April 19, 2004
Bullet Points From the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Full Board Meeting
Agenda Item #1 : Newly Elected Board Members Susan Swan, Hillary Royce, Scott Larson, Ian McCubbin , Andrew Glazier, Maurece Chesse and Robert Abranamian sworn in by Acting President Joel M. Fisher. The newly installed Board then elected Joel M. Fisher to continue as President, Susan Polifronio as Vice-President, Susan Swan as Corresponding Secretary, Hillary Royce as Recording Secretary and Maurece Chesse as Treasurer.
Motion by Joel M. Fisher to accept Minutes from March 27 th Board Meeting.
Second: Andrew Glazier/Scott Larson
Disposition: Passed without discussion
Agenda Item #2 : Report on Fire brush clearance and the increased non-compliance fees by Captain Milhauser and Inspector Vallenzuela . Susan Swan will be heading the Hillside Parking/Fire Safety Committee.
Report by the Hollywood Senior Lead Officers Sevdalian , Shea and Sollie . Crime in Hollywood has dropped 15%. Motor vehicle break-ins still account for the largest number of crimes in our area.
Agenda Item #5: Under Article XIII of the HUNC bylaw, and with the letter of resignation by Paul Godfrey, President Joel M. Fisher appointed Jordan Birnbaum to the vacated Business District #2 for the term of one year with unanimous approval of the full Board.
Agenda Item #3: Public Comment: John Farrion thanked Ann De Bello for considering the blood mobile and her input, as an ER Nurse, on the most appropriate venue. Jim McQuiston stated that contrary to rumor 311 will be expanded not cut. Jim also stated that the low income housing provisions must include environmental impact and that Councilman Garcetti was pursuing this. Jim also requested that Board members get the books detailing the Mayor's budget. Susan Polifronio will be attending the NC/Mayor Budget press conference on Tuesday, April 20 th .
Agenda Item #4: Officer Reports : Joel M. Fisher reviewed the past year and discussed changes in Committees and assignments with special emphasis on changing some committees to issue based quarterly meetings and others will stay with the monthly issue responsive schedules. Russell Brown will chair a new committee on Urban Planning along the lines of the PLUM committee. The Thai Community will be involved in this along with Paul Godfrey, Jordan Birnbaum , Scott Larson and Paul Maxwell. Susan Polifronio emphasized the role of Town Hall meetings in the coming year and that each Committee will be responsible for one meeting and that the Committees should think about which pairings would work the best. Susan Swan stated that the new hosting would be up within a week and that she was learning Frontpage to facilitate flexibility on our website. Maurece Chesse stated that our finances are healthy and that we are in compliance with the City.
Agenda Item #6: Committee Reports
Joel Fisher/Public Safety Committee : Request for FBI type cameras along Hollywood Blvd. and that he will encourage the BID purchase of these wireless cameras.
Susan Swan/Neighborhood & Environment : PROS letter will be sent out regarding Observatory Restaurant. There will be a City meeting on April 22 nd to discuss dividing the Park Rangers and putting half into armed enforcement. There will be a report on what happens with the Rangers at the next N & E meeting. The DWP rate increase is on the next agenda . Chris Stehr /Education & Youth: Reported on the proposed September Town Hall meeting re: Children and the pressures they face. He would like to include Arts and Culture Committee with this Town Hall and invite Mental Health professionals, Police Gang Unit/PAL, LAUSD, Child Safety, etc. and to include Le Conte, Immaculate Heart and Hollywood High. Viktoria Gaw /Outreach: stated that Election outreach next year is very important. Ian McCubbin /Transportation & Parking: Discussed a Town Hall meeting focusing on parking issues and to time it with LA Dot. Jordan Birnbaum stated that his venue of Q- Topia will be open to any HUNC related meetings or programs. Andrew Ettinger focused on saving the Little Church of Hollywood, Norma Foster ?
Motion by Joel M. Fisher for letter of support on the City Council stopping fee and salary waivers for special events.
Second: Susan Polifronio
Discussion: Agreement by the Board to amend the letter to include language that states the fees will affect For Profit events only.
Moved as Ammended : Susan Polifronio
Second: Andrew Glazier
Disposition: 11 For, 3 Abstain
Agenda Item #7: New Business
Jim McQuiston stated the City would like a response from the NC's on motion item #33 within 6 weeks. The River Ad Hoc Committee were proposing a deflatable rubber dam to be placed 4400 ft. apart to create a lake within the LA River. This would involve the Core of Engineer's money along with City, County and State of over $40 million.
7A: Fire Service Recognition open House and Pancacke Breakfast:
Motion by Ann De Bello to support the Fire Station Recognition Open HouseDay on Saturday May 8 th and to help sell tickets to the Pancake Breakfast to be held on the same day at 1355 N. Cahuenga Fire Station Museum.
Second: Norma Foster
Disposition: Passed Unanimously
Ann will follow through with ticket pick-up to be left at the Harmony/HUNC office at 5911 ½ Franklin Ave. for Board members to pick up and help sell.
Agenda Item #8: Old Business
Norma Foster requested the $1000.00 for a wall and dedication plaques at the "Gateway to Hollywood" project. Joel Fisher stated he wanted confirmation of the monies spent before voting and closed the meeting. Norma Foster called this out of order.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:36pm by President Joel M. Fisher
Minutes Respectfully Submitted
Special Executive Committee Vote on the Gateway Project: Carried over as stated from March 27 th meeting for vote.
Motion by Joel M. Fisher to support the Gateway to Hollywood Project wall and plaques of donors who have contributed to the project with a $1000.00 contribution.
Second: Susan Swan
Disposition: Passed