Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Minutes for December 19, 2005
6:30-8:30 PM
Community Room
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
Agenda Item 1 ---Roll Call & Approval of Minutes from November 21, 2005 meeting.
Roll Call: Present: Abrahamian, Birnbaum, Brown, Chesse, DeBello, Ettinger, Fisher, Foster, Gaw, Glazier, Polifronio, Royce, Schlesinger, Slossberg, Suhayda, Swan. Absent: Larson.
Minutes from the November 21, 2005 board meeting were approved after review and discussion by the board. Motion: Gary Slossberg to approve the minutes. Second: Andrew Glazier. Vote: Yes---10, No---1, Abstain---4.
Agenda Item 1A ---Reagendize for January or February 2006 Board meeting, the November 21 & 29 Board Actions for Reconsideration & Clarification. (For Action).
Susan Polifronio : We will reagendize Item 6H from the November 21, 2005 meeting. This is not necessarily a reconsideration. DONE has stated that the special board meeting (Nov. 29 th ) should not have been called.
Christine Jerian (DONE): The recommendation for the Nov. 29 th meeting was based on a perceived violation of the Brown Act. The City Attorney considered this matter and did not see a violation of the Brown Act. DONE's recommendation was based on a perceived violation.
Agenda Item 5D ---Formation of a 3 person Ad Hoc and full Committee: CRA Gower Transitional Housing (For Action).
Susan Polifronio : We will form an Ad Hoc Committee that will come back to the HUNC Board with a recommendation and motion in January or February. It will come to the Board for a vote
Motion: Andrew Glazier-To form a 3-person ad hoc committee to study the CRA Gower Transitional Housing and return to the HUNC Board with a recommendation and motion. Second: Hilary Royce. Vote: Yes---16, No---0, Abstain---0.
The Ad Hoc committee appointed by Susan Polifronio will consist of Jordan Birnbaum, Joel Fisher, Hilary Royce.
Public Comments :
· Richard McNaughton : What is the status of Andrew Glazier's motion? (Refers to Item 6H from Nov. 21, 2005 board meeting). Ans: (Susan Polifronio)-It stands. RM : DONE has retroactively changed their position from the special Nov. 29 th meeting. This is bad for the community to decide something at a public meeting and then change it afterward. This is bad for democracy.
· Board member debate ..
· Jim McQuiston : There was nothing wrong with the first meeting (Nov. 21 st ). The agenda indicated actions would be taken. The lesson to people attending meetings---stay until the end.
Agenda Item 2 ---LAPD Senior Lead Officer Reports
1) Officer Armen Sevdalian : Thank you to HUNC, Jennifer Christie, the Church of Scientology, and Viktoria Gaw for helping with the December 10 th Holiday Party for kids.
2) Officer Mike Shea : There was a shooting at Hollywood/Vine this morning. A man argued with a taxi cab driver. He spit on and punched the cab driver. The driver got a gun and shot the man. During the police investigation, the driver returned to the scene and was arrested.
· One week ago, we registered our 11 th homicide this year (Hollywood). The incident occurred at McCadden & Hollywood Blvd. An argument behind the clubs led to the shooting. LAPD has some leads.
· Street Character (SC) update. Two weeks ago, LAPD conducted an operation on the Blvd. They worked with 15 SCs. There were no violations of laws. There was a complaint received via e-mail from a man in Pasadena who reported an ugly incident with a Batman character when he visited Hollywood with his 84-yr old mother. LAPD is following up on this complaint.
· Officer Gray (formerly Golizadeh) is still the SLO handling the area of Hollywood Blvd east of Gower. SLO Gray has actually been reassigned to Melrose but continues to cover this area because the new SLO is out on maternity leave.
Susan Polifronio : HUNC will have a Town Hall Meeting on the Permanent Supportive Housing development on Gower St. The SLOs and Captain Sanchez are invited.
Agenda Item 3 ---Presentations
Nina Kihlman, Executive Director of Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services intended to make a presentation to the HUNC Board tonight. Due to a family emergency, however, she could not attend the meeting but did leave printed materials with information about the mission and work of her organization.
Agenda Item 4 -Public comments not on the agenda
No public comments.
Agenda Item 5 ---Executive Committee Reports
1) President-Susan Polifronio : On December 10 th , Susan and a few HUNC board members participated in the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) bus tour. Visits were made to the PATH Regional Homeless Center and to the Community of Friends PSH development. Board members who have not seen the programs offered by these sites should visit these organizations.
· The PAL Christmas Party was held on December 10 th . Council members Garcetti and LaBonge attended. The NCs were also represented by HUNC, Central Hollywood, Hollywood Studio District, and Greater Griffith Park. Thank you to Viktoria Gaw for face painting for the kids in attendance.
· Motion: Susan Polifronio-To immediately authorize a phone line/DSL line installation for the Hollywood United NC new office (at FPCH). Second: Anne DeBello. Vote: Yes---14, No---0, Abstain---0.
· Motion: Susan Polifronio-To change the January HUNC Board meeting date from 1/16/06 (Martin Luther King Holiday) to Tuesday 1/17/06. Second: Joel Fisher. Vote: Yes---16, No---0, Abstain---0.
· Should HUNC send a delegate to the Planning MOU? This needs careful consideration. What is required? (1) Attending training classes, (2) Attending planning meetings, (3) Much work. We will deal with this in January.
2) Vice President-Susan Swan : No report.
3) Treasurer---Maurice Chesse : Will report at next HUNC meeting.
4) Recording Secretary-Charles Suhayda : No report.
5) Corresponding Secretary-Jordan Birnbaum : No report.
Agenda Item 5G -Should HUNC Join LANCC (For Action)
Joel Fisher : Twenty-Two NCs have ratified the LANCC Charter. Thirteen NCs have agendized LANCC for possible action. LANCC will enable NCs to better work together. The first LANCC Congress of NCs will meet on February 4, 2006 at the DWP Bldg. The next DONE Congress of NCs will be in April or June of 2006. Joel has asked Brady Rainwater from Downtown NC to come and answer any questions HUNC Board members may have about LANCC. Questions?
David Schlessinger : Does LANCC have By-Laws? Ans (JF) It has a charter which was provided at the last meeting.
Brady : The first step is to ratify a charter. Then we'll work with writing by-laws. This is not a deliberative body. They can't vote on issues. Only NCs can vote. We have no elected officers or by-laws at this time. But once the chartwer is ratified, we'll write by-laws and organize.
Norma Foster : We don't even have 1/3 of the NCs signed on. We don't need another NC. We already have enough to do and enough commitments to DONE and others.
Joel Fisher : All 3 San Pedro NCs have ratified the charter.
Brady : Most NCs are not meeting in December.
Andrew Glazier : Charter will not allow this group to endorse candidates, or will it?
Brady : There is no position to be announced. LANCC will communicate positions of individual NCs on issues. Will create a list of NC positions. It gives NCs more information on how other NCs are thinking about issues.
Anne DeBello : San Pedro NCs have air quality problems. Their air quality affects us. We need this to address issues like traffic. There is also a need to define "stakeholder."
Susan Swan : I want to be clear on this. This is information sharing only?
Brady : Yes.
Susan Swan : We were the last to know about---the CRA property purchase, Red Flag Days (RFD), the Griffith Park Master Plan.
Viktoria Gaw : We were not informed by our own committee on the CRA land purchase.
Susan Polifronio : That is not correct.
Andy Ettinger : On the face of it, it sounds like a good idea. Has there been any study on this? Can the DONE representative here tonight comment on this?
Christine Jerian (DONE) : Can't comment.
Brady : This is NCs only. This is independent of the City of LA.These folks will not make decisions for the NCs.
Russ Brown : We have a lot of networking already. Many groups are working in an organized way. By having the NCs working collectively on issues, we'll have a greater voice.
Joel Fisher : It's in the charter that this is not DONE. This is NCs only. This would be more substantive than the Alliance of NCs and the DONE Congress of NCs.
Viktoria Gaw : We need a better early notification system.
Jim McQuiston : I want to see NCs more involved. If you send 87 people down to a city manager, he'll not get much done. But if you send a few folks down you'll get better results. But if you send a few folks down, then you may end up getting their opinion.
Susan Polifronio : We can vote to join and we can also leave this group.
Motion: Joel Fisher---That HUNC ratify the LANCC Charter and join LANCC. Second: Andrew Glazier. Vote: Yes---11, No---4, Abstain---1.
Agenda Item 5E ---Statement regarding timely notification of NCs on projects with significant impact. (For Action)
Susan Polifronio : Read a letter to Helmi Hesserick with cc to Eric Garcetti and Tom LaBonge. It cited disappointment with the lack of process for informing HUNC about the CRA purchase of property on Gower St and the plans for Permanent Supportive Housing development. Motion: Susan Polifronio---To snd this letter from HUNC to Helmi Hesserick, and council members Garcetti and LaBonge. Second: Hilary Royce. Discussion by board members..
Jim McQuiston : I was notified by this project. But I wasn't notified about the large project between Carlos and Selma (Blvd 6200). Clarett Group development.
Anne DeBello : The letter should address the City of LA early notification system. Amend the motion: Anne DeBello---That we include in the letter the City of LA early notification system and express our disappointment with the early notification system. Vote: Yes---16, No---0, Abstain---0.
AgendaItem 6 ---Committee Reports
(1) Education & Youth : (Gary Slossberg)
· Reviewing a video that helps parents.
· As a follow-up the Mayor's Day of Service, this committee would like to institute periodic service projects with the students from Cheremoya Elementary.
· The next meeting of the committee is Tuesday, January 10, 2006.
(2) Business Committee : (Jordan Birnbaum)
· The night club industry is spreading along Hollywood Blvd. A new club---"Shelter" is moving into the antenna bldg. They need sufficient dedicated parking. The club will have an 800-person capacity. There will be a follow-up meeting on the 2 nd Wednesday of January (1/16); a joint meeting of the Business Committee and PLUM.
· Robert Abrahamian wants to be on the committee that will review this.
(3) Public Safety : (Joel Fisher)
· We will continue with the Disaster Preparedness Town Hall outside the boundaries of HUNC. This came on the recommendations of LAPD and LAFD.
(4) Transportation : (Maurece Chesse)
· The problem that the owners of Secret Garden (flower shop) have with idling Metro Buses at the corner of Franklin & Western is now being looked into by DOT.
(5) Neighborhood & Environment : (Susan Swan)
· If you have any calendar items for the website, please send them to Jennifer Christie.
· The Farmers Market will have different hours of operation in the coming weeks. They will operate as a mini-market and be open on Saturday, December 24 th and 31 st . They will be closed Sunday, December 25 th and January 1 st .
· RFD (Red Flag Day) signs are now being put up. Still looking for maps for RFD. We've been told that there is no money to replace the missing no parking signs. We've mapped the need, but there is no action to replace these signs.
· Greater Griffith Park Master Plan. This master plan is still alive. But we need more notification on status of this plan.
· Item 6B-Park Ranger Consolidation: For Possible Action. Tom LaBonge said he would vote for the consolidation of the Park Rangers with LAPD. He said the Neighborhood Councils never notified him. Getting the Rangers funded for 37 positions would cost $837,000. Motion: Susan Swan---"That HUNC continue to oppose consolidation of the Park Ranger Division into the Office of Public Safety and that the City Council allocate the money to fund it (Park Rangers)." Second: David Schlessinger. Discussion: Viktoria Gaw: Are we talking about Park Rangers as we now have, or Park Rangers as Peace Officers with guns. ANS: Susan Swan: We want distinct Park Rangers. Norma Foster: Laura Chick in her audits found that Recreation & Parks withheld $21 million in spending, and $2 million from youth spending. Jim McQuiston: The LA City Council motion didn't involve the Park Rangers. It involved security officers. The issue of consolidation is over. Rangers will stay in the parks. Next year they'll get more Park Rangers. Andy Ettinger: Does this include the fact that they'll be armed? Vote: Yes---16 No---0 Abstain---0
(6) PLUM Committee (Russell Brown): Council member Garcetti's field office moving to the L.B. Mayer Bldg.
· CRA Hollywood/Western Project is moving along.
· In January 2006, developers of the Garfield/Hollywood Project will be presenting the concept for a mixed-used housing & retail complex at PLUM.
· Also in January 2006,the Elizabeth Peterson Group will be presenting their concept for 2 large clubs in Hollywood at the PLUM meeting.
(7) Events, Arts & Culture Committee (Jordan Birnbaum, Hilary Royce): No report.
(8) Social Service & Faith-based Committee (Hilary Royce): A YIMBY (Yes In MY Back Yard) outreach to homeless in Hollywood & West Hollywood held at Hollygrove Orphanage on Thursday, December 8 th . There was a consortium of non-profit social service agencies and health agencies extending services to the homeless. These included such things as a job fair, health services, lunch and hygiene kit give-a-ways. About 400 homeless attended the event.
(9) HPOZ (Historic Preservation Overlay Zone) : No report.
(10) CPAB -Community Police Advisory Board (Norma Foster): There was not a full meeting in December. Rather there was an overview of the year. Overall the crime rate in Hollywood is down. The next meeting will be on the 4 th Tuesday (1/24) of January 2006.
(11) LA River (Viktoria Gaw): The next meeting will be in January 2006.
(12) Elections (Gary Slossberg): Is working on election packets with Maurece. They should be available in January 2006.
(13) City Budget (Ann DeBello): All board members should turn in surveys. At the next board meeting we should have discussion of the city budget on the agenda. We would like public comment from stakeholders on the city budget.
· Laura chick is conducting an independent audit of LAUSD and wants Neighborhood Council support. Motion: Ann DeBello---"That HUNC write a letter to support Laura chick in her audit of LAUSD." Second: Norma Foster. Discussion: Andrew Glazier: It should go to the Education & Youth Committee. Jim McQuiston: These kinds of audits cost much money. Do we want to do this? The city will have to pay this bill, not LAUSD. David Schlessinger: Laura chick would not be auditing funds but other kinds of auditing. According to Ms Chick, the LAUSD audit was not independent but friendly. Vote: Yes---12 No---0 Abstain---2
Agenda Item 7---Old Business
There will be a meeting of the By-Laws committee on Tuesday January 10, 2006 at 7 PM. The purpose is to revise the HUNC By-laws in: general clean-up, conflict of interest, and code of conduct. There will also be an Education & Youth Committee meeting on that same day.
Agenda Item 8---New Business
A) There will be an LA River Clean-up event on January 7, 2006.
B) Request for a letter of support by Jordan Birnbaum for permit to serve food & liquor on patio of the Vanguard, 6021 Hollywood Blvd. For action.
Jordan Birnbaum: Vanguard has a rear patio. It has recently been used as a smoking area and an entry/exit to the club. He would like to know who would be impacted by the change of use he's requesting. He seeks a permit to serve liquor and food on the patio. Jordan aspires to be community-oriented and seeks to maintain a good relationship with the community.
Motion: Andrew Glazier-"That HUNC write a letter of support for Jordan Birnbaum that Vanguard be issued a permit to serve liquor and food on its patio." Second: Ann DeBello. Discussion: Robert Abrahamian : How big is the patio? How many people can it accommodate? Ans : The size is 7,000 sq. ft., and 200-250 people. What is the overall capacity of Vanguard? Ans : 1379. Norma Foster : This will not be a quiet place. Do neighbors know about this? Andrew Glazier : He visited patio during Vanguard business hours. There were 200 people there. It was not excessively noisy. The club and Jordan have worked on noise reduction in the past. Robert Abrahamian : You can't have sound outside the walls. Will support Jordan if he goes through all CUP procedures. Man No# 1 : It would be helpful to the community. Cindy : My concern is noise. A club opened in Hollywood Blvd--- Blue Monkey . I can feel the vibrations in my apartment. Man No.# 2 : Install security cameras at 6021. Steve Box : Put this through the same vigorous procedure as the PSH (Permanent Supportive Housing) Project. We should set up a committee to look at this rather than just writing a letter. Jordan Birnbaum : I have an upcoming zoning meeting. I need 48 parking spaces. But with leases with FPCH, PEP Boys and the Little Country Church, I have 430 spaces. He is asking for a letter to show good faith to the community. This is not a new project. He's been in operation for 4 years. This is a minor change to an existing business. Susan Swan : This was posted on the agenda for this meeting. Ann DeBello : The music is inside. He'll have to get licensing (Liquor & food). People sitting and eating will mean less noise. Russ Brown : Jordan, 4 years ago hosted meetings for the N&E Committee and FS 82 meetings. We know this owner. Substitute Motion: Norma Foster-"Because Jordan doesn't need aletter from HUNC, I make a substitute motion to table the main motion." Second: Viktoria Gaw. Vote: Yes---4 No---9 Abstain---0 . The substitute motion fails.
Vote on the main motion: Yes---10 No---1 Abstain---2 (Foster, Abrahamian).
· Adjourn Meeting.