Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Minutes for December 18, 2006
6:30—8:30 PM
Community Room, 6054 Yucca St, Los Angeles, CA 90028
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
Agenda Item 1---Welcome & Roll Call.
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Ryan Hass, Bree Long, Hilary Royce, Erik Sanjurjo, David Schlesinger, Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Susan Polifronio, Gary Slossberg. Absent: Jordan Birnbaum, Bechir Blagui, Viktoria Gaw Excused: Norma Foster, Scott Larson.
Agenda Item 2--- Approval of Minutes from October 16, 2006 Meeting.
Minutes from the October 16, 2006 board meeting were approved after review. Motion: Hilary Royce, “To approve the October 2006 Board meeting minutes. Second: Bree Long. VOTE: Yes – 11 No – 0 Abstain—0
Agenda Item 3---Code of Civility
President, Susan Swan reminded the Board that the Code of Civility had been reviewed and approved at the November 2006 meeting. Board members are now asked to abide by this Code of Civility.
Agenda Item 4---Police Reports
Officers from LAPD Hollywood Division were not present at the meeting. No official report from law enforcement was given. However, some Board members were aware of a break-in at the Fran Reichenbach home in Beachwood Canyon. The burglars removed a window to gain access to the house and stole jewelry.
Agenda Item 5---Council District 4 Updates
1) Introduction of the Bureau of Sanitation’s S.W.I.R.P. (Solid Waste Integrated Resources Program) and stakeholder’s interest in focus group participation. This was postponed for a future Board meeting.
Stakeholder interest in participating with HBT and the Council Office in Mayor’s Million Tree Initiative. Erik Sanjurjo explained that the council office is looking for partners with the tree planting initiative. Where are the best places to plant trees? What areas would benefit (beautification, aesthetics) from tree plantings? The City will plant the trees with HBT. HBT will water the trees. Andy Ettinger asked who was responsible for the million tree project? Erik Sanjurjo: Commissioner Paula Daniels (Department of Public Works). She is working with non-profits—Northeast Trees and Tree People.
Agenda Item 7—Executive Committee Reports
Recording Secretary: Charles Suhayda reported that the HUNC Board’s letter to John McCoy (RE: The Gower Street Permanent Supportive Housing Project) was sent to John McCoy with cc’s to Helmi Hesserich and Council District 13 and 4 offices.
Agenda Item 8—Committee Reports
- PLUM Committee: Planned to follow-up on construction variances required for 5898 Loral Place (Castle Asset Management project in the Oaks). Maurece Chesse sent an audio clip of the proceedings and discussion on this matter from the November HUNC Board meeting to Patricia Brown, a city planner with the Department of City Planning.
- Business Committee: Requested that Rodney Hargrove be approved for the business committee as one of the co-chairs. He is starting a new business, “Real Raw Live (a juice bar) in the 5900 block of Hollywood Blvd. This would be in Business District C section of HUNC. Motion: Susan Polifronio, “That HUNC approve Rodney Hargrove to the business committee.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes---12 No—0 Abs—0. The co-chairs for the business committee are: Bashir Blagui, Jordan Birnbaum and Rodney Hargrove.
Agenda Item 9---Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda
- Raymond Yu: The Kingdom Day Parade is on Monday, January 15th. It starts at the intersection of Martin Luther King Blvd & Western Ave. Start time is 11 AM. On February 11, 2007 there will be a 10K run. Start time 6 AM. The China Town Parade is on February 24, 2007.
- Jim McQuiston: 1) DONE had previously put a highly inflammatory tract into the Public Safety Committee. Now they’ve have repeated this with the Ethics Committee. However, the Ethics Committee decided that they had no jurisdiction in this matter. 2) Education & Neighborhood Committee is dealing with the Million Tree Initiative. Because Neighborhood Councils have a lot of money, they should finance tree planting and watering. Property owners should be watering the trees. 3) Eric Garcetti is bringing a motion regarding speakers who want to address the City Council. The problem at hand is that there are too many people speaking too long before the Council. The Garcetti motion recommends a procedure followed by the LA County Board of Supervisors—people are allowed to speak once per month. Jim feels that the NCs should show up at the next meeting of City Council (12/19) where this will be considered. Erik Sanjurjo: LA City Council has reviewed the Standing Rules of a number of cities and found that 4-6 minutes was allotted per speaker. LA City Council is proposing a 5 minute cap. The problem at the LA City Council is the result of 3 to 5 people who are turning in 10 or more comment cards during the meeting.
Agenda Item 10—Old Business
Ryan Ole Hass: Ryan distributed an flier announcing the upcoming CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training. He encouraged HUNC Board members to participate. The classes run for 7 weeks and begin on January 18, 2007. The classes will be held at: Hollywood United Methodist Church, #1 Parlor, 6817 Franklin Ave., LA 90028. Cindy Duhane: Spoke on the need to offer CERT training in different languages. Hollywood is multi-lingual. Can CERT be offered in Spanish, Armenian, Thai?
Agenda Item 11—New Business
- The HUNC Workshop will be held on Saturday, January 13th from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Celebrity Center.
- Andy Ettinger: 1) Tom LaBonge visited the slide area in the Hollywood Hills (Montelake Rd). 2) Nyla Osmanian will join the Arts & Culture Committee. She is the head of the Hollywood Arts Council.
- Gary Slossberg: Reported that he attended Treasurer training on November 1st.