May 17, 2004 Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Full Board Meeting (HUNC)
Minutes: First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood: 6054 Yucca St., L. A.
Upper Terrace-Community Room.
Agenda item #1: Welcome, Roll Call and Approval of April Minutes:
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Jordan Birnbaum, Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse, Ann De Bello, Andrew Ettinger, Joel M. Fisher, Norma Foster, Viktoria Gaw, Scott Larson, Ian McCubbin, Susan Polifronio, Hilary Royce & Charles Suhayda. Excused absence: Susan Swan, Andrew Glazier and Chris Stehr. Approval of minutes was delayed to after Agenda item #2 so that the police officers could give their updates.
Agenda Item #2: Report by Hollywood Police Senior Lead Police Officers:
It was requested that the officers crime reports be emailed to HUNC so that they would be available to all stake holders. Officer Armen Sevdalian and Officer Shea agreed to this. Officer Armen Sevdalian stated that crime in Hollywood is down 18% over last year, very close to Chief Bratton's stated goal of 20% and significantly better than the rest of Los Angeles. Officer Sevdalian also stated that car break-ins are still the biggest problem especially around the night clubs. On Hollywood Blvd. there were two aggravated assaults and two robberies primarily caused by nightclub activity. The Officers recommended that more security would abate this activity. Officer Shea stated 4 areas in Hollywood will be getting state of the art security cameras one of which is already up as the pilot. These cameras are small and obscure and difficult to detect which makes them highly effective. Two arrests were already credited to the pilot camera. Joel M. Fisher stated the Hollywood BID is discussing purchasing up to 16 of these cameras. Rory Fitzpatrick from CD#4 urged the Neighborhood Council to inform the community with a PR campaign about the new "move right"campaign to urge people to move right when they hear sirens, emphasized by Officer Shea's report that code 3 calls will be significantly increasing due to changes in code 3.
Motion by Joel M. Fisher for the HUNC Board to accept the April minutes as written. Second: Susan Polifronio
Disposition: passed.
Agenda Item #3: Public Comment Items Not on the Agenda
Jim McQuiston reminded the HUNC board of the increasing severity of the continuing cuts in the city budget.
Agenda Item #4: Officer Reports
Vice President Susan Polifronio talked about the importance about the upcoming Town Hall meetings and the positive direction that these meetings were taking.
Treasurer Maurece Chesse notified the Board of the Neighborhood Council budget changing their fiscal year to July 1 st to comply with the city's and he would be meeting with DONE.
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President Joel M. Fisher encouraged all Board members to attend the Congress of Neighborhood Councils on May 22 nd at the Convention Center.
Agenda Item #5: Committee Reports
Social Service & Faith-Based:
Transportation & Parking: Co-Chair Ian McCubbin gave a brief summary regarding the upcoming Transportation & Parking Workshop to be held July 22 nd at Mears Auditorium. Susan Polifronio commented on the co-operative efforts by HUNC, Rory Fitzpatrick and Renee Weitzer . By connecting with the owner of the empty lot behind the Arco Station on Franklin and Gower, Cheryl Gaskill is now able to facilitate the offer of 50+ parking spaces for rental.
Neighborhood & Environment: Susan Polifronio read to the public the 5/11/04 updates for Susan Swan: Adam Kear was approved for a $10,000.00 grant to plant trees on Franklin Ave., the No-Parking Priority program of the Fire Department is on hold while all agencies and the public work on the best way to approach this issue. Viktoria Gaw brought up the successful LA River Cleanup and the 36 children + teachers and Principal Chris Stehr who attended along with others. Susan Polifronio related how HUNC had helped teacher Debbi Aldahl, with help from Deanna Durbin at CD4, access a bus so that Cheremoya Ave. Elementary School children could join in with the cleanup.
Culture & Arts: Norma Foster stated that the committee is still in formation.
Education & Youth: Susan Polifronio stated the next meeting is June 1 st to discuss the September Town Hall.
Outreach: Viktoria Gaw stated that great out reach was done for the Los Angeles River Cleanup and she was available for out reach for the upcoming Town Hall meetings.
CPAB: Norma Foster informed that Board about the CPAB Summit which was recently held and very well attended and gave an excellent presentation of Homeland Security and what is being done to ensure the public's safety.
#5 A: PLUM Committee Update on April 29 th Town Hall Meeting on Redevelopment of Hollywood Blvd. from Western to St. Andrew's Place.
Russell Brown: Stated that approximately 75 people showed up and the first hour was dedicated to presentations and the second hour attendees divided into groups and came up with the five most important elements they wanted to see in adaptive re-use. Information was distributed and entered into the record.
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#5 B: Social Services & Faith-Based Town Hall:
Hilary Royce and Charles Suhayda distributed flyers to the Board for the upcoming Town Hall meeting on Affordable Housing and encouraged all board members to attend the meeting on May 26 th at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. Norma Foster offered sound advice on the information that should be included on the flyers and this was noted for revisions to be made before distribution to the public.
#5 C: Public Safety & Transportation Town Hall:
Ian McCubbin briefed on the upcoming Town Hall meeting on Parking and transportation issues along the Franklin corridor. Refer back to committee report.
Agenda Item #7C: President Joel M. Fisher with approval of the Board moved the Presentation by Ben (Insert) from The CORO Foundation of the A+ Coalition to preserve the Ambassador Hotel and the opposing presentation by Paul Schrade on why the Hotel should be demolished and a new school put in its place.
Public Comment:
Jim McQuiston: We need a vibrant commercial block. This area is very underserved.
John Farion: I worked in the building and it is a hazard to the public.
Board Comments: General comments favoring preservation.
Scott Larson: "Students need a sense of History not just brick and mortar"
Motion by Joel M. Fisher for a HUNC Board resolution to join with the A+ Coalition in encouraging LAUSD to preserve and restore the Ambassador Hotel and to encourage commercial usage on the frontage.
Request by Board members that the Conservancy give HUNC weekly updates regarding the adaptive reuse of the buildings.
Motion amended to include the above.
Second: Ian McCubbin and Robert Abrahamian
Disposition: 12 Ayes, One Nay, Two abstentions
Motion Carries
Agenda Item #6: New Business
#6A: HBT Annual Dinner Event June 15 th and Purchase of a Table for D & A
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Motion by Susan Polifronio for HUNC to purchase an outreach booth at the Annual HBT dinner fir the amount of $1000.
Second: Norma Foster
Discussion: None
Disposition: There were two abstentions and the motion passed.
#6B: PAL September Event: $1000.00 request for printing & postage for D & A
honoring Captain Downing
Motion: Joel M. Fisher made a motion to contribute $1000 to the annual September PAL event to be used for printing and postage.
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Discussion: There was discussion whether this was program that benefited children who were our stakeholders. It was determined that the program did service children that lived within the HUNC boundaries.
Disposition: Twelve in favor, motion passed.
#6C: Presentation by Jordan Birnbaum requesting letter of support for Bhalli Market for discussion & action
Motion: Motion made by Jordan Birnbaum to give Bhalli market a letter of support to get a beer license in exchange for a security guard posted there.
Second: Norma Foster, Andrew Ettinger
Discussion: Viktoria Gaw was concerned that there would be too many liquor stores too close together. It was also discussed that the Senior Lead Officer in the area was in support of the Conditional Use Permit
Disposition: Five for, three against, four abstentions, motion carries. Letter to be written by Jordan Birnbaum by Susan Polifronio
#6D: Vista Del Mar Street Closure for Discussion & Action
Presentation by Jim McQuiston and ?Paul Machaven
Referred to PLUM committee for additional investigation.
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Agenda Item #7: Old Business
7A: Country Church of Hollywood Redevelopment Plans for D & A
Shari Mehr spoke on the need for Councilman Garcetti to immediately revisit the approval of plans that allowed the knotty pine in the church to be covered with dry wall, the approval of 22 bathroom stalls and the possible removal of the organ. Joel M. Fisher stated he would be following up immediately with Councilman Garcetti.
Motion by Joel M. Fisher for an urgent letter to Councilman Garcetti requesting immediate reconsideration of the above.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Discussion: none
Disposition: Motion carries
7B: Support for LA River Rubber Dam/Lake near Atwater for D & A
Brief presentation by Jim McQuiston. He will keep HUNC informed as the matter progresses.
7C: See earlier Discussion
7D: Request by Ann De Bello for letter in support of Blessed Sacrament updating and improving facilities for D & A
Motion by Ann De Bello for letter of support regarding grant for improvement of facilities at Blessed Sacrament.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Discussion: none
Disposition: motion carries
Agenda Item #8: Adjournment
Meeting adjourned by President Joel M. Fisher at 9pm
Minutes Respectfully Submitted: Hilary Royce & Susan Polifronio