : At this juncture, they are not applying for variances. They say they are exempt from CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act).

Motion to Amend by Andrew Glazier. That HUNC write a letter requesting that developer follow all city applicable city ordinances and policies relating to the development and the CEQA exemption on East Live Oak Drive.

Discussion :

· Refer this issue to the PLUM committee

· Viktoria Gaw : We'd like to hear from both sides.

· Norma Foster : Is there a hearing on this in 10-days? Ans : No.

Vote: Yes---11,  No---0,  Abstain---2.

Agenda Item 4 ---Public comment for items not on the agenda.

· Dorothy McQuiston : PATH is organizing a service providers outreach day to the homeless. It will be at Hollygrove on December 8 th . Joel Fisher : The BID is helping with this event.

Agenda Item 5 -Executive committee Reports.

            There were no reports from the president, vice president, secretary of treasurer.

A) HUNC Office Relocation: Maurece Chesse made a Motion to accept office space for HUNC in one of the offices adjacent to the community room with rent at $300/mo. Second: J. Fisher. Discussion: N. Foster-We have space at Hollywood city Hall West. M. Chesse---That space is outside our boundaries and the rent is higher. Vote: Y es---12,   No---0,  Abstain---1.

B) Already addressed.

C) LANC: Should HUNC join the LANC Congress? Discussion---

Jim McQuiston : The Neighborhood councils (NCs) should get together. But the Charter doesn't allow NCs to decide matters outside their board meetings. That's a constitutional tort. If you go outside the constitution, the city can't protect NC board members. You're on your own. This (LANC) violates the charter. You can do this in a different way. NCs can't make decisions outside of stakeholders.

Joel Fisher : Over a year ago, the HUNC Board authorized a study for a Congress. There has been a working group pursuing this in association with USC. I'd like to introduce 2 members of the Charter Committee who will speak to the issue of LANC.

· Jeff Jacoberger (Mid-City NC): This congress will not speak on behalf of NCs. After individual NCs make individual decisions, these decisions would be tabulated by the Congress.

· Ken Draper (Mid-City West NC): Here are some reasons to ratify this Congress: (1) It iswhat the Charter Commissioners envisioned---a deliberate networking event, (2) the need to deal with large citywide issues like the DWP MOU and other events like renaming Crenshaw, and (3) Figure out how to use the Congress. Think of this as a 12 mo/yr issues center. Connect citywide week-to-week. Track issues.

Norma Foster: This is a proposed new charter for NCs. DONE has a charter. And by June 30, 2006, all NCs must be reviewed and the review reported to the mayor and the city council. Ans (Ken Draper) : They will not evaluate individual NCs.

Motion by Norma Foster-Motion to Table this item. Second: Viktoria Gaw. Vote: Yes---12,  No-1,  Abstain-0.

Agenda Item 6 ---Committee Reports

· Education & Youth : No report.

· Public Safety (Joel Fisher): (1) Disaster Preparedness Town Hall was successful. 92) LAPD Commander Downing now a part of major crimes/anti-terrorism unit. (3) CERT training continuing. Will now also include ham radio operators. 3 other NCs also involved.

· Neighborhood & Environment (Susan Swan): Lucinda provided an update on the Park Rangers status. There are 37 Rangers in the regional parks. They are looking for pay parity with law enforcement and all current powers. The next  meeting on the Griffith Park Master Plan will be December 5 th . The Griffith Observatory will not be opening on May 14, 2006 as had been planned.

· PLUM (Andrew Glazier): In the last meeting, the Clarett Group gave a presentation on a development on Hollywood Blvd--- Blvd 6200 . There will be 1,000 luxury apartment units. There will be 120,000 sq. ft. Of retail space.

· Events-Arts & Culture (Hilary Royce): There was a follow-up to the Mayor's Day of Service. We presented a Certificate of Appreciation to both LaConte and Grant middle schools.

· Social Service & Faith-based : No report.

· HPOZ (David Schlessinger): Enforce the denial of variance on Canyon Drive.

· CPAB (Norma Foster): The next CPAB meeting is on December 6 th .

· DWP (Andrew Ettinger): DWP is undergoing a budget review. There is a water quality review and report planned for mid-2006.

· LA River (Viktoria Gaw): River revitalization meetings are continuing in communities along the LA River.

· Election (Gary Slossberg): No report.

· City Budget Anne DeBello: Laura Chick is reviewing the city budget.

6D-Stakeholders/Board discussion on mayor's request for NC input on City Budget. Anne DeBello: Thus far, 13 board members have filled out the Mayor's Budget Survey forms. At our next board meeting, we'll discuss a community Budget Day.

6E-LA Commission on the Status of Women: Human Trafficking. Norma Foster: LA City Council passed a resolution of September 28 th on the status of women. The city of LA is the first city to take on human trafficking as a crime. There was a meeting on human trafficking on November 17 th with 75 people in attendance. This is an initiative started by the NCs---HUNC, GGPNC, HHW. We'd like to work with a larger group. Envision starting with the vice unit, LAPD, LAFD and training for all city employees. The next phase would be training for hospitals, clinics, churches and schools.

Agenda Item 6H -CRA Purchase of property on Hollywood Blvd: Transitional Housing

1) Presentations & Public Comment :

· John McCoy (CRA) : Purchased property for long-term supportive housing for the formerly homeless. Looking for an agency to run this. RFP has been issued for an architect.

· Leslie Wise (Corporation for Supportive Housing) : Permanent Supportive Housing is the model for the Gower St. site. Permanent housing for people coming out of homelessness. Features: (1) residents will pay 30-50% of their income for rent (income can be from employment or entitlements); (2) residents will sign a lease; (3) this is supportive-social services will be provided on site, the goal is housing stability for residents.

· Sarah Phelps (LA-Voice ): LA-Voice represents 12-13 congregations in Hollywood. One year ago, they got together to address the homeless issue. They looked for permanent housing for homeless. In March 2005, they held a meeting to present a solution. Two hundred people from the Hollywood community along with city officials attended. There will be a bus tour on December 10 th that will visit current supportive housing developments in the LA area. You are welcomed to sign up for this tour.

Speakers for and against the Permanent Supportive Housing Development :

· Father Mandella (YES): He's concerned for the safety of children in schools. He's also concerned about people on the streets, especially those with mental health problems.

· Tom Otto (NO): From Moment to Moment Productions. Who started this idea? Ans : LA Voice. Homeless people carry their constituents with them (friends, relatives). This will add to loitering.

· Mike Wood (YES): Homeless carry their stuff because police steal their stuff.

· Woman (NO): She lives at the corner of Carlos & Gower. She allowed a homeless man to live in her yard. Then suddenly there were six others.

· Monique (YES): From Blessed Sacrament Social Services. Look upon homeless with compassion.

· Laura Dotson (NO): Doesn't do drugs. Kicked out of PATH. We're putting in something that doesn't work.

· Rev. Ed Hansen (YES): Hollywood United Methodist Church. We began to see this permanent housing as part of the solution (to homelessness).

· Missy Kelly : (NO): She lives on Cheremoya Ave. They (CRA) don't know who will run (this facility). They don't know who will build (this development). We already have a shopping center of social services. You will get people who will take care of services but will not house (homeless).

· Tom Cook (YES): This is a supportive housing unit. The concept was presented in the March meeting using the "60 Minutes" piece on the Permanent Supportive Housing development in NYC.

· George Abrams (NO): He is certified with the adopt-a-highway program. This will be an anchor for bums. This church has a lunch program for bums. Young kids hang around the Teen Canteen. We can't tolerate another facility. We're a dumping ground.

· Mark Dierling (YES): With LA Voice. He is the chairperson of the trustees of Hollywood United Methodist Church. This is a step in the right direction.

· Lily Kwan (NO): She didn't get a notification on this project. Why not have this downtown (LA). What about low-income tenants-seniors. This is more important.

· Maggie Willis (YES): Shelter is a basic human right. Basic human compassion is needed. There are many reasons for homelessness.

· Fran Reichenbach : (NO): None of the people saying yes live here. There are four day care centers in the area. There are 6-7 projects like this in the area.

· LisaDonovan (YES): LA Voice. This is a sfety net of support for people. She wants people to participate (in the process of developing this project).

· TJ Hayes (NO): Carleton/Gower resident. He has a business on Hollywood Blvd (Tattoo Parlor?). He has had violence (in front of his business). His girlfriend was mugged by youth on the Blvd. This new shelter will not help.

· Larry Taylor (YES): LA Voice. A natural human desire to seek better and best. Also natural and normal to keep the status quo. Hope we can have compassion as we discuss our views.

· John Walsh (NO): I love the homeless. The property sold for $6 million.

· Stephen Box : (YES): Do something innovative. Pursue a solution.

· David Monson (YES/NO): Outreach needs to improve dramatically. CD 13 needs to provide information. When you put a panel together, put on it people from the community. We need something for kids-playground, branch library.

· Yolanda Lichtman (YES): Blessed Sacrament Social Services. In this discussion, people are confused about what type of housing this is---not a shelter, not transitional, (permanent supportive housing).

· KC Schmidt (Why?): If we're not here to approve this then why are we here? CRA purchased the property. Do we need this? Is this the right location for this? Someone has been working with LA Voice on this since July. Someone from HUNC.

· Adam Johnson (YES): Homeless, trying to get a job. Some of my stuff is across the street. The thing about PATH-when I left-they wouldn't let me back in.

· Nancy Brown (NO): Also in social service. She houses seniors. She's concerned about the safety of her residents and her grandchildren.

· John Farion (YES): Prepared speech...

· Chris Shabel (NO): She was instrumental in bringing Teen Canteen, Covenant House and LA Free Clinic to area.

· TJ  (YES): homeless.

· Richard McNaught (General): A difficult decision. I'd like to be of help.

· Pastor Ryan Bell (YES): 7 th Day Adventist church. The question is not whether or not to house the homeless. We'd all vote no. But how do we deal with the problem. We've tried to address the issue. I'm excited about the bus tour (permanent supportive housing).

· Dr. Qwok Ko (General): Hollywood Dell. We need more information. This could cost another $6-10 million more. There are 90,000 homeless in LA. Willit decrease food lines?

· Encie (General):

· Jordan Birnbaum (NO): Letter from Jordan read by Joel Fisher. He opposesthe project. Proposes instead a massive parking structure.

Motion: Andrew Glazier:

"That the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board: (1) Support the concept of permanent supportive housing, (2) That 3 members of the Board be appointed to an advisory committee that will work with the CRA on the process of selecting an operator, and for project development and design, (3) That the advisory committee report to the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council on a regular basis, and (4) That the advisory committee bring a final recommendation to the Board for an up or down vote.

Question : Charles Suhayda---have an ad hoc committee which will come (back to the board) and make a recommendation.

Second: Joel Fisher.


· John McCoy : (CRA) would like to work with the Neighborhood Council. Just closed escrow two weeks ago. Want to involve community stakeholders.

· Norma Foster : Why was a letter from a Board member read? It took more time than (given to those who spoke here tonight). It should be removed from the record.

Vote: Yes----11,   No---0,   Abstain---2

Agenda Item 7A ---Spark of Love Toy Drive.

This is a toy drive that will rely on the help of businesses. LAFD is sponsoring this event. They will drop off collection boxes at businesses for the collection of donated toys.

Agenda Item 8 ---New Business

Robert Abrahamian : He owns Joseph's Cafe. He is in need of parking but cannot get it. He will need a variance to deal with the parking situation. Motion: by Joel Fisher-to support Joseph's Cafe in its request for a parking variance. Second: Norma Foster. Vote: Yes---12,   No---0,   Abstain---0.

Meeting Adjourned.