Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Minutes of the Board Meeting
May 16, 2005
6:30 PM
1.) Welcome and Roll Call:
a) Board Members present: Joel Fisher, Susan Polifronio, Chris Stehr, Hilary Royce, Jordan Birnbaum, Charles Suhayda, Susan Swan, Maurece Chesse, Ann DeBello, Scott Larson, Russ Brown, Andrew Ettinger, Norma Foster, Andrew Glazier. Excused-Victoria Gaw. Not excused-Robert Abrahamian.
b) April Minutes approved.
2.) LAPD Hollywood Division, Senior Lead Officers Report:
a) Armen reported an increase breaking into cars. There are forced break-ins along the Western Ave corridor. The good news for 2005-there are no homicides to date. There was however the case of an 82-yr old Dutch woman who was a victim of a robbery near Canyon & Franklin. During the commission of the crime, she suffered a broken shoulder and hip. She was hospitalized, underwent surgery and passed away 2-mo later.
b) Crime Alerts:
(1) Crime Prevention efforts by the burglary division: There were a number of burglaries in the Hollywood Hills West area. Surveillance identified a suspicious vehicle and a stop was made. Officers recovered stolen property and took 2 suspects into custody.
(2) Tagging: See LACity.org website. If you witness tagging, call LAPD and you may receive a $1,000 reward.
(3) Cruiser Task Force: Will begin on May 27 th . This will be a combined effort between LAPD, LA County Sheriffs and CHP. Will begin on Sunset Blvd.
(4) Community Walks: Chief Gascon announced Community Walks. These walks will take place every Friday night in various neighborhoods. The purpose is to provide information on crime, city services, etc.
(5) Flasher in Bronson/Franklin area: Jennifer Christie reported the activity of a flasher in this area who was exposing himself to children.
8.) New Business:
Motion presented by Joel Fisher to appoint David Schlessinger to the homeowner seat vacated by Ian McCubbin. Seconded by Susan Polifronio. Approved: 13-Yes, 0-No.
3.) Presentation of Hollywood & Vine Project:
Presenting an update on the project were Helmi Hesserich, CRA Hollywood Director and Isabella Rivero.
(1) Approvals: The project has been approved by the CRA, MTA, and it will go before the LA City Council on May 31 st or June 1 st .
(2) Need to amend the development agreement:
· W-Hotel will have 300 units (same)
· Apartments-increase units from 262 to 350 (+88)
· Condos-increase units from 98 to 145 (+47)
· Parking---increase proportionally with increased units (about 1300)
· Affordable units-increase from54 to 74 (20% of apartments)
· Increase height of buildings.
(3) Other features:
· There will be a 30,000 sq. ft. Grocery store beneath apartments
· Service entrance will be off Selma
· Bus layover stays at Argyle
· Shoppers enter via Argyle entrance into subterranean parking
· Grocery store-will be where current DMV office is located.
(4) EIR and addendum to environmental changes have been approved.
David Schelessinger asked about traffic impacts on area.
4) Public Comment:
Rory Fitzpatrick gave an update on roads in CD 4 affected by mudslides. Laurel Canyon will be fully reopened on May 23 rd . Montlake Rd is currently open to emergency vehicles and will soon be open to the public.
Jim McQuiston spoke on trash pick-up. People who live in apartments pay a trash pick up fee to the city. Owners of single family homes don't. It costs the city $27/mo to pickup trash.
5) Officers Reports:
(1) Recording Secretary-No report
(2) Corresponding Secretary--- No report
(3) Vice President---Expressed thanks to Board and Community for help with board activities.
(4) Treasurer---Presented a 2004/2005 Summary & Needs. HUNC now has a copy machine. A camera/video machine has not been purchased. Bulletins boards/kiosks have not been done. Newspaper tie-ins not done. Question from Joel Fisher on payment to support Hollywood Beautification Team (HBT)? This has been made.
(5) President---Thanked Chris Stehr for his service on the HUNC Board and for working to build a relationship between the Board and Cheremoya Elementary. (Chris not running for re-election). He provided an end of year summary. We have moved to doing more work through our committees. While there are still only a small number of people involved with our committees, yet HUNC is respected as a well-functioning NC. Nevertheless, we need to do more in all areas of HUNC. Elections turnout for HUNC has been good and we want to continue this trend. Our others involvements include: LA River, CPAB, Tree Planting on Franklin, PLUM, BID Security, Congress of NC's.
6) Committee Reports:
(1) Elections--- We continue to need volunteers for the upcoming HUNC election; need 38. League of Women Voters will be present to monitor elections. Candidates can vote but then should leave the election site. Need additional election outreach but electioneering by candidates during outreach is prohibited.
(2) Public Safety---Increased interest in local transportation issues. There is no decision on the DASH. No decision on the use of city streets by the Hollywood Farmers Market. Comments by Eric Sanjourno-the City Attorney is looking into how to deal with the issue of businesses using City Streets. Hollywood Farmers Market probably should be giving something back. LA City is trying to clamp down on the waiver of fees on the use of city space. For instance, decisions on Special Events motions, street closures will be taken away from LA City Council and given to Street Services.
(3) Education & Youth---Chris Stehr had requested an iron gate for the front of Cheremoya School. During the summer months there will be activities at Cheremoya from 12 noon to 5 PM. The playground is scheduled for resurfacing in June '06. The Earth Day Recycled Art Show was a success; had about 200-250 attendees. Thank you to Susan Polifronio and Celebrity Center for the food, to businesses who donated items, and to Jennifer Christie for her work.
(4) Neighborhood & Environment-The committee had a short meeting in April. N&E is working with the PROS GGPNC on the Griffith Park Master Plan. This proposed plan is available online. Still working with CD 4 to improve the Canyon/Bronson intersection-paint lines, STOP sign, repair sidewalk.
(5) Social Service & Faith-based-no report.
(6) Arts & Entertainment-no report.
(7) PLUM-Russ Brown gave a detailed written report on progress with various development projects (see report for details). Some highlights included: the W-Hotel will have a unique architectural style-the entire building will have a clear glass exterior and will be entertainment oriented. This hotel will have as much impact at Hollywood/Vine as the Renaissance at Hollywood/Highland, which has an 80% occupancy rate. The Roosevelt Hotel may be sinking financially. There has been talk of a pedestrian bridge over Vine but this is not in the current plans. There is some thought being given to using currently existing MTA tunnel near Pig & Whistle as a pedestrian tunnel. Concerning the Bond companies project @ Garfield current plans are for a mixed-use residential development. The Hollywood Tower Project is coming to the Planning Committee and PLUM next month. Plans call for 5-stories of apartments. There is work that needs to be done concerning the traffic flowing into this area from the 101 freeway off ramps on Gower.
(8) CPAB-Norma Foster reported on a successful Summit at Paramount. The next CPAB meeting will be on May 24 th .
(9) Media & Public Relations-Andy Ettinger distributed a mission statement for this committee to Board members for their information.
(10) General Reports---
· Resurfacing streets: Each NC was given $100,000 for resurfacing. We will have a committee meeting and used city-provided notebooks to assess streets that need resurfacing.
· Outreach @ Mayfair Market: The next 2 Saturdays: 5/21 & 5/28.
· Hollywood Specific Plan: Susan Polifronio announced a meeting for May 26 th @ 5:30 PM at the Mears Center that will feature Mary Richardson of the Planning Dept. There will be discussion on height, density limits and mixed-use planning ordinances. Andrew Glazier reported on his meeting with Central Hollywood NC. There is a need for public comment on planning in Hollywood. The Planning Department is completing the following steps: (1) Scoping, (2) Draft EIR, (3) Final EIR, (4) Adopt EIR and Community Plan. It is easier to down-zone a project than to up-zone one. The Hollywood Community Plan has to be out and before the LA City Council by November 2005.
· CERT training continues.
· A Sample Letter from the Oaks Homeowners Association in support of FS 82 on Hollywood Blvd was distributed to Board members.
· A letter of support for the Hollywood Farmer's Market distributed to Board members.
8B AB 588-Hollywood Statistical Reporting:
Jim McQuiston spoke in opposition to AB 588. He doesn't believe this is helpful and will cost additional dollars. No other area of LA City has statistical reporting. If we have this it should be citywide.
Joel Fisher presented a motion to-Write a Letter of Support for AB 588. It was seconded. Motion failed: 2-Yes, 8-No, 5-abstain.
Informational : Russ Brown reported that LA City Council member Ed Reyes requested community input in the search for a new Director of Planning. There was a request to push back the date for filling this position until May 20 th . There has been no national search completed or a clear statement of vision.
Adjourned---8:25 PM