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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Minutes of the Board Meeting
April 18, 2005

1.) Meeting called to order by President, Joel Fisher at 6:30 PM. Welcome and roll call

2.) LAPD Hollywood Division Senior Lead Officer Report:

· SLO not present.

· Joel Fisher reported that Captain Mike Downing has been promoted to Commander

3.) Presentations:

· Sheryl L. Thomas, Sr. Government Affairs Representative for Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA). She stated that she's available for question & answer meetings on the work of LAWA. Information can be accessed over the internet at . LAWA does have an ambassador program and offers internships. LAWA can also offer a master plan presentation on the airport. There are also meeting facilities available to organizations at LAX. For those interested in tours of LAX, free tours are available, lasting 11/2 to 2 hours.

· Scott McConnell speaking on the plan for improving traffic flow at Argyle/Vine/Franklin. Scott is a civil engineer who works with the MTA. He is asking for support from the community and Neighborhood Council (NC) for improvements to this intersection. Improvements he is recommending to identified deficiencies: (1) the East bound traffic flow on Franklin is impeded, (2) the right turn onto Argyle is a problem, (3) need to favor west bound traffic, (4) eliminate the left turn from Franklin for east bound traffic onto the north bound 101 freeway. Scott is requesting feedback from local residents in order to approach LADOT on improvements at this intersection. Anne DeBello mentioned that Rory Fitzpatrick of the CD 4 office should be contacted for conducting a study on the U-Turn and the timing of the traffic signal at this intersection. Cheryl, with the Argyle Civic Association (ACA), suggested that Scott contact ACA for local input. Any comments directed to HUNC should go to Susan Polifronio or Maurece Chesse with the Traffic Committee.

4)  Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

· Jim McQuiston spoke to the City of LA budget process which is in progress. He would like to see the Council Districts with proposed budgets. He noted that Silver Lake NC had made comments to the City on the budget. Jim also spoke on the Juvenile Justice Program that is supported by Adam Schiff and Tony Cardenas. The Governor cut this program by $100 million in '04 and wants to cut it completely from the state budget in '05. This will be considered by LA City Council on 4/15.

· Oceana Blueskies from the Hollywood Dell inquired about the 9-unit development in her neighborhood and she would like to see it halted. Andrew Glazier  recommended that she talk to Terry Gerber from Hollywood Dell Homeowners Assoc. And also to Russ Brown, chairperson of the PLUM (Planning and land use management) Committee.

5.)  Officer Reports:

· President : Joel Fisher spoke of an upcoming meeting in SFV on the news rack ordinance on April 19 th . The DWP is sending a memorandum of understanding to the Neighborhood Councils. Joel had breakfast with LAPD Chief Bratton who reported that Captain Mike Downing has been promoted to Commander. His replacement at LAPD Hollywood Division will be Captain Ron Sanchez. Joel will be meeting on 4/15 with 3 NCs and our two City Council members to formulate plans to create a new park. The objectives are: to create a new green space park, and an art center facility at the Vine/Ivar intersection. Joel also mentioned the formation of a new HUNC Ad Hoc Committee---Media & Public Relations which will be co-chaired by Andrew Ettinger and Jordan Birnbaum. Also announced was the resignation of HUNC Board member Ian Mc... (homeowner seat) who has moved to Northern California. Norma Foster asked that this board vacancy be filled by election, not appointment. Joel indicated that it was too late to fill this seat by election.

· Treasurer : Presented Treasurer's report.

· Vice President : Susan Polifronio reported that she and Andrew Glazier attended a zoning/housing meeting concerning Hollywood. The Hollywood Specific Plan is moving rapidly and residents and homeowners in Hollywood need to speak up and provide input quickly. Also, the Hollywood city Hall is now open. It is located at 6501 Fountain Ave. Permits and business licences can be obtained here.

· Corresponding Secretary : No new report.

· Recording Secretary : Charles Suhayda will assume responsibilities for taking minutes at HUNC Board meetings. Norma Foster asked that the minutes from the March meeting be reworked and reported at the May meeting of the Board. Hilary Royce made a motion to accept the March minutes as presented. Motion was seconded. There was a motion to table from the Board; this motion was seconded and approved. March minutes were tabled.

6.) Committee Reports

· Election : Maurece Chesse reports that on April 26 th , the Candidates Forum will be held at the Community Room at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. The cut-off date for declaring candidacy and filing the paperwork for the HUNC Elections is April 29, 2005 at 5 PM. Maurece will be calling for volunteers for the upcoming election and will be sending an e-mail announcement.

· Public Safety & Transportation : The Argyle/Vine/Franklin intersection has already been discussed. There were requests from Rory Fitzpatrick (CD-4) on street resurfacing priorities within the HUNC boundaries. HUNC decided to table any recommendations because it did not feel that it could fairly determine the most urgent resurfacing priorities. Andrew Glazier made a request to committee to determine whether the State has ceded authority over the Odin/Cahuenga intersection. Is there an update? Anne DeBello recommended that the Board vote to approve a request for the Wilshire Division to do a study of the Argyle/Vine/Franklin intersection. She also reported that that early Sunday morning (12:30 AM) a young woman was assaulted near Vista Del Mar, pulled to the ground, and dragged a short distance. The assault is linked to the occupants of a black Cadillac Escalade; as these men fled, they hit a telephone pole. Police are investigating.

· Education & Youth : Earth Day celebrations begin on April 19 th . There will be art work displayed that is made from recycled materials. Speakers from Heal the Bay and Friends of the LA River will make presentations. Tom LaBonge is the point person for the LA River Project.

· Neighborhood & Environment : Susan Swan reported that there has been no explanation of the Red Flag/No Parking system by LAFD to residents in the Hollywood Hills. A letter written by her to LAFD on Jan 10, '05 received no response. Also, Gelson's has signed a new lease for the Franklin/Bronson store. Now we can proceed with efforts to beautify the street and to plan for better traffic flow around the Mayfair Market. The PROS Committee in conjunction with Greater Griffith Park NC is reading the Griffith Park Master Plan. It is a 32-page document. It includes plans for 3 revenue enhancements, a restaurant and parking. Finally, looking to develop common space at the Garfield/Gramercy area. Andrew Glazier requested that the matter of late night parking for businesses along Franklin Ave be looked into. Andrew Ettinger reported the slide of a hillside resulting in the closure of Montlake Rd quite possibly for 1-2 months until road clearing and shoring up the hillside is completed. HPOZ (Historic Preservation overlay zones) report by Scott Larson. The 5 th Annual HPOZ Conference was held on April16, '05. Some essential facts: (1) There are currently 20 HPOZ's in Los Angeles, (2) There are 16 proposed HPOZ's waiting for approval from the City, (3) Bob Sutton is responsible for the proposed Canyon/Western HPOZ, (4) There are 2 well organized HPOZ applicants: Angeles Heights and Windsor Square. The Canyon/Western proposed HPOZ has some block captains but need additional block captains. The next step for C/W HPOZ is a Town Hall meeting with LA Conservancy.

· Social Service/Faith-based : There was a March 20 th meeting at the United Methodist Church at Franklin/Highland where the Hollywood Interfaith Sponsoring Committee & PICO held a Town Hall to present a proposal and garner support for a Comprehensive Homeless Services Center in Hollywood. It received qualified support from: CD-4, CD-13, CRA-Hollywood, and LA County supervisor's office.

· Arts & Entertainment : No new report.

· PLUM : Susan Polifronio referred Board members to the printed handouts on the Hollywood/Western CRA Development (northside of Blvd). Hollywood/Vine Project moving ahead. The Holly Drive Condo Development has been approved by the Area Planning Commission and the Citywide Planning Commission. There has been a request to Tom LaBonge's office for an explanation of the "by-right" concept as it pertains to the Holly Drive Condo project. Andrew Glazier would prefer less density at this development: 12 condo units rather than 16.

6A.)  Election Procedures

· Already reported at this meeting.

6B.)  Waiver of Special Event Fees for Farmer's Markets

· Pompera Smith indicated that special event fees were being charged for certified Farmer's Markets. Joel Fisher believes that charging these fees is reprehensible.

· Motion (Victoria Gaw): That the HUNC Board support a waiver of special event fees for certified Farmer's Markets in LA. Second (N. Foster). Motion approved--3-Yes, 0-No.

6C.)            Resurfacing Streets within HUNC Boundaries

· Addressed earlier in this meeting.

6D.)            Recycled Arts Project at Cheremoya Elementary on April 19 th .

· Addressed earlier in this meeting.

6E.)     CPAB April 9 th Summit Meeting

· Norma Foster attended the Summit for all City of LA CPAB's (Community Police Advisory Boards) at Paramount Studios. There were numerous panels including a Youth Panel on Conflict Resolution to help students deal with conflicts and potential violence on High School campuses. She mentioned that the CPAB video was very good and had segments with Captain Downing, Susan Polifronio, and LeRon Gubler from the Hollywood Chamber. This is a 10-12 minute video and Norma can get a copy for HUNC.

6F.) Hollywood Interfaith Sponsoring Committee-Homeless Center

· Already reported under Social Service/Faith-based report.

7.) Old Business

a) Hollywood Community Plan : This deals with density and zoning issues. Susan Polifronio and Andrew Glazier went to the City Planning Department and met with Jose. Plans for Hollywood include: (1) preserve single family home areas, (2) add density along major transit corridors, (3) produce Environment Impact Reports. Suan P said this plan would change the face of Hollywood. Under this plan: (1) Sunset Blvd will be designated for business office buildings from Highland Ave to Bronson Ave. Floor-area-ratios (FAR) will be a measure for development. In effect, businesses can be 4.5X larger than the land they occupy. Terry Gerber spoke of the increased occurrence of Mixed-Use Development in Hollywood and expressed concern over parking availability and traffic congestion from residents in urban loft developments. Susan Polifronio responded that in talks with Jose, concerns over traffic were discussed. JimMcQuiston reported on the development of 1,000 units of housing on Melrose between Normandie and Kenmore (E. Hollywood). He also stated that there were plans to put excess housing density into an area East of LaBrea. R1 zoning mandates single family homes. The SNAP provision sets a 75 ft height for buildings and gives a 25% height bonus if the development includes affordable housing.

b) LA River Clean-Up : Victoria Gaw reported that this event is on May 7 th . All of the money donated by HUNC paid for the cost of printing for the advertising of this event.

8.) New Business

a.) City Commissioner's Ethics Recommendation: Position paper from HUNC : The website has the 25-page report containing the ethics recommendations. Motion : (Anne DeBello)-That HUNC send a letter of support to the Ethics Commission urging the City Council of Los Angeles to approve these recommendations. Second (Andrew Glazier). Motion passed: 13-Yes, 0-No.

b.) Volunteer List : Susan Polifronio reported that Jennifer Christie is working to group volunteers who have interests in specific community issues. Hilary Royce recommended that outreach by Board members occur once a month, and that specific HUNC Committee activities be listed to help recruit volunteers by their areas of interest.

c.) HBT Support for Annual Outreach Event : HUNC Executive Committee recommends $500 for the cost of printing invitations for this Hollywood Beautification Team special event. Motion to approve : from Exec. Committee. Second : (N. Foster). Motion passed: 11-Yes, 0-No.

d.) Request by Jason Lyons for HUNC Board vote on City Council Receiving Impact Statements from NC's : Andrew Glazier presented a motion : To oppose the proposal by Silverlake Neighborhood Council that Neighborhood Councils be allowed to initiate discussion beyond the Community Impact Statement. Second (J. Fisher). Discussion : Andrew Glazier stated that this recommendation from Silverlake NC will bog down City government and bring business to a halt. As a NC, we advise our City Council member(s), then they take the best course of action. Susan Swan spoke in favor of the Silverlake NC proposal. Eric Sanjurno (CD-4) said that this matter will be taken up by the Parks/Neighborhoods Dept. He agreed with Andrew Glazier's assessment. Eric said that SLNC had a new proposal-that NC's should start new projects, new ideas and operate just like any City Dept. There are problems with this, like Special Order 40. There may be many divisive issues. Eric believes that the Alliance of NC's should make a decision on this rather than individual NC's. Motion passed : 10-Yes, 2-No.

9) Miscellaneous

· Susan Swan commented on the MOU with DWP. Jim Alger reports that DWP will raise water rates by 18%. There is a protest because the proposed increase was indicated to be 11% by DWP.

· Susan Swan announced the Emergency Preparedness Seminar on three dates: 4/30, 5/7, 5/14.

· Victoria Gaw announced CERT Training on 5/10 at Cheremoya Elementary School (Franklin/Beechwood).

· Norma Foster stated that Mark McCree's presentation to the HUNC Board in March had insufficient information.

10) Adjournment

· Andrew Glazier-motion to adjourn. Passed.

Minutes recorded and submitted by Charles Suhayda