Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Board Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2007
6:30 PM
Community Room, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
6054 Yucca St, Los Angeles, CA 90028
1---Welcome & Roll Call.
Present: Robert Abrahamian, Maurece Chesse, Andrew Ettinger, Bree Long, Hilary Royce, Erik Sanjurjo, David Schlesinger, Susan Swan, Charles Suhayda, Susan Polifronio, Gary Slossberg, Jordan Birnbaum, Bechir Blagui, Norma Foster, Scott Larson. Excused: Ryan Hass, Viktoria Gaw
2. Approval of Minutes from March Board meeting.
- Motion: Susan Polifronio, “To approve the minutes of the 6:30 PM HUNC Board Meeting of February 20, 2007.” Second: David Schlesinger. Vote: Yes—15 No—0 Abs---0.
3. LAPD Police Reports.
- No report given at this meeting.
4. City Council Updates.
- Doug Mensman (CD 4: (1) Establishing a Griffith Park Senior Center which will serve clients within a 16-mile radius. (2) Fire Station 82 will now be located at 2 sites: Van Ness & Hollywood Blvd (SNAP rules apply) and the current site on Bronson Ave. The Van Ness site will house the big trucks, ambulances and living quarters; the Bronson site will house training, storage, and community room facilities, during Red Flag Days other fire companies can station here for deployment. Erik Sanjurjo: Let’s agendize FS 82, use of the sites and allocation of the buildings. Will also need community input. Susan Swan: Take this up at the Public Safety & Transportation Committee meeting on the second Monday in May (5/14/07). Doug Mensman: We’ll collect community input by going door-to-door in the immediate vicinity of the FS 82 project.
- Gary Slossberg: Cited the Advancement Project Proposal (APP) as a way of dealing with the gang problem. He stated that 75% of the City of LA’s efforts are in suppression of gangs. He cited the need for prevention efforts. Asked if Tom LaBonge had seen the APP. Doug Mensman: Doesn’t know if Tom has seen this report.
- Heather Repenning (CD 13): New field representative for CD 13.
5. Public Comments on items not on the agenda.
- Cindy Duhaime (Garfield Neighborhood Watch): 1) Asked that meeting announcements for HUNC Board meetings be posted/sent out on Thursday night rather than Friday for the regularly scheduled monthly Board Meetings (held on Monday night). Feels that announcing meetings on Fridays for a Monday meeting is an inconvenience for stakeholders. She believed that this was a Brown Act issue. 2) She believes that HUNC Board meetings should be more orderly. Noted that people are using communications equipment, Blackberries, etc. Perhaps they shouldn’t be using these things.
6. Recognitions.
6A. Recognition of Jim McQuiston for his work on behalf of the Neighborhood Council (Andrew Ettinger). Gary Slossberg: Recommended that HUNC establish a non-Board Community Activity Award.
6B. Good Neighbor Award to Avantika Shahi (Newsletter Committee). Awarded for her contributions to the production of the monthly HUNC Newsletter.
6C. Letter of appreciation to Baydsar Thomasian. Motion: Susan Polifronio, “To approve the letter of appreciation to Baydsar.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes---15 No---0 Abs---0.
7. Executive Committee Reports.
7A. Update on Workplace Violence Seminar held on March 31st. Those Board members who attended gave positive opinions and feedback on this Seminar, and highly recommended it. Norma Foster: At the January meeting she spoke up and indicated that March 31 was not available for her because of the Easter Hollywood Bowl Sunrise Service Program (she was responsible for this event) and the CPAB Summit. If 4 people from the Board were unable to attend then this Seminar should not have been held. It should have been re-scheduled. This is not fair game.
Susan Swan: Amber Meshach is offering a HUNC Team Building Workshop. However the date she’s recommending corresponds to our bi-monthly workshops. Erik Sanjurjo: The HUNC Team Building Workshop should be held after the HUNC Elections. Susan Swan: In the meantime, we can request a 1-hr training.
7B. New Recording Secretary for HUNC. This has been worked out. Charles will stay on for the time being.
7C. Congress of Neighborhood Councils. This will be held on Saturday, April 21st at the Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA.
7D. Update on Hollywood Neighborhood Council Caucus. Carol Baker Tharp at the 1st HUNC/Hollywood NC Caucus on April 26th. Allocation of funds for food, outreach, fliers and advertising.
Motion: Susan Polifronio, “That HUNC allocate up to $1,000 for this event for food, drinks, paper goods. Second: Robert Abrahamian. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs—1
Norma Foster: Other NCs should also contribute.
8I. Update on the Villas on Gower, Town Hall on April 24th and a budget for outreach.
Motion: Susan Polifronio, “That HUNC allocate up to $1,000 for food and drinks for this event and what is not used should be rolled over to the NC Caucus.” Second: David Schlesinger. Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs---0.
8F. Big Sunday on Saturday, April 28th and budget for outreach. Hilary Royce: Spoke in favor of HUNC purchasing T-Shirts as an outreach tool for this event. The Mayor’s Office will produce the T-Shirts. When T-Shirts are distributed it increases our impact in the community. The cost for T-Shirts with the HUNC logo is $4/shirt. She recommended the purchase of 200 T-Shirts.
Motion: Hilary Royce, “That HUNC allocate $800 for T-Shirts and $700 for food and outreach. Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs---1,
Norma Foster: Will we be using the original HUNC logo. Hilary Royce: Yes.
Gary Slossberg: We have already approved $600 for the grand opening event. Asking for permission from Board to use this money on Big Sunday for beautification. The City will pay for the opening of the Cheremoya Project.
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That HUNC approve the earmark of the $600 for beautification at Cheremoya. Second: Scott Larson. Vote: Yes—15 No—0 Abs—0.
7E. Neighborhood Council Self-assessment process. Greg Nelson, former head of DONE, has written an opinion on this process.
7F. Ad Hoc Committee for HUNC New Board Member Orientation: Ryan Hass, Erik Sanjurjo, Bree Long and Bechir Blagui. FYI.
7G. Ad Hoc Committees and Stakeholder participation. Being looked at by City Attorney Darren Martinez.
A. Update on LA River Clean-up. The next LA River Clean-up will be on May12th. We were able to get a bus for the kids who are participating.
A. Monthly Budget Report. Gary Slossberg presented an actualized budget through April 18th. Also a list of expenses in March, and a reconciliation report for March (including pre-paid & petty cash). Scott Larson: Commended Gary on his report.
B. Approval of spending authority to allow the Treasurer to spend $200 per month on office supplies from the office supplies line item.
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That HUNC approve the spending authority of the Treasurer with regard to office supplies at a level of up to $200 per month.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs—0.
Amendment to Budget and Finance Procedures to require Board ratification of all discretionary expenditures. Gary Slossberg: The amendment would be to Article III, #8. Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That the Board amend the Budget and finance procedures, Article III, #8, to require that the HUNC Board approve all discretionary expenditures.” Second: Robert Abrahamian.
Motion to Table. Vote: Yes—15 No—0 Abs—0. The original motion has been rescinded. Gary will bring this back to the Board at a later date.
8 B. 1) Update on HUNC Eastern Boundary Change Petition:
No action taken.
8B. 2) Board action regarding the intent of the By-Law Amendment Procedures stated in Article XVI and whether approval of By-Law amendments may occur at a minimum of one or two publicly noticed meetings where the By-Law amendment is listed on the agenda:
Motion: Susan Swan, “That approval of By-Law amendments may occur at a minimum of one publicly noticed meeting where the By-Law amendment is listed on the agenda.”
Second: Susan Polifronio
Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0
8B. 3) HUNC By-Laws Changes
Article I, No# 10
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To change #10 to the following:
“Advocate for stakeholders in the delivery of Los Angeles City services and other governmental services in the area.”
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Board Vote: Yes---15 No---0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes—3 No—0 Abs---0
Article III, Section E, No#3
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To approve as presented.
“In order for the HUNC board of directors to take an official action, such as adoption of an item or position, once quorum has been attained, a majority vote of those board members present and voting is required. An abstention will not count as a vote.”
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Board Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---2 No—0 Abs—0
Article V
Motion: Gary Slossberg---To approve all changes to Article V as corrected.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Board Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---2 No—0 Abs—0
Article VI
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To approve all of the proposed changes to Article VI.
Second: Jordan Birnbaum
Board Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---4 No—0 Abs---0
Article IX
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To approve all of the proposed changes to Article IX.
Second: Robert Abrahamian
Board Vote: Yes—15 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes—3 No—0 Abs---0
Article X
Motion: Gary Slossberg—To amend Article X, Section B, No#1 to read:
“shall prepare the agenda and preside at all Board, Special and Executive Meetings.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian
Board Vote: Yes---3 No---10 Abs---2
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---1 No—1 Abs---0
Motion was defeated.
Motion: Susan Swan--- To amend Article X, Section B, No#1 to read:
“shall approve all agendas and preside at Board, Special and Executive Meetings.”
Second: Susan Polifronio
Board Vote: Yes---12 No—0 Abs---2
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---4 No---0 Abs---0
Article X, Section B, No#10
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To approve No# 10 as written.
Second: Susan Swan
Board Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---4 No---0 Abs---0
Article X
Motion: Susan Swan---To approve the remaining changes to Article X.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Board Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---4 No---0 Abs---0
Article XIII, #4
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo---To amend with this additional language:
Compiling five excused absences within one year from regularly scheduled monthly board meetings can also be grounds for removal if a motion is made at a regularly scheduled monthly Board meeting.
Second: Hilary Royce
Board Vote: Yes—14 No—0 Abs---1 (Bashir)
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---2 No—0 Abs—1
Article XIV
Motion: Susan Polifronio—To approve all of the revisions to Article XIV.
Second: Charles Suhayda
Board Vote: Yes---12 No---0 Abs---2
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---3 No—0 Abs---1
Article XV
David Schlesinger requested that the words “will” be replaced by “shall” in this Article.
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To approve the revisions to Article XV and including the changing of will to shall as corrected.
Second: Robert Abrahamian
Board Vote: Yes---14 No---1 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---3 No—0 Abs---0
Article XVI
Motion: Susan Polifronio---To approve all of the revisions to Article XVI.
Second: David Schlesinger.
Board Vote: Yes---15 No---0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---2 No—0 Abs---0
Article XVIII
Motion: Susan Swan—To approve the revisions to Article XVIII and amend No# 5 by adding to the end of the sentence: “and Board members shall report all gifts related to HUNC business which is subject to Board review.”
Second: Robert Abrahamian
Board Vote: Yes---15 No---0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---2 No---1 Abs---0
Attachment B
Motion: Scott Larson---To approve revisions to Attachment B with corrections.
Second: Hilary Royce
Norma Foster requested corrections in the section on Business Districts. Gower Ave should be changed to Gower St in the District #A and District #B descriptions.
Board Vote: Yes---15 No---0 Abs---0
Stakeholder Vote: Yes---3 No---0 Abs---0
Standardized Formats
Motion: Gary Slossberg---To keep the by-law formats consistent.
Second: Maurece Chesse
Board Vote: Yes---15 No—0 Abs---0
8C. #3—Election Procedures 2007, approval for Election Committee to make further adjustments if necessary for May 8th submission.
Motion: Susan Polifronio, “That the Board authorize the Election Committee to make any necessary changes to election procedures as approved by the Board.” Second: Maurece Chesse. Vote: Yes---14 No---0 Abs---0.
Gary Slossberg: Recommended that the Election Committee should be permitted to do an instant run-off. Not much support from Board for this idea and it was dropped.
8C. #4—Budget for 2007 Election: Last year’s budget was $5,000. Actual used (since DONE covered printing & mailing) was $2,492.75.
Motion: Susan Polifronio, “That HUNC approve up to $5,000 to cover the cost of the 2007 HUNC Elections.” Second: Robert Abrahamian. Discussion: This year DONE will only pay for 2 pages of printing for each language. Vote: Yes---14 No—0 Abs---0.
8E. #1---Approval of up to $500 from the Outreach Marketing line item for Adoption of Community Bulletin Board on the corner of Franklin and Argyle. From the Finance Committee.
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That the Board approve up to $500 from the Outreach Marketing line item for Adoption of Community Bulletin Board on the corner of Franklin and Argyle.” Second: Scott Larson. Vote: Yes—13 No—1 Abs—0.
8G. #2---Funds for attendance at Preservation Goes Hollywood Convention at The Roosevelt Hotel on May 3-6, 2007.
Motion: David Schlesinger. Second: Robert Abrahamian. Vote: Yes--13 No--0 Abs--0.
8A.---New HUNC Logo, stationary and business card design for approval.
Andy Ettinger: Has been working on a new logo for HUNC. It includes a new design and colors. Essentially, it would have the Hollywood sign and no palm trees.
Norma Foster: Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council was the first Hollywood NC. We’ve had our logo for 5 years with palm trees. We shouldn’t change this logo now.
Jordan Birnbaum: We should change the HUNC motto to, “Volunteers working together for a better neighborhood.”
Motion: Erik Sanjurjo, “That HUNC adopt the motto, Volunteers working together for a better neighborhood.” Second: Jordan Birnbaum. Vote: Yes---11 No---0 Abs---2.
Motion: Susan Swan, “To redo the Hollywood Sign on the proposed logo.” Second: Bree Long. The motion was tabled.
Susan Swan: Asked that Andy Ettinger, Maurece Chesse, Bechir Blagui, and Norma Foster work on the re-design of the HUNC logo.
8E. #2—Amendment to Budget and Finance Procedures to add Article IV, Section 5 to Create Inventory Maintenance Procedures for all HUNC supplies and equipment.
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That the Board approved the amending of the budget and finance procedures with Article IV, Section 5 to Create Inventory Maintenance Procedures for all HUNC supplies and equipment.” Second: Susan Polifronio. Vote: Yes---12 No—0 Abs---0.
8G. #1—Update on RAP guidelines for Puck application for alcohol variance at Griffith Park Observatory, proposed letter to Zoning Administrator, Albert Landini.
David Schlesinger: The Observatory alcohol variance is on hold. The decision has been postponed until May 30th. Mr. Landini is accepting comments by e-mail.. Tom LaBonge has called a meeting for Monday, 4/23 to further discuss this matter. GGPNC will accept alcohol sales at the Observatory with conditions.
8H #2—Update on Gelson’s Market.
Report from PS&T—There have been improvements. The name of the market has been changed from Mayfair to Gelson’s. They met with Tom LaBonge and Rene Weitser to discuss beautification of the property and noise reduction.
9. Proclamation to support sexual assault awareness month and denim day.
Gary Slossberg: Submitted to the Board a “Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Proclamation To Support Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Denim Day.”
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “That HUNC approve the Proclamation To Support Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Denim Day.” Second: Susan Swan. Vote: Yes—11 No—0 Abs—0.
11. New Business—Report on the California Healthy Cities Meeting.
Bree Long: She represented HUNC at this meeting and provided a report. The keynote speaker was Dr. Lawrence Frank (currently works in Chino) whose background is in land use, transportation and public health. His particular interest is in the area of how infrastructure in cities affects our health. He has formerly worked on “Smart Track” in Atlanta. He currently works at the Center for civic Partnerships. He advocates for aid to the elderly and proposes that: 1) sidewalks are widened, 2) benches should be added to pedestrian areas, 3) lighting should be added to pedestrian areas. He also cited the need for cross-generational interaction and information exchange.
Also speaking was Mike Woo, who currently holds a position as Professor of Urban Planning at USC. One of his interests is building support for affordable housing. He cites a number of problems with the planning process: 1) fragmentation of the planning process, 2) a reactive not proactive process, 3) politicized planning process, 4) a process that does not meet the demand for affordable housing (The City of LA approves 8,000 to 9,000 units/yr, but LA needs 14,000 units/yr).
12. Submission of Agenda Items for May.
Erik Sanjurjo: That HUNC reconsider joining LANCC.
Charles Suhayda
Recording Secretary
Hollywood United Neighborhood Council