Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Minutes for February 20, 2007
6:30 PM
Community Room, 6054 Yucca St, Los Angeles, CA 90028
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
1---Welcome & Roll Call.
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Ryan Hass, Bree Long, Hilary Royce, Erik Sanjurjo, David Schlesinger, Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Susan Polifronio, Gary Slossberg, Jordan Birnbaum, Bechir Blagui, Norma Foster, Scott Larson. Excused: Viktoria Gaw
9. Motion to encourage CalTrans to remove from its auction on March 5 the triangular lot located at the NE corner of Franklin Avenue and Ivar (in the Hollywood Dell) and to urge the City to acquire the lot for use as a neighborhood park for the community.
Public Comment:
Dr. Julian: He is a resident on Vine Street. Many other residents want a park at this location. Let’s protect our open space. He speaks for the people in the Vine & Holly Drive area.
Suzanne England: She’s a 30-yr resident of this area. Please don’t develop this land. A park should be a last resort. She’d like to see it kept as open space.
Beverly Freeman: We have many apartments. We need open space. The fence around the property doesn’t keep vagrants out. With a park, the residents will be able to use this property. It will help keep the homeless out.
Doug Blue: An area resident for 50-yrs. Concerned about housing & building density. He wants to see the lot as natural as possible for the sake of preserving our souls. Need a peaceful place in this dense urban area. Leave the lot as it is.
John Banshock: He lives across the street from the lot. He doesn’t want to see it developed. Also noticed that the sprinkler system only waters ½ of the hillside.
Erik Sanjurjo: Clarett Project should be asked to help with keeping this lot in its natural state.
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “to encourage CalTrans to remove from its auction on March 5 the triangular lot located at the NE corner of Franklin Avenue and Ivar (in the Hollywood Dell) and to urge the City to acquire the lot for use as a neighborhood park for the community.” Second: Ryan Haas.
Doug Mensman (CD4): We need State Assemblyman Mike Feuer’s (AD 42) help with determining the use of this lot.
Ryan Haas: Lives across the street from this property. He has seen a dramatic improvement. It went from being a homeless camp to and improved area. Doesn’t believe that this is a suitable site for and apartment building.
Board Vote: Yes---16 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---18 No---0 Abs---0
3. Police Reports
SLO Paula Davidson reported that crime was down 44% in the Hollywood Hills and that a suspect had been taken into custody in connection with the hillside burglaries. In her basic car area, there are homeless issues. The sweeps in downtown LA are pushing more homeless into Hollywood. Ques: Are there security cameras at Western & Hollywood? Ans: The cameras at this location are part of a separate system and not tied in to the LAPD cameras.
11. Public Safety/Transportation Committee:
C. Approve up to $1000 for purchase of Emergency Preparedness Kits for dispersal by PS&T Committee
LAFD Chief Kawai reported that according to Seismologist, Dr. Lucy Jones we’re overdue fore an earthquake. The intersection of Yucca & Vine sits on an earthquake fault. The Chief supports residents acquiring earthquake kits. Visit www.lafd.org and click on “earthquake preparedness.”
Motion: Ryan Haas, “To approve up to $1000 for purchase of Emergency Preparedness Kits for dispersal by PS&T Committee.”
Second: Susan Polifronio.
Vote: Yes---16 No—0 Abs---0
E. Approve up to $1000 for Fire Station 82 expenditures re: Adopt-A-Fire-Station approval in January
Motion: Maurece Chesse, “To approve up to $1000 for Fire Station 82 for the purpose of investing in a laptop computer.”
Second: Susan Polifronio.
Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs--0
2. Approval of Minutes from February Executive Committee minutes (by Exec. Comm.) and from January full Board meeting. Minutes approved with corrections.
Vote: Yes---7 No—0 Abs---0
Cindy Duhane suggested that the Board by consensus authorize that all committees be recorded via video.
Ryan Haas recommended that each committee discuss what they deem is the best course of action. When we return for the March meeting we can make a decision.
Motion: Ryan Haas, “To approve the minutes of the January Board Meeting.”
Second: Susan Polifronio.
Vote: Yes—11 No—0 Abs--1
4. Council District Updates including Street Closure update
Baydsar Tomassian (CD 13): There will be street closures for the Academy Awards. Closures: Highland to Orange. The southbound 101 will be closed at 2 PM on Sunday.
UNTAG Summit will be on Feb. 24th. UNTAG (United Neighborhoods to Abolish Graffitti) is an initiative of Council Member Garcetti to eliminate graffiti in neighborhoods. UNTAG has block captains. Their goal is to clean up griffitti in 48 hours.
Doug Mensman (CD 4): Looking for locations for the Million Tree Initiative (i.e. to plant trees). Beautification is a goal. Find sites where monolithic walls can be greened up.
5. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
John Walsh: Hollywood Blvd is falling apart. See the recent LA Times story. He’s concerned about gangs from all over S. California coming to Hollywood and also the murder of John Emmerick on Hollywood Blvd.
Everyone should have their conflict of interest statements in. Some members of NCs are taking donations from developers.
He enjoys how the HUNC meetings are now run as compared to prior years.
6. Education and Youth Committee: Update on Cheremoya Grant Project
Gary Slossberg: Work will commence on the Cheremoya Project in mid-April. The completed project will be open to the public in early May. Regarding the Mayor’s Day of Service, its scheduled for April 28th & 29th. HUNC has signed up to help on April 28th. The projects this year are at Cheremoya & Grant Elementary Schools.
7. 2006 Election Committee final report
Gary Slossberg: Reported that of the 19,000 stakeholders within the HUNC boundaries, 400 stakeholders voted in the 2006 HUNC Board Elections.
8. 2007 Election Committee: Election Procedures for 2007
Gary Slossberg: Distributed a 14-page document, “Neighborhood Council Election Procedures for the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council for the year 2007.” He also reported on the following important dates regarding the 2007 HUNC Elections:
- Draft of the Election Procedures due on 5/8/07
- Finalized Election Procedures due on 7/12/07
- Candidate Informational Meeting 1 on 7/24/07
- Candidate Informational Meeting 2 on 8/23/07
- File as a Candidate on 8/26/07
14. Finance Committee:
A. Suggestions for plan to spend up to $22,799.41 of Carry-Over funds from previous Fiscal years
Gary Slossberg: Each year HUNC receives $50k. On the 4th year we loose anything over $100k. We need to submit a spending plan to DONE by the end of the month.
B. Monthly Finance and Budget Report & C. Presentation of Draft Finance and Budget Procedures
Gary Slossberg: Distributed a 3-page Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Budget and Finance Procedures document. Also distributed a HUNC 2006-2007 Actualized Budget (as of 2/15/07) and an Operations expense tally.
We will need a second signatory on the HUNC account. It was suggested that we select that person when the Board receives financial training.
D. Report on 1/27 Mayor’s Regional Budget Day. Was attended by Norma Foster and Cindy Duhain. There will be two more meetings with the Mayor. Amber Meshach reported that the Mayor’s office has produced a poster which summarizes the Citywide budget survey results.
10. Outreach Committee:
A. Open Mike Night. Recommended for consideration by Susan Swan.
B. Translation of documents and agendas, bid at .12 cents/word plus formatting; cost of $315 for translating Agenda template. See handout for the detailed breakdown of services and costs.
C. Approve Outreach Committee to purchase up to $2000 of pens and tote bags with HUNC logo for outreach.
Motion: Hilary Royce, “To approve Outreach Committee to purchase up to $2000 of pens and tote bags with HUNC logo for outreach.”
Second: Bachir Blagui.
Vote: Yes---13 No—0 Abs---0
D. Newsletter Update and request for submissions.
Bachir Blagui: Requesting contributions for the next newsletter. The deadline is March 7th. Maurece Chesse suggested that students from Cheremoya and Immaculate Heart schools be asked to contribute stories. Drawings and art work would also be valuable.
13. Social Service/Faith-Based Committee: Proposals for support of Hollywood Emergency Response Outreach (HERO) team:
A. Supplies ($600), Equipment—computers, printers, etc ($5,700), and the cost of publication of newsletters, etc ($3,500).
Motion: Charles Suhayda, “That HUNC donate to project HERO the following funds: $600 for supplies, $5,700 for computers, printers, etc, and $3,500 for the cost of the publication of newsletters and promotional materials.”
Second: Erik Sanjurjo.
Hilary Royce: The HUNC logo will go onto the items that HUNC has donated money toward.
Vote: Yes---13 No—0 Abs---0
Joe Hari: This project (HERO) will create 2 new positions (outreach workers to deal with homeless), it will create a call center, also a van will be purchased to access locations. CRA will contribute funds to HERO but it needs support from NCs to secure CRA funding.
B. Allocate up to $30,000 for beds and blankets to be stored in Hollywood for HERO that can be used in an emergency basis or for shelters in need in the greater Hollywood area.
Hilary Royce: Made this motion because we want to allocate money to good projects rather than loose money by 2/28. We will pull this and take it up at a later time.
11. Public Safety/Transportation Committee:
A. Report on LANCC
Ryan Haas & Erik Sanjurjo attended the most recent LANCC meeting. Ryan attended with the intention of understanding the current condition of LANCC. He was impressed with the proceedings. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Mayor. Believes that LANCC is a positive step in the right direction. Erik stated that LANCC has no official position with the City of LA. The City Charter would need to be changed for LANNC to have a position. Because of the work of the 912 Commission, there’s no urgency now on this matter.
B. Approval for PS&T to assist up to 10 Neighborhood Watch Groups annually with up to $1000 each for start-up necessities including signs and materials (up to $10,000 total).
Motion: Ryan Haas, “To approve for PS&T to assist up to 10 Neighborhood Watch Groups annually with up to $1000 each for start-up necessities including signs and materials (up to $10,000 total).”
Second: Bashir Blagui.
Vote: Yes---12 No---0 Abs---2
Make this publicly know to Stakeholders that HUNC supports them in starting up neighborhood watches. Norma Foster: The maximum amount may be too high. Maybe it should be at $1,000. Erik Sanjurjo: There was much discussion in the committee. Each project still needs to be reviewed for merit. Ryan Haas: There’s definitely more room for neighborhood watches. But we won’t fund everyone. Groups still have to come to the committee and make an application. Cindy Duhain: She’s a block captain for Garfield Place. Has mixed emotions about this. She tries to make her block self-sufficient. We shouldn’t use public funds for this. This is sort of like welfare. The neighborhood watch is a private thing that works with the LAPD.
D. Community Impact Statement on Cell Phone Antennas
Alexander Von Weckmar provided an update on the cell phone towers in the Bronson Canyon area.
F. Approve up to $5000 in matching funds for security camera(s) at intersection/sites to be determined.
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve up to $5000 in matching funds for security camera(s) at intersection/sites to be determined.”
Second: Bashir Blagui.
Vote: Yes—12 No—1 Abs---1
G. Approve letter to DOT requesting feasibility study of Smart Crosswalks at Franklin and Van Ness, Franklin at Tamarind/Cheremoya.
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “To approve letter to DOT requesting feasibility study of Smart Crosswalks at Franklin and Van Ness, Franklin at Tamarind/Cheremoya.”
Second: Bashir Blagui.
Discussion: Norma Foster—We need to do a survey for where we need to do crosswalks. Erik Sanjurjo—DOT will do a survey study. The community asked us to look at these locations.
Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs---0
12. Planning, Land Use and Management Committee
A. Approval of up to $500 for purchase of reference materials and codes.
Motion: David Schlesinger, “To approve of up to $500 for purchase of reference materials and codes.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian.
Vote: Yes—13 No—0 Abs—0.
B. Approve a letter urging owner of the parking lot on Gramercy Place to allow continued use of the lot by local residents.
Motion: Bree Long, “Redraft the proposed letter to the owner of the property and present it to the Executive Committee for their March 1st meeting.”
Second: Maurece Chesse.
Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0.
20. PLUM Committee: Review of application for zone variance to permit full Alcohol service to Wolfgang Puck Catering for special events at Griffith Observatory
Motion: Scott Larson, “That HUNC oppose granting an alcohol variance for Griffith Park.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian.
Vote: Yes—10 No—1 Abs—3.
15. Renters Committee: request for Support for Planning Commission recommendations for Condo Conversion Relocation Fees
The Planning Commission Meeting is on 2/27/07.
Motion: Ryan Haas & Norma Foster, “That HUNC support the request for the Planning Commission’s recommendations for Condo Conversion Relocation fees.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian.
Vote: Yes---13 No---0 Abs---0
16. Keep America Beautiful Campaign kickoff Sat 3/3 including Big Sunday 4/28 & 4/29, FOLAR L.A. River Clean-Up 4/27 & 5/12
These are announcements for your information.
17. California Healthy Cities and Communities 2007 Annual Conference Building Livable Communities for All Ages: fee $100 each attendee.
Motion: Susan Swan, “That Bree Long be our representative to this Conference and that HUNC pay the $100 registration fee.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian
Vote: Yes---13 No---0 Abs---0
18. Executive Committee Reports
A. Rules for access to HUNC Office and equipment, may include purchase of computer for Board use during Office Hours.
B. Approval for Executive Committee to approve up to $1000 of purchases of hardware, software on an ongoing basis.
Motion: Susan Swan, “To approve for Executive Committee to approve up to $1000 of purchases of hardware, software on an ongoing basis.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian.
Vote: Yes---12 No—0 Abs--0
C. Approval of funds for First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood Campus security camera(s) and power line upgrade (for Upper Terrace in fair exchange for FPCH for use of Upper Terrace). Table for a later meeting.
D. Thank-You letter to First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood for their support.
Motion: Susan Swan, “To send a Thank-You letter to First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood for their support of HUNC.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian.
Vote: Yes---12 No—0 Abs--0
E. Business card and Stationary design
1. Motion: Make up generic business cards for all board members with space on front to allow request to Executive Committee to have name imprinted on card.
This item was tabled. It will be agendized for the March 1st Executive Committee meeting.
19. Considerations of suggestions from DONE including:
A. Interim Treasurer suggestion
B. Standardized Budget Templates and Minimum Funding Allocation Requirements
21. Old Business/Unfinished
22. New Business/Announcements
23. Submission of proposed Agenda items for March