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June 1, 2004 Education & Youth Committee Bullet Points
Attending Board Members: Chris Stehr, Maurece Chesse, Susan Polifronio, Andrew Glazier and Public: Lucy Grigorian and Gary Slossberg
Meeting called to order at 6:45 PM

Agenda Item #1: Town Hall Workshop

After a good round table discussion on what we saw as the important composition for an Education Town Hall we came up with the following breakdown of responsibility:

Gary Slossberg: Survey to be given to Public to help define issues they would like to see addressed. Gary will formulate a survey asking people to rank topics and leaving a space for suggestions.

Maurece Chesse & Susan Polifronio will work on Outreach to Community

Chris Stehr and Andrew Glazier will line-up the Panel of speakers

Jennifer Christie is working on services to be represented with booths

Chris Stehr will contact Le Conte to see if they wish to be involved and Andrew Glazier will contact Debbie Wheebe.

Topics tentatively suggested:

School Safety:




  Peer Pressure

Panel: Police, Psych, LAUSD

Agenda Item #2: Old Business: Cheremoya Fundraiser Expenditures
Jennifer Christie unable to attend. This item moved to next Committee meeting.

Andrew Glazier stated that a student from Hollywood High leadership class will be attending our next Education & Youth Committee meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 pm