November 17, 2003
Minutes of Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting. First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood: Upper Terrace - Community Room
6054 Yucca,Los Angeles, California
Agenda Item #1: Welcome, Roll Call and Acceptance of October 20th Minutes
Joel M. Fisher called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Present were Board members Robert Abranamian, Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse , Ann De Bello , Andrew Ettinger , Joel M. Fisher, Norma Foster, Viktoria Gaw , Andrew Glazier, Scott Larson, Susan Polifronio , Hillary Royce, Chris Stehr , Charles Suhayda and Susan Swan. Absent were John Balasz with excused absence and Paul Godfrey with unexcused absence.
Agenda Item #2: Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda:
Eduardo Correa spoke to the concern he and his neighbors have regarding the recent assessment letter from the Santa Monica Conservancy and the recent lien letter sent to residents. Joel M. Fisher stated that the issue had been litigated and there was no recourse at this point. He also stated that this is a legally accepted way of voting and that 20% of eligible voters had returned the ballots. Norma Foster requested the issue be put on the Agenda. Joel stated he had talked to Cindy Miscikowski and that in January she or someone on her staff and someone from the Santa Monica Conservancy would be at the Full Board meeting. Bill Hooey , Publicist for the Florentine Gardens spoke about the requirements the City is placing on the Gardens to ease parking for residents on Carlos.
Motion from Norma Foster to place the issue of the Lien on the January Agenda
Second: Maurece Chesse
Motion Carries
Agenda Item #3: Hollywood Police Dept. Senior Lead Officers
Officer Sollie handed out the flyers for the West Bureau Town Hall Meeting to be held Thursday, November 20th, 7:00PM at Mears Auditorium, 1760 North Gower & the TIP line phone number for serious crimes. Murders in Hollywood are down from last year. The biggest complaint is leaf blowers. On November 11th at 11:30PM a young woman at the corner of Franklin and Beachwood was taken forcibly to a vacant building in the 1900 block and a sexual assault occurred. The description of the suspect is posted on the HUNC website.
Officer Aram stated that one month ago there was a huge spike in burglaries. The culprits were a gang of teenagers, the oldest being 18. They were cutting school and watching people leave for work, then breaking into their house or apartment. The NE Unit caught 2. The youngest gave the Officers a break in the case and to date there have been 5 arrests and the burglaries have ceased.
Officer Shea discussed the street closures that will take place in the coming month. There will be closures for the November 30th XMAS Parade Franklin to Sunset and La Brea to pretty far East. The main streets will be open until one hour before the parade starts. The staging area will be closed starting Friday night. The only other point of interest is the current Tour Line wars and the Home Invasion robberies in the Beverly/Wilshire district. There will be a 3 month trial in the way Chain of Command is handled. Instead of the Watch Commander being responsible for a time period, they will be responsible for a region. This will keep the Officers patrolling the areas they know best. Also the 18th Street Gang has been served an injunction under the RICO Act and cannot use a cell phone or gather in together with more than 2 members or they will be arrested.
Agenda Item #4: Officer Reports
John Balasz excused absence.
Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan stated that Yahoo has 394 members. In the past month we have sent out 12 alerts and have had 575 hits.
Vice-President Russel Brown discussed the ongoing attempt to find a home for the regional Fire Station #82. He also encouraged the Board to visit the pocket park project in Cypress Park and see how a landfill had been reclaimed and the land used for public space. He also stated that the 101 meetings were continuing and the Board needs to weigh in on the traffic issues and traffic mitigation for the new projects going up in Hollywood.
President Joel M. Fisher discussed the Clean Coalition Newsrack mediation between 5 Representatives each of BID/NC's and News Publishers. He also stated that there will be a motion on the December Agenda to formally join the Alliance of Neighborhood Councils and to elect a representative to attend the meetings.
Recording Secretary Susan Polifronio stated the office and Jennifer Christie were now fully up and running and that other Board members should contact Jennifer for help in their projects.
Agenda Item #5: Committee Reports
Education & Youth Co-Chair Andrew Glazier spoke of the success of the Cheremoya Ave. Elementary School Fundraiser held on November 9th. To date we have received close to $3500.00 and more checks are coming in. Along with the success on the 9th, getting the word out to the Community has also led to people directly contacting Principal Chris Stehr and offering help and money. Councilman Tom La Bonge donated $250.00 in response to the Fundraiser which was sent directly to Chris Stehr and is not included in the Fundraising totals. There was also a thank you to Susan Polifronio and Jennifer Christie for their hard work on the Fundraiser. Joel M. Fisher stated the wine cost had been held down to $271.00.
Social Services and Faith-Based Co-Chair Hillary Royce gave an update on the HPAD proposed New Year's Eve Event. There will be a pre-party at Qtopia followed by a Parade and ending at Winter Wonderland. The 501C3 is headed by Teddy Chambers DBA Life Improvement from Education. HPAD consists of various BIDS and Night Clubs, Scientology: Some of the Board members are Joel M. Fisher, Hillary Royce, Tony (manager of Hollywood Toyota), Jordan ( Qtopia ), etc. The Advisory Board is Captain Downing, Robert Abranamian, Le Ron Goobler (President of the Chamber of Commerce), and others. Norma Foster requested a budget. Joel stated that entire evening would be $30,000.00 and that Social Services was asking for HUNC to donate $1500.00 to help subsidize the free party for children and families.
Motion by Social Services and Faith-Based to request from HUNC to support the free Childrens ' Party
Second: Ann De Bello
Discussion: Can't we get donations to cover the expenses. Hillary stated that it was realistic for HUNC to support at this level.
11 in Favor, AE Abstains
Motion Carries
Arts & Entertainment Committee Co-Chair Norma Foster discussed the tentative date of December 13th for the first meeting. Because of extensive outreach, she had five members of the community theatre groups already involved. Joel M. Fisher brought up the upcoming EIDC meeting with Janice Hahn and requested Norma and Susan Swan get together and attend the meetings. Ann De Bello mentioned the recent transformation of the Tamarind Theatre and the Opera production and new play. Also that students were given a discount.
Outreach Committee Chair Viktoria Gaw asked each committee to comment on the type of outreach they were doing and that going to events like the Latino Festival allowed us to do outreach to communities that were harder to reach. As outreach chair she asked the support of HUNC for $250.00 to buy cookies for the Police Christmas party for children.
Motion by Norma Foster for $250.00 or 1000 cookies in response to Officer Shea's request.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Motion Carries
Election Committee Co-Chair Scott Larson has contacted Christine Jerian to help organize the Election procedures and to confirm which seats will be coming up for re-election. Norma Foster brought up the DONE procedure re-vamping. Joel stated Maurece Chesse had attended the last few meetings and would be appointed to the DONE Election Procedure Committee at the next meeting. Joel also requested that Norma and Maurece get together and confer about the issues.
Neighborhood & Environment Chair Susan Swan asked that all committee members please notify her if they are unable to attend. There is a request from the neighbors around Tryon to close the steps which are being used for illicit activities. There is a vacant house in foreclosure that is being used as a party rental. Russell Brown asked if the neighbors support the closure.
Motion by Susan Swan for HUNC to write a letter of support to the Oaks in favor of the temporary closure of the steps on St. Andrews.
Second: Norma Foster
Motion Carries Susan Swan to draft letter.
Public Safety & Transportation Committee Co-Chair reported on the crosswalk and light that took 3 years on Argyle near the Palace. He also stated that Baydsar had requested a study on angled parking for Yucca St. between Cahuenga and Argyle. Jim McQuiston informed the Board that the crosswalk request on Franklin and Tamarind had been denied.
Agenda Item #6: Presentations
Russell Brown gave a summary of the Hollywood & Vine project next to the Taft building and introduced Sandra Yamane and Bill Van Cleve of Rauschenlofre & Van Cleve. They did a 20 minute presentation of the space, how it will be utilized, showed very detailed mapping including transit issues and asked for the suggestions of the public. They appear to be concerned about having the development fit in with the surroundings without being retro. There will be 260 units, 20% affordable, and a 300 room hotel along with retail space. The number of cars will be 4 spaces/1000 sq.ft . Scott Larson asked about open space. Approx. 60' by 100' will be front green space. The employees will be paid the LA living wage. They are also trying to get back the Brown Derby name.
Legacy Project will be presentated at the December Board meeting.
Agenda Item #7: Old Business
Agenda Item #8: New Business
Agenda Item #9: Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Joel M. Fisher
Second: Susan Polifronio
Motion Carries
Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM
Minutes Respectfully Submitted: Susan Polifronio