Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2007
6:30 PM
Community Room, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
6054 Yucca St, Los Angeles, CA 90028
1---Welcome & Roll Call.
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Bechir Blagui, Jordan Birnbaum, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Bree Long, Rodney Hargrove, Hilary Royce, Erik Sanjurjo, David Schlesinger, Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Gary Slossberg, Ryan Hass, Norma Foster. Excused: Viktoria Gaw. Absent: Scott Larson.
2. Approval of Minutes from June meetings.
- Motion: Bree Long, “To approve the minutes of the HUNC workshop of June 16, 2007.” Second: Bechir Blagui. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs---0.
- Motion: Jordan Birnbaum, “To approve the minutes of the HUNC Board meeting on June 18, 2007.” Second: Ryan Hass. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs—0.
3. LAPD Police Reports. None.
4. Council District and Mayoral / City Announcements.
Helen Leung (CD-13):
- CD13 office will begin working on the Yucca/Argyle median with local stakeholders.
- Helen will attend the HUNC Summer Socials
- Street Closure Committee considered 2 applications. The first request was for a closure of Hollywood Blvd for 4 days in September for filming. This was approved. The second request, from the Cinerama Dome Film Festival for Latino Families, was not approved.
Doug Mensman (CD-4):
- The burn areas in Griffith Park will be hydro-mulched.
- Contrary to rumors that a private group is going to acquire 200 acres of Griffith Park and plant native Korean plants on this site, this is not the case. To do an overlook or vista as a tribute to Pusan, Korea would come under the jurisdiction of Dept. of Rec & Parks. There is currently no plan for such a project.
- SWIRP—Working to educate people so that they better understand what items can be placed into the blue recycling bins.
Josh Englander (Field Rep for Assembly Member Mike Feur, 42nd District).
- Franklin/Ivar property---Mike Feur has asked CalTrans that the lot be put on a hold list until September.
- AB1381—This bill would require that tracings be placed into ammunition (micro-stamping).
Will Rivera (Deputy City Attorney): Neighborhood Prosecutor, Hollywood Area. Phone: (310) 575-8745. E-mail: will.rivera@lacity.org. He replaces Bill Kysella. He will assess areas where prosecution is needed in the community. For 9-yrs he worked at the Hollywood Court House. His work includes:
- Stay away orders
- Assessing legal issues
- Criminal homelessness and services
- Underage drinking
- Parking in valet lots
- Regulatory issues
11. D-1. Hollywood Beautification Team: proposal for up to $1500 for graffiti eradication program
Sharyn Romano, Hollywood Beautification Team (HBT).
- Erik Sanjurjo: The City Council voted to allow the NCs to give grants. HUNC can either purchase items needed by HBT or provide a grant. HBT needs additional funding to continue with the UNTAG program; a successful graffiti eradication program established by Eric Garcetti.
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve up to $1500 for graffiti eradication program for HBT.” Second: Norma Foster. Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0.
- Sharyn Romano: Tree plantings are possible but HBT needs commitments from people to water the trees. HBT has a State of California grant to work with CalTrans to improve/beautify the 101 on and off ramps in Hollywood. They will employ at-risk youth.
- HBT Fundraiser is on October 4th at Universal Studios.
- Gary Slossberg: Requests that HUNC officially state that the anti-graffiti work of HBT is a benefit to the community. Motion: Gary Slossberg, “Regarding the HBT Anti-Graffiti Program, stakeholders of HUNC will benefit from the support of this important beautification program, which will remove much of the graffiti from our community and improve the living conditions of our stakeholders.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs—0.
5. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (2 minutes each).
Raymond Yu: Nessei Week Parade will be held on August 19th. Phone: (213) 687-7193.
6. Executive Committee Reports including but not limited to:
A. President
1. Update on future Hollywood Coalition meetings. Susan Swan reported that the coalition discussed the possibility of holding a joint election for the Hollywood NCS. The Coalition agreed on the need for strong communication between the PLUM Committees of the Hollywood Coalition. Also discussed the possibility of a September Town Hall meeting on planning issues in Hollywood.
2. Update on August Workshop: The Board agreed by consensus to not have a workshop in August.
3. HUNC self-assessment process.
4. Existing Standing Rules: Susan will bring the current copy of the HUNC standing rules to the August Board meeting.
B. Treasurer
1. Monthly Budget Report
- HUNC has $96,000 carried over from the last FY.
- Community Benefits statements. Motion: Gary Slossberg, to approve the following community benefits statements: “Community Benefit of Griffith Park Picnic Tables and Benches Project: The recent fire in Griffith Park damaged significant portions of recreational areas in the park commonly utilized by Stakeholders of the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council. By participating in the Neighborhood Improvement Project and supporting Griffith Park with the purchase of picnic tables and benches, we are addressing the needs of the Stakeholders in our community who frequent the park. At the same time, we are increasing our visibility as a council and outreach to Stakeholders, as each bench and table will include signage thanking HUNC for its support.” And “Community Benefit of Griffith Park Animal Survey: Stakeholders of HUNC benefit greatly from a scientific survey of the animal life within Griffith Park. By studying and understanding the Griffith Park ecology, the city and surrounding community can better co-exist with the park life and plan proactively to maintain the park for the future. This expenditure fits well within the Neighborhood Improvement line item, as it supports an ongoing project to better the community and improve our Stakeholders abilities to safely enjoy and live beside Griffith Park.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs---0.
2. Updated DONE guidelines for purchases
- Gary Slossberg distributed a copy of the NC funding guidelines.
7. Standing Rule for establishment of Interim/Assistant Treasurer position, nominations for and appointment of Interim /Assistant Treasurer
- Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That HUNC approve that Standing Rules regarding the position of Interim Treasurer as written.” Second: Norma Foster. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs—0.
- Motion: Gary Slossberg, “I nominate Robert Abrahamian for the Interim/Assistant Treasurer position for HUNC.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs—0.
8. Letter to City Officials and Rec/Parks Dept in support of selection of Interim Chief Park Ranger Albert Torres for appointment to Chief Park Ranger.
A letter to Jon Kirk Mukri, General Manager of the Los Angeles City Recreation and Parks Department was drafted by Susan Swan. The letter recommends Albert Torres for the position of Chief Park Ranger.
Motion: Norma Foster, “That HUNC approve the letter recommending Albert Torres to Chief Park Ranger.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs—0.
9. HUNC participation in and support of upcoming LACC Gala October 20th up to $5000.
Hilary Royce: Read a letter from LACC to HUNC with options for sponsorship:
- Buy a table and the money goes to a student scholarship.
- Donate money to the gala event; the money saved on the event will be used for student scholarship.
- Motion: Hilary Royce, “That HUNC contribute $5,000 to the LACC Gala event for scholarships.” Second: Bechir Blagui. Vote: Yes---9 No—3 Abs—2
11 D. PS&T –
2. Third Annual Fire Fighter Festival of Hollywood September 14th outreach and involvement, approval of funds for booth and outreach materials/snacks etc, up to $1000
Motion: Ryan Hass, “That HUNC allocate $1,000 for the 3rd Annual Fire Fighters Festival for a booth, outreach materials and snacks.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes---13 No—0 Abs—0.
10. Elections
A. Approval of Final Election Procedures for 2007
Susan Swan Distributed copies of the final election procedures for HUNC. Nothing has changed in this document from the previous Board meeting. Motion: Norma Foster, “To approve the Election Procedures for HUNC.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes—13 No—0 Abs—0
D. Ad Hoc Committee for Election Outreach: Scott, Bechir, Charles and Maurece. 1. Approval of additional funds for magnets, pens and other outreach materials up to $3000.
Motion: Hilary Royce, “That up to $3,000 be allocated for HUNC outreach materials.” Second: Ryan Hass. Vote: Yes—13 No—0 Abs—0.
11. A. Bylaws Committee
1. Approval of clarification of Geographic Description in Bylaws Attachment B
Motion:Jordan Birnbaum, “That HUNC approve the clarification of the geographical description in the Bylaws Attachment B.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes—13 No—0 Abs—0.
2. Approval of board intent regarding Bylaws Amendment XIII: “DONE: ADVISORY: Because a 2/3 majority vote of the board is required by Article XIV of your bylaws to remove a board member for other reasons, it appears that the board would be required to act in conjunction with the threshold set by Article XIV, when exercising removal under Provision E. of Article XIII. If this is not the intention of the board, further clarification of this bylaws provision is advised. Additionally, (as correctly drafted) the removal would need to be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting of the board in accordance with other bylaws provisions.”
Motion: Jordan Birnbaum, “That HUNC approve the board intent regarding Bylaws Amendment XIII.” Second: Gary Slossberg. Vote: Yes---13 No—0 Abs---0.
10 B. Ad Hoc Committee for HUNC New Board Member Orientation: Ryan, Eric, Bree and Bechir
Erik Sanjurjo handed out a Question & Answer sheet which could serve as a tool to orient new board members.
10 C. Ad Hoc Committee for Election Event Planning: Hilary, Bree, Ryan and Rodney
Bree Long: Provided an updated report on the planning and outreach activities for the HUNC Summer Social at Vanguard
10 D 2. Signup sheet for scheduling outreach at markets
Board members are reminded to sign up for outreach on Saturdays and Sundays at the Mayfair Market and the Beachwood Market.
11 B. Education/Youth - Update on the Cheremoya Beautification Grant Project.
Gary Slossberg will bring a final report to a future Board meeting.
11 C. PLUM
1. Update on the Griffith Observatory – Puck’s ZV request
David Schlesinger: Reported that the Zoning Administrator had ruled in favor of Puck’s request for a zoning variance (serving alcohol). Now, this decision will be appealed to the City Council. Erik Sanjurjo: Rocky DelGadillo is in favor of the NCs appealing land-use decisions.
2. Update on Hollywood Tower Project
Bree Long: The Hollywood Tower has 52 units. The Hollywood Towers are now under development by Alliant (multi-family building, multi-use developer). The new addition will consist of a 146-unit multi-family development. Specifics:
- Units will range from: 515 sq ft to 2,000 sq ft
- 57 parking spaces with 2 levels of subterranean parking
- It will be a 5-story wood frame building
- 30% of the units are set aside as affordable
Jordan Birnbaum: Can the developer clarify the number of parking spaces/unit?
Bree Long: She will set up a meeting with LADOT to discuss traffic mitigation issues. Lets get this before the Hollywood Coalition of NCs.
11 D 3. Update on Hollywood Blvd. Street Closure Committee and upcoming street closures.
Erik Sanjurjo: Regarding street closures for filming, there is an ongoing discussion of having the film companies pay into a fund when streets are closed for filming. CD 13 office is also looking at this.
11-E. Emergency Preparedness update
1. Oaks/LAFD Evacuation Drill on July 28th : support, volunteers to help out, cook, outreach, Drill Evaluators
Maurece Chesse: There is still not a clear communication about this event regarding the details and communications to the various groups in the area. A work in progress.
2. Community mapping
Maurece Chesse: LAFD is mapping the best routes for evacuation from the Hollywood Hills.
12. Grievance Ad Hoc Committee update and possible recommendations
Deferred until August.
13. Old Business/Unfinished. None
14. New Business/Announcements
Jordan Birnbaum: Recommended a new vision for HUNC—That we should make an effort to go paperless. Only the meeting agenda should be handed out on paper. Most everything else electronically or computer disc. Susan Swan: Recommended that Jordan lead an Ad Hoc Committee to examine the idea of a paperless meeting; also check with City Attorney.
Gary Slossberg: The Community Beautification Grant is out. The deadline for applications is October 17th.
15. Submission of proposed Agenda items for August