Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2007
6:30 PM
Community Room, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
6054 Yucca St, Los Angeles, CA 90028
1---Welcome & Roll Call.
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Bechir Blagui, Jordan Birnbaum, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Bree Long, David Schlesinger, Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Gary Slossberg, Ryan Hass, Norma Foster. Excused: Viktoria Gaw, Hilary Royce, Rodney Hargrove, Erik Sanjurjo. Absent: Scott Larson.
2. Approval of Minutes from June meetings.
- Motion: Norma Foster, “To approve the minutes of the HUNC Board meeting on June 18, 2007.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum . Vote: Yes—10 No—0 Abs—0.
3. LAPD Reports.
SLO Armen Sevdalian (Hollywood Blvd/Western Ave Area): He distributed current crime stats (6/10 – 7/7). The number one crime is BTFV (Break-In Theft From Vehicle). There is an ongoing crime war – Rebels vs MS gang which is occurring south of Santa Monica Blvd.
- Gary Slossberg – Where does domestic violence fall in the crime statistics? Armen: Under miscellaneous or other.
SLO Mike Shea (Hollywoodd Hills): There was a PETA demonstration today at Hollywood and Highland. Regarding crime in the Hollywood Hills, the number one problem is car break-ins. The number two problem is home break-ins, there were 10 this period. The good news is that there are no patterns, and no serial burglaries.
HWD Division Crime Statistics – Year to date
- Property Crime down 3 % (home/car)
- Violent Crime up 5 %
LAPD Calls – goal citywide is a 7 minute emergency response. In Hollywood, the response is 5.4 minutes for crime in progress or a life threatening situation.
Andy Ettinger -- What can be done to deter home burglaries? Motion Detector, lights?
Mike Shea – Motion detectors and lights are a great step, but I can’t rank it. The #1 thing you can do is lock your door!
4. Public Comment for Items not on the agenda.
- James Kennish—Stakeholder on Argyle Ave. (N. of Franklin), with a question directed to CD13 Field Deputy Helen Leung regarding the Yucca/Argyle triangle.
- Arthur Rubenstein: Music Director of Symphony in the Glen. They are suspending the normal concert operations but are working with CD4 to do a free concert for the public. There will be a fundraising component as a VIP reception before concert. Date: October 14, 2007; Time: 6 PM for the concert with the children’s activity beginning at 4:00 PM at the old Zoo. The concert will include Beethoven’s Heroica Symphony. Asking HUNC for help in distributing information on the concert to the HUNC stakeholders. Some of the activities will include: displays starting at 4:00pm with booths, LAFD, Recreation & Parks, a kids’ drawing contest, etc.
5. Los Angeles City Updates including but not limited to:
5C. Recreation and Parks General Manager--Jon Kirk Mukri with a Griffith Park Update. (Vicki Israel also present).
Jon Kirk Mukri – The fire happened in the worst part of Griffith Park. It was the highest peak that burned and 13 canyons originate from this point. There is now a risk of mud slides and debris flows in the burned over area.
In some areas the fire was very intense – it burned everything down to shale, rock, and dirt. There is no seed there. This area will need help for vegetation to re-grow. Other burn areas have seed that are viable and can re-grow naturally.
We will use hydro- mulching (HM) to help restore the vegetation. It will be applied by land and air over the burn areas and will look like a pie crust. It is 100 % seed free and lasts 6 months. This is not hydro-seeding.
Even after the fire was contained there were trees still burning for 30 days (roots burning and tree spontaneously combust.). Today we have dry erosion in the burn area.
Hydro-mulch will be spread by vehicles (land-based) and helicopters. Hundreds of thousands of tons of HM will be applied. The advantage of HM will be seen in one year. HM application will start in 3 weeks and will cost will be $1.2 million. We will use barricades to direct potential mud flows around the Greek theater (debris flow danger areas include: Vermont, Hillhurst, Commonwealth to Franklin and Cadman Drive towards the 5). Every canyon has catch basins and dams – many built in the 1930’s.
To date we have spent $150,000.00 in studying this area and possible methods for restoration.
Finally, we have 31 rangers to cover 400 parks in LA City.
5B CD-4 Update
Doug Mensman -- Introduced a new field deputy working in Council District 4--- Jullian Harris-Calvin (Part of her responsibility is Griffith Park).
- Tom La Bonge and Doug Mensman will have an update on the landslide around Lake Hollywood this week at a meeting at Montlake Road and Tahoe drive. We have secured $3 million from the federal governments (Diane Feinstein) to help repair this mudslide area. Repairs started 1 month ago.
Jullian Harris – Calvin: Her area includes Griffith Park (GP), Silver Lake, and Wilshire Center. There will be monthly clean ups in Griffith Park. For informatuion on trails in GP go to www.LAGriffithPark.blogspot.com
CD- 13 Update
Helen Leung
- Hollywood Freeway Central Park (CAP) CRA is currently working on this concept.
- Argyle/ Yucca – Triangle: There will be a community meeting on Tuesday, September 11th 5:30 – 7 PM here at the Community Room of the church at 6054 Yucca St.
- Photo Enforced Intersection – Red Light camera at Sunset and Cahuenga.
- Traffic and Transportation –
Proposed NASCAR event – cancelled
LA Triathlon on September 9th. Starts at Venice Beach will come through Hollywood Blvd. There will be rolling closures.
- Sept. 17th event at Barnsdall Art Park.
8. Presentation by California Clean Money Campaign, Resolution in Support of Clean Money Act in Los Angeles
Moira Brennan
Eric Garcetti and DONE are inviting Neighborhood Councils to join in an effort to bring campaign finance reform. A letter will come after Labor Day. This reform is LA City specific. There will be a process for providing feedback to City Council in Campaign Finance reform. She’s asking HUNC to form an Ad Hoc Committee on Political Affairs. Visit the website at: www.caclean.org
9. LA Free Clinic--- Announcement: The Los Angeles Free Clinic opening a new Wallis Annenberg Children and Family Health Center on the second floor of the Hollywood Wilshire Health Center, which is at Melrose and Wilton, on September 17th
Jennifer Marsden – Communications Manager
This is LA Free Clinics 40th year. The Clinic dad a capital campaign and that raised $14 million. Annenberg gave $3 million. The total patient load per year for the LA Free Clinic is 103,000. It’s a member of the Association of Community Clinics.
15. E 1 PS&T – Presentation on Pigeon Birth Control from Laura Dodson - Argyle Civic Association, for discussion/possible action - Motion -
Laura Dodson (ACA -- Argyle Civic Association)
The pigeon problem traced to one woman. She has been feeding the pigeons for many years and funds this herself. The large pigeon population has become a problem so a pigeon birth control program will be coordinated by the ACA. The project will cover 20 square miles and be bounded by: Franklin, Gower, Melrose and Highland. There will be put up 10 bird feeders (treat stations) with cameras place within this area. The treats will have pigeon birth control.
Motion: Maurece Chesse, “HUNC approve a grant of $1,000.00, to be reviewed and or renewed annually for Pigeon Birth Control Product Ovocontrol in Hollywood United NC area.”
Second: David Schlesinger
Vote: Yes- 10 No – 0 Abs - 1
Norma Foster – Who’s handling this?
Laura Dotson – ACA, we’re a non-profit.
David Schlesinger – Will this affect other birds?
Laura Dotson – This is pigeon specific. PETA and Humane Society were at our press conference. Visit our website: www.argylecivic.org
10. Motion for support of the Great American Fire Drill, sponsored by the NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association). Their goal is for families, businesses, schools and individuals all over the US to pick a date, make a plan and practice an escape.
Jennifer Christie: Made a presentation on the Great American Fire Drill and provided a hand-out describing the event. It is a reminder for individuals and families to make a plan and practice the escape drill. The Great American Fire Drill (www.nfpa.org) is set for October 7 – 13th which is Fire Prevention Week
Motion: Maurece Chesse, “That HUNC support the Great American Fire Drill.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian
Vote: Yes- 11 No – 0 Abs – 0
15-D. PLUM: 1. Update on Little Church of Hollywood Proposal –
Elizabeth Peterson She represents the Little Country Church developer. They canceled an earlier announced meeting and will re-scheduled a meeting for fall (Oct-Nov).
15- E- 6 PS & T- Update on the status of the lot on Franklin at Ivar.
Erik Sanjurjo: The lot will be up for auction on Sept. 1st. Eric Garcetti will contribute $400,000 in Quimby Act funds. The money is not in hand, it’s coming later. So it can’t be given to CalTrans. The price for the lot is $897,000.00 with 10% down.
Lynn and Winston Skelan – They are property owners on Dix Street. They don’t want a park at this lot.
11. Executive Committee Reports including but not limited to:
11-C- 3 Treasurer: HUNC pledge letter regarding approved financial support for Hollywood Cap Park
Gary Slossberg: HUNC approved $5,000 for a feasibility study. The invoice was sent to CRA, Hollywood CAP, and Chamber of Commerce. We can’t make out the invoice in this matter. We are waiting to hear how we can donate these funds.
11- A- President:
1. Update on Hollywood Coalition meeting, joint planning/development issues, proposal for joint Parking and Mobility Town Hall.
At the last meeting of those planning for a Parking and Mobility Town Hall, the group could not come to agreement on the agenda or arrangements for a Town Hall. This HUNC Ad Hoc – Bree, Ryan, Erik and David to continue on Town Hall planning. Only 4 Board members!
11- A- 1- A. Motion: It was agreed that when development or other issues fall within a Neighborhood Council’s certified boundaries, that Neighborhood Council will host the meetings and conduct the Committee and Board review.
Motion: Susan Swan, “To approve the motion as written.”
Second: David Schlesinger
Vote: Yes- 10 No – 0 Abs – 0
11-A-1-B. Motion: Hollywood Coalition Presidents and Vice-Presidents shall share all agendas and forward them to their boards so as to encourage the fullest participation in joint issues.
Motion: Susan Swan, “To approve the motion as written.”
Second: David Schlesinger
Vote: Yes—10 No—0 Abs—0
6. Vivienne Swanigan, Deputy City Attorney, Workplace Violence Unit, Labor Relations Department
Vivienne Swanigan – Received a request for no contact from a Board member. This will significantly impair ability to function as a board member. The request for non-contact was later retracted.
7. Grievance Ad Hoc Committee update and possible recommendations
Bree Long : Reported that the Ad Hoc Committee will meet. They will draw the name of another Board member to join the committee.
11-2. Standing Rules: existing and proposed (see attached) for approval.
Susan Swan: Asked Board members to review standing rules. David Schlesinger recommended that we deal with this in our work shop. Susan Swan—our October workshop will be on Saturday, October 20th.
Susan S. – October workshop
11-2-A. Proposed Standing Rule: Up to 25 HUNC Office Hours available. 9am-12pm Mon-Thurs office hours, Pres, VP and Treas to coordinate authorization regarding usage of office and hours
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “To approve the standing rule as written.”
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Vote: Yes – 10 No – 0 Abs – 0
11-B. Vice-President: update on DWP three-day tour of facilities.
Maurece Chesse: He participated in the DWP Tour and highly recommends it to anyone who wants to understand DWP operations. The tour includes a visit to the eastern Sierra. It is usually held in May.
11- C – 2 Executive Committee members and Interim/Assistant Treasurer to sign off on Demand Warrants (second signature needed in addition to Treasurer).
In discussion, it was determined that this is not necessary.
11- C – 1 Monthly Budget Report.
Treasurer—Gary Slossberg: Gave the monthly budget report and provided these handouts:
- Hollywood United NC 2007-2008 FY Budget as of 8/20/07
- Petty Cash Quarterly Reconciliation Form
- Commercial Pre-paid Card Quarterly Reconciliation Form
Also, the Gower St. Villas Town hall must give HUNC publicity since we will be supplying food and drinks.
14. Elections/Outreach
1. Approval of additional funds for bags, magnets, pens and/or other outreach materials/items.
Gary Slossberg: $8250 has been spent on outreach items. An additional $1700.00 has been encumbered for outreach items. There may be a need for additional funds but nothing is being added now.
2. Approval of Supplemental Funds for 2007 HUNC Elections and mailings up to $8000.
Gary Slossberg: “Motion to approve additional funds for the 2007 Elections by transferring $8,150 from the Operations-Website Line Item. The total allocated funds will be $8,150.”
Motion: Gary Slossberg $8,150 for elections
Second: Bree Long
Vote: Yes – 8 No – 0 Abs – 1
3. Election night: possible party, location, funding, volunteers needed.
The Election Night Party will be at Vanguard.
15. Committee & Liaison Reports including but not limited to:
A. ACE – New HUNC Logo design
This item was Tabled.
15- F. Emergency Preparedness update:
1. Oaks Evacuation Drill – After-event briefing for discussion/possible action - Motion - HUNC letter on Pluses and Minus or overview of Evac Drill - challenges and suggestions for correction on future drill exercises.
Motion: Maurece Chesse, “That HUNC write a letter on Pluses and Minus or overview of Evac Drill - challenges and suggestions for correction on future drill exercises.”
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Vote: Yes- 9 No - 0 Abs -0
15- G. Finance/Budget - Approval of $1000 from Office Equipment Line Item for Color Printer.
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “Motion to Approve $1000 for office equipment line item for Color Printer, contingent on Budget and Finance committee determining that a color printer will be more cost effective than making color copies via a copy center.”
Second: Bree Long
Vote: Yes- 9 No - 0 Abs -0
13. Outreach: funding for proposed events, Town Halls, and newsletter. Other ideas and funding needs for Holidays, including: Holiday Cards, Holiday Outreach including Toy Drive, Halloween ideas, New Years reception?
In discussion by the Board it was agreed that we need to do some planning because community groups will be lining up with requests for HUNC to support various holiday events.
15_E-1- 2. Request to install parking meters on Bronson Avenue south of Fire House.
Motion: Maurece Chesse “To approve the placing of parking meters on Bronson Ave south of Fire Station 82.”
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Tabled: until September Board meeting.
15 – E - 4. Update on SWIRP (Solid Waste Integrated Resource Project) including update on recyclable materials (1 - 7 HDPE plastic (up from 1-3) and also Styrofoam and dry cleaning hangers).
Bechir Blagui reported that SWIRP is interested in getting community input on the effectiveness and the flaws of the Recycling Program.
15- H. DWP: NC/DWP MOU Oversight Committee update and survey on fare hikes, requested response from HUNC
This item was tabled at the Board meeting. The information included here is from the August 20th Board agenda and is given for informational purposes.
The DWP Staff presented two sessions to justify the basic 3% increase. This does not include the addition of existing increases from last year and the new pass through components to replace improved service reliability. The OSC Executive Board met on July 7th to discuss the items below. Your response to the DWP rate proposals and issues is requested. Do you approve of the 40 -70 year deferred maintenance/reliability plan?
Do you approve of the establishment of an independent Rate Payers' Advocate who would review the operations of DWP and make recommendations to us? The RPA would be independent of the DWP Board, City and Barrington Wellesley Group. The RPA would be funded by DWP. Do you approve of the 3% and pass through components increases? Should DWP fund City projects unrelated to water and power services?
Do you approve of the $216 mm transfer to the City General Fund? Should DWP retire the unfunded $2.3 Billion medical and retirement in a time specific basis?
1. The POWER Rate Action has three parts: The first is a base rate increase of 2.9% on January 1, 2008, 2.9% on July 1, 2008 and 2.7% for 2009. (8.5%) Accept or Reject the Power Base Rate Increase.
2. The second POWER rate increase the Power Reliability Surcharge to fund the POWER Reliability Program to replace, upgrade and repair the electric infrastructure such as power poles, underground cables, distribution transformers and high voltage station transformers. The new Pass Through Component will not be capped. Accept or Reject the Power Reliability Surcharge.
3. The third part is the Power Rate Restructuring Plan which is revenue neutral. Accept or Reject the Power Rate Restructuring Plan.
4. The WATER Rate Action proposes increases in the Base Rate of 3.1% on July 1, 2008 and 3.1% on July 1, 2009. (6.2%)
Accept or Reject the Water Rate Increase.
5. DWP’s annual Transfer to the City’s General Fund is projected to be $216 Million, of which $183 Million from Power and $33 Million is from Water. The Power Transfer is 7% of the previous year’s revenues and the Water Transfer is 5% of the previous year’s revenues. The Power rate was increased to 7% from 5% about five years ago. The non payment would impact the City’s budget. Accept or Reject Transfer of $216 Million.
6. DWP has funded various City non core projects as in the study of the LA River, the Zoo, the Mayor’s Housing Initiatives, and selected community projects that are not directly related to DWP’s core services. Accept or Reject funding for Non Core Projects.
7. DWP workers enjoy substantially higher compensation and benefits than the rest of the City workers. The differentiation between City and DWP may be as much as 25%-40%. This has been a source of tension for City employees. Accept or Reject: DWP should stabilize its labor cost.
8. DWP has $2.3 Billion in unfunded liabilities related to post retirement medical benefits and pensions. This will result in additional rate increases if it is not funded properly. Accept or Reject: DWP should give priority to fully funding these liabilities while not increasing the current level of benefits.
9. An independent Rate Payers Advocate, funded by DWP, and independent of DWP, the Board of Commissioners, the Mayor, the City Council, the Controller and BWG, would analyze the finance and operations of DWP and make recommendations that benefit the rate payers.
Accept or Reject a Rate Payers Advocate.
16. Old Business/Unfinished
17. New Business/Announcements
18. Submission of proposed Agenda items for September
Charles Suhayda
Recording Secretary, HUNC