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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Minutes of the Board Meeting
January 18, 2005
Location: First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
6054 Yucca St.,  Community Room-Upper Terrace

Meeting was called to order by Susan Polifronio at 6:35 PM. Board members present at roll-call: Scott Larson, Anne DeBello, Chris Stehr, Norma Foster, Victoria Gaw, Susan Swan, Susan Polifronio, Russ Brown, Maurice Chesse, Jordan Birnbaum, Charles Suhayda, Andrew Glazier, (Joel Fisher, Hilary Royce later arrivals).

Motion -To take the meeting agenda out of order to allow time for Joel Fisher to arrive at meeting. Motion by--- Norma Foster ; Second--- Susan Polifronio . Vote 12-Yes; 0-No

Agenda Item #2: Officer Bill Sollie presented a crime statistics report. In '04, Hollywood Division was no# 1 in crime reduction among the 18 divisions of LAPD. However, LA does not have enough police officers. NYC has 40,000 officers; LA has 9,000 officers. LAPD officers are frustrated. Understaffing of LAPD with officers has been a problem for the last 30-yr.

Bill Sollie's area has a drop in crime of 28% and led Hollywood Division. This is because of the work of 10 Neighborhood Watch Groups. He communicates with these groups by fax and e-mail concerning crime problems.

One new problem in his area has come after the heavy rains from distraction burglars. These are people who approach homeowners on roof & driveway repairs, auto repairs. They claim that they had done work for homeowners years ago. While talking to homeowners, the partners in crime enter the residence and commit the burglary. There are other types of scams. Also at Forest Lawn, there has been a rash of break ins into cars during memorial services.

Officer Mike Shea talked about the surveillance cameras that have been installed on Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood Western, and Santa Monica Blvd.

He also announced a Business Symposium in combination with CPAB on March 22 nd from 5 Pm to 8:30 PM to be held at the Director's Guild on Sunset Blvd. City Council members, the Mayor, Chief Bratton, and Capt. Downing will be present for this event. SLO Maria G. is meeting with the LA Free Clinic on fencing for the front entrance to their property (homeless youth camping there overnight). They will be removing bulky items. There will be no more sleeping there. The sidewalk will be cleaned. Part of the problem is that people give clothing donations to homeless youth at this site and this creates a mess.

 The February CPAB meeting is the last Tues. of the month (2/22/05).

Agenda Item #3: Crosby Doe from the Committee to Save the Hollywoodland Specific Plan on the issue of Cultural Monument #565 @ 3200 Durand Dr. On Dec. 14, 2004 he went to Planning Commission to preserve the monument and the proposed fence. The height of the fence is at issues as well as setbacks. This passed the planning committee. Now the Committee to Save the Hollywoodland Specific Plan is appealing the decision.

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January 18, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Hollywood Presbyterian Church,

1760 N. Gower St. LA 90028

Monument  #565 consists of a collection of historic steps and walls in Hollywoodland. The Hollywoodland specific plan has been in effect since 1985; they have their own specific plan and review board. But the CD 4 Councilmember is not supporting the Hollywoodland Specific Plan at this time. Joel Fisher has spoken with Tom LaBonge about this and will speak again to him about this matter.

Agenda Item 4a:

Holly Drive

Condo Project . Russ Brown distributed information on this project: Holly Dr. Town Home fact sheet, 16 new Holly Dr. town homes-Architectural designs and maps. Russ reported that the developers had made a presentation to the Hollywood Dell Association. The plans were approved but there were concerns about outreach. Hollywood Dell held a second meeting to collect community comments on the project and these were sent back to the PLUM Committee. This project was to be presented at the HUNC Board meeting in Dec. 2004, but due to miscommunication developers didn't attend that meeting. The HUNC Board was to look at this project tonight and vote on it.

 Developers presenting the project: Brad Weinstock and David Porter (see fact sheets). Notes from their presentation:

  • They can build for sale or for rental property
  • With the density bonus, they can add 4 units
  • Will take advantage of the density bonus
  • Will provide 1 parking space (ps)/ bedroom
  • Project is 26,500 sq. ft.
  • Will comply with the setback
  • Project exceeds open space requirements
  • Each unit has a private yard (15-18' deep; 15-18' wide)
  • Will have landscaped courtyard
  • Parking structure has 39 parking spaces, plus storage space, plus trash area
  • Homeowners will hire trash service to haul trash
  • Condos in the Craftsman/California Bungalow style. Not true Craftsman but a modern interpretation of this design. Proposing a modern roof-line which will individualize each unit and bring more light into each unit.
  • Working with the 20/20 Town home Subcommittee of Hollywood Dell to deal with remaining design and landscaping issues
  • Committed to working with the community
  • Requesting a height variance. The lowest point on the property is 10' below street grade. Asking for a 10% variance which will raise the building by 6'. The height will range from 24' to 26' and this will get the building to curb level. The project still falls below the 30' height limit from street level.

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January 18, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Hollywood Presbyterian Church,

1760 N. Gower St. LA 90028

Public Comment (PC) :

  • One parking space/bedroom?            Yes
  • How long to complete project?            14-18 months
  • Andrew Glazier comment-immediate neighbors prefer fewer units, but the no# of units proposed is allowable by law. Some remaining issues with the design: 1) Looking for more traditional Craftsman style, 2) Condos should face street, not away from street, 3) Landscaping
  • For sale?            Yes
  • Size?               1500-1800 sq. ft., 2-level
  • Price:              $650,000 to $750,000

Motion : To accept the Holly Dr. townhomes Project with the mandate that developers work successfully with the neighborhood landscape and design committee. The Neighborhood Council supports the variance and waiver improvements of the street. Motion by- Andrew Glazier , Second by- Susan Polifronio . Discussion  ensued. Vote: 13-Yes; 1-Abstain; 0---No.

Agenda Item 4b: Proposed Whole Foods Market at Garfield & Hollwood Blvd (NW corner). Russ Brown provided an introduction on the project and proposal which was coming from the PLUM committee. The Board is not voting on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR); the Board is not voting on EIR mitigation. The Board will be voting on the concept and the design being presented tonight. Russ asked that HUNC approve the design which is deemed compatible with the Hollywood/Western CRA project. (See PLUM Committee Report).

Developers---The Bond Companies. Presenter, George Minter---the EIR is now in development and will be released in Spring '05. Other presenters---Brian Garcia and Ira Dankler (The Bond Companies). Presenter's points:

  • Bond Companies headquarters are in LA, have an office in Chicago
  • Hollywood developments: 1) Sunset/Vine Project (chosen for a Charlie Award from Hollywood Arts Council), 2) Sunset/St. Andrews (across from Home Depot), 3)
5555 Hollywood Blvd
  • Projects are urban infill
  • Projects are catalytic development---more livable and safer communities
  • Want to make Hollywood a better place
  • Whole Foods is a good neighbor
  • All projects are pedestrian oriented; envision the same for Hollywood/Garfield
  • Developers have met with the Eastwood Coalition (KC, Dave, etc)
  • Proposed building is 42,000 sq ft; mezzanine is 10,000 sq ft (will not be seen)

How will we activate the sidewalk?

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January 18, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Hollywood Presbyterian Church,

1760 N. Gower St. LA 90028

Main entrance to store located on the corner of Hollywood & Garfield

  • Whole Foods signature and patio area
  • Correct street trees will be planted
  • Patio dining enclosed by planters (along Hollywood Blvd )
  • Planters along Garfield
  • Parking located 2 levels above the store; access from Garfield
  • Greening wherever possible
  • Stream-lined Art Deco design; an expensive & complex building
  • 2-story with mezzanine and roof-top parking
  • Building height is 43' (same level as the 3 rd floor of St. Francis Hotel). Height of hotel is 65'
  • Building will have side-by-side freight elevators

Public Comment (PC) :

  • Andrew Glazier ---Hollywood Dell Civic Association. Several residents asked CIM Group to place a Whole Foods Market (WFM) into Hollywood/Highland. This is not going to happen
  • June Gutterman ---she and neighbors want to see a WFM at this location
  • Peter Ellis --- 1)What happens to the Panorama building? Will it be saved? No. Ira Dankler-This building is deemed non-historic by Hollywood Heritage. 2) What kind of mailings were done on this project? Did not mail east of
Western Ave
  • Jared Elmore ---&th Day Adventist Church & Eastwood Coalition. What are you seeking from HUNC? What was proposed by PLUM? It may be a good idea to delay action on this proposal until the EIR is presented
  • Rich MacNaughton ---Somethings go against what is required by the EIR. Much of the EIR will challenge this concept. Much of the community objects to this proposal.
  • Ann Marie Harrington ---Lives on
Wilton Place

. The Bond companies came to 7 th Day Adventist Church to make a presentation. Everyone is excited about the WFM. She and her neighbors want a WFM at this location.

  • Cindy Duttaine ---Lives at 1718 N. Garfield. She is the block captain of
Garfield Place

, she calls it " Garfield village." We have MTA buses using Garfield as a turn around route. There will be additional traffic from the WFM. How will you work with MTA on traffic? Garfield was turned down for speed bumps by LA City. Yet there is a speeding problem. She's very nervous. She has numerous concerns on additional traffic and its impact on this street. There is an increase in vacancy rates on Garfield because of a lack of parking. She believes that the quality of life will decrease on Garfield if a WFM is put in.

  • Joyce Dyrector ---She supports the WFM project. There is a need to resurrect
Hollywood Blvd with something other than nightclubs and bars. She doesn't like

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January 18, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Hollywood Presbyterian Church,

1760 N. Gower St. LA 90028
  • the building design. It looks just like Sunset/Vine. All designs in Hollywood look the same. She likes the concept but not the architecture
  • Dave Monks ---Keep your role in mind as advocates for the neighborhood. Whole Foods is great! The problem is with this store. WF is not here tonight. Only the Bond Companies are here. There are problems with the operations of this proposed store: 1) Loading and unloading-there will be 5 tractor trailers and additional delivery vehicles per day. It is unusual to use a residential street for loading/unloading. Where are the trucks going to be? 2) Eastwood letter on the EIR had several points: a) reduce the size of the store, b) use the back of the property for enclosed loading/unloading area, c) setback is simply a city requirement, d) WFM employee parking (250 employees)---80% will need parking; there are not enough specifics on parking. Please do not vote on this project tonight, the specifics have not been worked out.
  • KC Schmidt ---a resident of Gramercy. We need parking and we need a park. There are so many impacts with this project. Please table it until the EIR is presented.

Board members comment :

· Russ Brown : Both employee and customer parking will be onsite or contracted out. The most difficult part is the EIR

· Andrew Glazier : the Neighborhood Council should support the concept

· Charles Suhayda : Need integration of the traffic and parking management plan with the Hollywood/Western CRA project

· Susan Swan : Table this motion until EIR comes in, but support WFM.

· Maurece Chesse : To many questions to vote on this

· Jordan Birnbaum : What we're saying is approval but with conditions. Address neighbors issues, but we should go ahead

· Victoria Gaw : Table the motion. What is the weight limit on trucks? Delivery times?

· Scott Larson : did not understand from the presentation why the Board needed to vote on concept prior to an EIR report - no compelling reason.  Felt this could be irresponsible and recommended waiting to vote until EIR is completed

Ira Dankler---we're looking for approval of only the concept.

Motion to table this proposal from PLUM. Seconded. 7-YES; 3---No. The motion to table until the EIR is completed passes.

Agenda Item #5: Officer Reports.

  • Joel Fisher (President)-Meeting with Tom LaBonge on the actions of his staff on important issues in CD 4. On Thursday there will be an MTA Tour and lunch with Tom LaBonge at 9:30 AM.

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January 18, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Hollywood Presbyterian Church,

1760 N. Gower St. LA 90028
  • Susan Polifronio (Vice President)---Elections will be moved to the end of May 2005 as recommended by DONE.
  • Hilary Royce (Seretary)---None
  • Maurice Chesse (Treasurer)---Joel Fisher has questions on the budget: 1) office cell phone bill at $29; concerned about this cost, 2) office rental cost will be $750, we can't stay in a retail space of a business owner. Hollywood should get a mini-city hall, a possibility for an office for HUNC. Another possibility is the conference room at the Best Western (On Franklin). Approval of the budget was deferred to the next HUNC Board meeting.

Comment by Jim McQuiston (JM):

  • LA City finances---$300 million deficit. Assume that State will return $66 million. City wants a 0.5% sales tax. The Central City Association doesn't think it's a good idea to have a separate city tax.
  • Education & Neighborhoods---Dennis Zine-they never intendede to fund NC's
  • Residents needs to pay $32/mo for trash pick-up (JM)

Comment by Russ Brown ( PLUM):

  • Tommorrow is the next meeting with Hollywood/Western CRA Project developers (South side of street). Those at this meeting will include: 2 developers, 3 NC's, Eastwood Coalition, 2 City Council Districts
  • Gershyn Hotel (St. Francis) wants to get out of the development project
  • Downtown development: Grand Ave Project---$1.3 billion development, 3 million sq. ft.

Agenda Item #6:

Neighborhood and Environment (Susan Swan):

1) PROS Committee motion

7---Yes, 0---No, 3---Abstain

Attachment handed out by Susan Swan with motion wording

2) Motion to stop further commercial development in Griffith Park (Susan Swan)

9---Yes, 0---No, 1---Abstain

Attachment handed out by Susan Swan with motion wording

3) The Stop Sign at the Canyon/Bronson Intersection. Plans can only be made after we see what CD 4 proposes.

4) Red flag day---need more clarification on this

5) Next N&E meeting is next Tuesday

Education Committee (Andrew Glazier): Will meet in February

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January 18, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

Location: Hollywood Presbyterian Church,

1760 N. Gower St. LA 90028

Social Service & Faith-based (Hilary Royce & Charles Suhayda): We'll be meeting next week to discuss projects

Public Safety (Joel Fisher & Susan Polifronio): Security Concerns and Crime Stats

Arts (Norma Foster & Andrew Ettinger): Will meet with Jordan Birnbaum

Agenda Item #7: 0.5% sales tax to fund hiring of more police officers (LAPD).

Russ Brown stated that the Board should only approve this if it becomes a county-wide measure. Now it is simply a city-wide measure. Motion to table. 10---Yes, 1---No

Agenda Item #8: Change the next board meeting to Tuesday, February 22, 2005. Approved by board.

Motion to approve the minutes.  11---Yes, 0---No.

New Business : Norma Foster recommends that the board pay for a secretary to take minutes and send them to board members before the board meetings.

Motion to adjourn. 11---Yes, 0---No

Minutes Respectfully Submitted

Charles Suhayda

Hilary Royce