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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Executive Committee
Friday, December 21, 2007 @ 4 PM
Community Room, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
6054 Yucca St, Hollywood 90028


Present: Maurece Chesse, Ryan Ole Hass, Charles Suhayda, Susan Swan.
                   Also present: Lucy Gregorian, stakeholder.

  1. Welcome
  2. Public Comment for Items not on the agenda. No reports or comment.
  3. Office equipment upgrades


Ryan Hass: Briefed the committee on the technical problems we’re experiencing with the power system on our office computers. The current situation: we’re having a hard time getting the computer to power up, but once it’s powered up it doesn’t stay up. When its plugged directly into the power source then it’s OK. There are problems with the NEC monitor.

The small HP’s are not advanced computers. The NEC monitor (which is the better one) doesn’t work well with the HP. It makes sense to use the Compaq computer. The computer tech recommended—Windows defender (firewall) and AVG (freeware).

Ryan said 2 items were needed: (1) External data storage device and, (2) Battery back-up.

Motion: Susan Swan, “That the Executive Committee recommend to the Board that—the Board give the Treasurer authority to purchase up to $1,000 for the replacement of office equipment, including but not limited to: computers, monitors, software and hardware.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes---4   No—0   Abs—0. Stakeholder: Yes—1.

Motion: Susan Swan, “That the Executive Committee recommend to the Board—to give the authority to the Treasurer to purchase a battery, back-up storage and software to improve the functionality of the e-mail list and financial reporting system to DONE; up to $1,000.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes---4   No—0  Abs—0. Stakeholder: Yes—1.


Charles Suhayda
Recording Secretary