March 15, 2004
Hollywood United Certified Neighborhood Council Board Meeting: First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood: Community Room
Attending Board Members: Russell Brown, Maurece Chesse, Ann De Bello, Andrew Ettinger, Joel M. Fisher, Norma Foster, Viktoria Gaw, Andrew Glazier, Scott Larson, Susan Polifronio, Charles Suhayda, Susan Swan and Members of the Public.
Agenda Item #1: Welcome, Roll Call Minutes
Motion by Susan Polifronio to Accept Minutes as Written
Second: Ann De Bello & Norma Foster
Disposition: Passed unanimously
Agenda Item #2: Report by Senior Lead Officers Sollie & Shea
Officer Sollie stated that crime is at the lowest in years. Only 4 motor vehicle break-ins to report and 2 burglaries. Congratulations to Officer Armen, his wife and new baby girl.
Destruction of property and vagrants at the east end of the 5900 block of Franklin Ave. discussed. The officers will pay attention to this issue.
Agenda Item #3: Public Comment Items Not on the Agenda
John Farrion requested that a Blood Mobile be requested for the next HUNC Event. Jennifer Christie invited HUNC to the Latino Festival at Cheremoya Elementary School March 19th.
Agenda Item #4: Officer Reports for Discussion & Possible Action
1: Treasurer's Report
2: Vice-President Russell Brown gave an update on CRA and Development projects Hollywood Blvd. and invited everyone to attend the LA River Clean-Up. Russell
reported that the Florentine Gardens are still being considered for #82 and Rory Fitzpatrick of CD4 added that La Bonge and Garcetti were still working together in the search for a new site.
3: President Joel M. Fisher gave an update on the CORO Foundation students street
closure recommendations. Joel, Kerry (BID) and CD13 & CD4 will be working on month.
4: Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan gave an update on the website and
recommended rollover of the current hosting until we have the content for a more
extensive site. Susan researched and we can add multiple links to our
website with minimal increased expense. Susan and Maurece will give an update
at the next Board meeting.
Motion by Andrew Glazier to refer the Website issue to Executive Committee
Second: Susan Swan
Discussion: None
Disposition: Passed
Agenda Item #5: Hollywood & Orange Project in front of Grauman's for Discussion & Possible Action:
No presentation. Discussion on the increased mixed-use adaptations of commercial space on Hollywood Blvd. centered on the need for HUNC to form a designated committee to keep us informed on the changes and impact to quality of life. Joel M. Fisher stated he had discussed the formation of a designated Development Committee that would concentrate on Hollywood Blvd. and that he would name Russell Brown as chair. Joel also requested that Alison Becker of CD13 be asked to attend the next Board meeting and to inform us on the projects along Councilman Garcetti's potion of Hollywood Blvd.
Motion by Andrew Glazier to Form a Mixed Use Development Committee and that this Committee would work with other Neighborhood Councils to develop a joint planning policy.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
Agenda Item #6: Committee Reports
#6: 1: Norma Foster presented on the Mayor's budget committee recommendation to eliminate the Department of Cultural Affairs and to farm out its duties to Parks and Recreation and other Departments. Norma Foster is to draft a letter for approval to send to the City Council and the Mayor's Office. Rory Fitzpatrick reminded HUNC that there is a $300 million dollar deficit and the money will have to come from cuts.
Motion by Andrew Glazier to send the issue to the Executive Committee for Discussion & Action.
Second: Susan Swan
Discussion: Norma Foster requested that the Executive Committee meet before April 10th.
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
#6: 4: Bernadette Sotor from the PROS Committee presented on the proposed Observatory Restaurant. The restaurant is not part of the Griffith Park Master Plan. The particulate matter from grilling and frying could negatively affect the telescope lenses. There is not enough parking, the lighting would have to be improved, the restaurant would be in direct competition to neighboring high-end restaurants in Los Feliz, the City would pay between one and a half and four and a half million for the shell with only and 8% portion of the profits and the problems with liquor, poor lighting and traffic conflicts with the Greek Theatre would be enormous.
Motion by Susan Swan to draft a letter to the City Council and the Mayor in support of the PROS Committee and GGPNC recommendations to oppose the Observatory Destination Restaurant.
Second: Viktoria Gaw
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
#6: 2: Norma Foster requested funds to assist in the completion of the "Gateway to Hollywood" triangle. CD4 will be managing the finish of this project. Hollywood Hills West has approved a $1000.00 sponsorship.
Motion by Norma Foster for a $1000.00 pledge to finishing the "Gateway to Hollywood" triangle.
Second: Ann De Bello
Discussion: Susan Polifronio requested that we hold the motion over until the first Board Meeting after the HUNC Election.
Disposition: Passes Unanimously
#6: 3: Susan Polifronio commended Cheryl Gaskill and the Argyle residents for the superb presentation and show of support at the March 8th Public Safety & Transportation Committee meeting. At a meeting that filled the Community Room to capacity, Over 80 Argyle residents showed their support for angled parking. Glenn Ogura of DOT was so impressed with the graphics presentation by Cheryl that they requested the use of the graphics to take back to DOT. Rory Fitzpatrick and Michelle Fleenor of CD4 pledged to meet quickly with Cheryl and the residents of Argyle. Cheryl has also agreed to help co-chair a dedicated parking committee.
Motion by Susan Polifronio to pledge support in aiding the Argyle residents in parking relief and proposed angled parking and to make Revisions to PS & T Minutes.
Second: Susan Swan
Discussion: Joel M. Fisher requested that Susan Polifronio and Cheryl Gaskill draft a letter to be sent to DOT and the City Council.
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
#6: 5: Discussion on the proposed closure of St. Andrews' Stairs: Adam Kear and Richard McNaughton brought up the nearly unanimous vote of the residents to keep the stairs open. The letter from Chief Bratton in favor of closing referred to problems with a house on Tryon that has been resolved. Viktoria Gaw stated the stairs are clean, well-lit and the only means of pedestrian access for over a mile. Rory Fitzpatrick of CD4 stated they will review the facts with LAPD and that Councilman La Bonge would need overwhelming support in the closure of the stairs, support that appears to be absent. Joel M. Fisher asked Rory Fitzpatrick for the name and phone number of the engineer that assigned to St. Andrews' Stairs. Norma Foster requested that Joel M. Fisher speak with Captain Downing re: the stairs.
#6: 6: Viktoria Gaw reported on the LA Business Tax Reform Report and Proposal. She requested that HUNC write a letter of support for the reform which would allow for a tax reform so that businesses are not taxed on their gross receipts which do not take into account the differences in the cost of doing business. JMF to support the points.
Motion by Viktoria Gaw to Support the LA Business Tax Reform Proposal
Second: Andrew Glazier
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
#6: 7: Bylaws:
Motion by Andrew Glazier to accept the changes in the Bylaws as presented
Second: Norma Foster and Susan Polifronio
Discussion: Andrew stated that we are bringing the HUNC bylaws into compliance with the City Charter and DONE recommendations. The substantive changes are closing the nominations for prospective Board members at the end of the Candidate Forum, correcting the Bylaw terms of office from 4 consecutive years to four consecutive terms (8 years) which is consistent with the DONE plan, to correct the staggering of seats to correct discrepancies in the election procedures and notifications
Disposition: Vote of the Board and attending Public Unanimous.
Russell Brown discussed the LA River Cleanup and asked the Board for $350.00 in outreach expenses to cover the cost of flyers, posters and printing for the LA River Cleanup on May 1, 2004: 9am-12 noon. Councilman La Bonge will attend and food will be provided for the trash and vegetation clean-up volunteers.
Motion by Russell Brown for $350.00 in Outreach printing expenses for the LA River Cleanup project.
Second: Susan Swan
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
#6: 8: Election Committee: Viktoria Gaw handed out the sign-up list for volunteers on Election night and Christine Jerian will co-ordinate a walk-thru with Charles Suhayda before election night to plan the set-up. Volunteers requested for bundling election mailers on Wednesday, March 17th.
#6: 4: Observatory Orchestra: Norma Foster strongly recommends a letter of support for the Brian Metcalf and the Observatory Orchestra. This had been discussed as an agendized item at the previous Board meeting. In response to questions Norma Foster stated she asked the relevant questions of background, intentions, references, etc.
Motion by Norma Foster for a letter of support for the Observatory Orchestra Proposal
Second: Susan Polifronio
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
Agenda Item #7: New Business
Agenda Item #8: Old Business
Andrew Ettinger asked for a copy of the letter on "the Little Church of Hollywood" sent to Councilman Garcetti. Joel M. Fisher stated he will follow-up on the letter. Jennifer Christie will provide copies of letter for interested parties.
Agenda Item:9: Adjournment
Motion by Andrew Glazier to Adjourn
Second: Susan Swan
Disposition: Meeting Adjourned by Joel M. Fisher 8:30pm
Minutes Respectfully Submitted
Susan Polifronio