finalized version adsfjhasdfds


March 27, 2004 :

Draft of Bullet Points from Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Executive Committee Meeting: 2:00pm, the Harmony/HUNC Office

5911 ½ Franklin Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90028

Meeting called to order by President Joel M. Fisher. Attending: President Joel M.Fisher , Corresponding Secretary Susan Swan, Treasurer Maurece Chesse , Vice-President Russell Brown, Recording Secretary Susan Polifronio and Board Member Ann De Bello .

Agenda Item #1: Website Renewal & Changes for Discussion & Action

Susan Swan and Maurece Chesse gave a summary. Recommendation are to increase the capability to 100 megabite storage at $20.00/month and to stay with Register.Com for the present.

Motion by Susan Swan to transfer from template to hosting at Register.Com with an increase from $14.95 to $20.00 per month and that as Web Manager she will have the sole responsibility for site upkeep.

Second: Maurece Chesse

Disposition: Passed Unanimously

Agenda Item #2: Review of past year  and first post-election Board Meeting Discussion & Action

Joel M. Fisher suggested separating Public Safety from Transportation and making Public Safety part of the Full Board meetings. Transportation & Parking would together with sub-committees for Fire/Parking in the Hills.

Resolution: The Executive Committee to meet again before the first Board Meeting.

Agenda Item #3: New Business

1. Susan Swan to respond to letter of complaint by Candidate Melissa Gelmo . The letter

from Melissa has already been forwarded to Christine Jerian & Gary de la Rosa.

2. Joel M. Fisher is meeting with Ken Trikandha from the Thai business community on April 1, 2004.

3. There will be a Thai New Year's Festival on Sunday, April 4: 8-5

Ann De Bello offered to set up a booth for HUNC.

4. We will set up an orientation for new Board members before the April Board meeting.

5. Joel M. Fisher has been appointed to the DONE Grievance Committee

6. 16 Acres at the top of the Oaks is a proposed site for a possible gated community. Susan Swan will follow up on this.

Agenda Item #4: Old Business

1. Ann De Bello is putting together a still video of HUNC accomplishments as requested by DONE.

2. Susan Swan will draft the letter with Norma Foster's resolution on retaining the Department of Cultural Affairs.

3. Susan Swan and Susan Polifronio will be in charge of food for the volunteers on Tuesday at the HUNC election.

4. Kathy Irish, CD4, would like Community input on the "Gateway to Hollywood" project.

Agenda Item #4: Meeting adjourned at 4:30 by President Joel M. Fisher

Minutes Respectfully Submitted: Susan Polifronio , Recording Secretary