finalized version adsfjhasdfds


June 14, 2004 Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting

First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Upper-Terrace, Community Room


Agenda Item #1:

Roll Call and Board Minutes approval from May 17 th Full Board Meeting.

Those present:

Joel M. Fisher, Susan Polifronio, Susan Swan, Maurece Chesse, Hilary Royce, Jordan Birnbaum, Ann De Bello, Scott Larson, Viktoria Gaw, Robert Abrahamian, Ian McCubbin, Norma Foster, Andrew Glazier, Chris Sther, Russell Brown

Excused Absences:

Charles Suhayda

Andrew Ettinger

Acceptance of the Minutes:

Viktoria Gaw requested that a comment made by Susan Polifronio about the bus provided to the Cherimoya kids from CD #4 was inaccurately attributed to her and this will be corrected in the May 17 th Board minutes.

Agenda #2: Briefing by Board of Sanitation:

The Board of Sanitation was unable to attend and notified HUNC in advance.

Agenda Item #3 Public Comment:

Eric Sanjurjno, Field Deputy for CD4, addressed the proposed transfer of the Park Rangers to the LAPD. He stated Councilman La Bonge will make sure that the best interests of Griffith Park are not neglected. Eric stated that a letter to Cindy Misicowski would help in retaining the wildlife Rangers. Eric also stated that Councilman La Bonge would like our input on the bulky item pickup proposal that would designate a $2.00 per month fee to apartment building owners to be split

between owner and tenant unless the tenant falls under the low-income designation.

Jim McQuiston gave two CD's of information to be forwarded to HUNC members on the Synopsis on the Neighborhood Council Enabling Act.

Agenda Item #4 Officer Reports:

4A. Treasurer Maurece Chesse: Report, Encumbering of existing funds and July Quarter Budget for discussion & action.
Items to be voted on: $12,500.00 July Quarter Budget

Encumbered Funds:

Stakeholder Postcards

Newsletter Upgrade

HBT Dinner Sponsorship Outreach Table

PAL Fundraiser Printing and Flyers

5 Outdoor Bulletin Boards

1 Sandwich Board Portable Kiosk

Automated Notification System

Office Copy machine

Digital Camera and Video

Sony Mini-Cam

Yucca Gateway Project

Outreach Expense for Plants and Cookies to 500 Stakeholders

Motion by Maurece Chesse to encumber the funds as listed in attached document and to approve the July Quarter budget with the amendment by Andrew Glazier that the Committee report back regarding clarifications.

Roll Call: No Abstentions

Disposition: Motion Carries

President Joel M. Fisher:

Vice-President Susan Polifronio:

Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan:

Recording Secretary Hilary Royce:

Agenda Item #5: Committee Reports

Social Service and Faith-Based Committee Report:

Hilary Royce reported that the Town Hall Meeting on Affordable Housing was very successful with approximate attendance of sixty. Full Notes were distributed to the Board and public.

Public Safety Committee Report:

Joel M. Fisher reported that the suspect in the recent double murder had been caught at Paramount Studios had been caught but in general crime was down in Hollywood.

N&E Committee Report:

Susan Swan reported that trees will be planted from on Franklin Avenue from Western Ave. to Canyon two weekends in October and anyone interested in helping should contact committee member Adam Kear.

 #5B: Motion by Susan Swan for letter opposing transfer of Park Rangers to General Services.

#5C: Request for Letter opposing the elimination of Wildlife Officer positions

2 nd : Maurece Chesse

Discussion: Request that we consider both motions together agreed upon. Issue of recent destruction of Oak trees within Griffith Park by Public Works illustrates the need to keep Forestry separate.

Disposition: Jordan Birnbaum/For, Ann De Bello/Abstain, Scott Larson/For, Viktoria Gaw/Abstain, Andrew Glazier/Against, Susan Swan/For, Russell Brown/For, Susan Polifronio/For, Robert Abrahamian/For, Ian McCubbin/For, Maurece Chesse/For, Norma Foster/Against, Joel M. Fisher/For

Both Motions Carry

Clarification requested by Board for motion urging reconsideration of transferring park rangers to general services agreed upon.

 Youth and Education Committee Report:

Andrew Glazier reported on the recent reorganization of the LAUSD mini-districts from 11 to 8. The upcoming Town Hall on pressures children face will be in September. Jordan Birnbaum offered Qtopia trapeze school for underprivileged youth.

Elections: Maurece stated the committee would start working on the next election in September. Scott urged attendance at the DONE elections draft meetings in the upcoming week.

By-Laws: Motion By Andrew Glazier: Revise Article XV Grievance Procedures. Item 7 from "In the event that a grievance cannot be resolved through this grievance process, then the matter may be referred to DONE for consideration or dispute in accordance with the plan" will be changed to "In the event that a grievance cannot be resolved through this grievance process, then the matter will be referred to the Blue Ribbon Grievance Panel as appointed by the Human Relations Commission and DONE.

Second: Ann De Bello

Discussion: Joel M. Fisher has been named by DONE to be on the

Commission to settle NC disputes. He will recuse himself from any issues related to HUNC. Norma Foster asked who appoints to the commission. Joel stated established by Freeling & Stone.

Disposition: Passed Unanimously

Outreach Committee Report:

Ann De Bello reported on the postcard flyer that was distributed at the HBT dinner and also that she and Maurece participated in the LA PowWow and this was a great success.

Arts and Entertainment Committee Report:

Norma Foster reported on continuing efforts to get this committee established and that there is great interest from the theater community.

PROS Committee Report:

See N&E report

 PLUM Committee Report:

Russell Brown reported on CRA presenting the proposals on June 29 th for the Development of the Hollywood and Western Project and asked that Board Members take the urban village questionnaire and distribute to stakeholders.

Discussion of presentations, parking and viability surrounding the projects.


June meeting was cancelled.

Agenda Item #6: New Business

#6A: Community impact statements for Discussion & Action: Bulky Item Pick-Up

As per comments by Erik Sanjurjo, Councilman La Bonge is looking at a $2.00 charge per apartment of every apartment building to pay for the bulky items left on the streets.

Discussion: Apartment building owners, the Board and the public after much discussion agreed that the cost should be distributed over the general population as not all of the items left in front of apartment buildings belong to tenants.

Motion by Andrew Glazier to add a 25cent surcharge to everyone's sanitation bill to cover the cost of bulky item pickup.

2 nd : Ann De Bello

Disposition: Susan Polifronio/For, Scott Larson/Abstain, Viktoria Gaw/Abstain, Russell Brown/Abstain, Ian McCubbin/Against, Maurece Chesse/For, Norma Foster/For, Joel M. Fisher/For, Jordan Birnbaum/For, Andrew Glazier/For

Motion Carries.

Agenda Item #7: Old Business

Viktoria Gaw wished to be taken off Outreach as Chair but requested to be

informed of all future meetings.

Jordan Birnbaum stated owner of the Bhalli Market has been ill and the letter of support for his liquor liscence will not go out until he is well.

Agenda Item #8: Meeting Adjourned by Joel M. Fisher at 9:15pm

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Hilary Royce and Susan Polifronio

I need a full list of emails and current contact information.Please give me feedback on the website. All committee chairs need to send their calendars and minutes of meetings to me for placement on the web.Please cc me on all the Town Hall preparations. All policy statements supported by HUNC are voted on and approved by the Board. All other communications as Board members must be co-signed by the President before being sent out. All use of Jennifer will be coordinated by Susan Polifronio.