Education & Youth Committee Bullet Points: July 6, 2004
1: Town Hall Workshop: September 21, 2004 will be the date of the workshop. The basic format of Gary Slossberg's survey was kept with some adjustment to categories. See attachment. Chris Stehr and Andrew Glazier will be co-ordinating with schools surrounding the HUNC boundaries, Jennifer Christie will contact and confirm booths, Ann De Bello, Susan Polifronio and Jennifer Christie will work on outreach.
2: Adopt-A-Fence Program: Susan Polifronio's suggestion to improve the Cheremoya Ave. chainlink fence was adopted by the Education & Youth Committee. Susan will be contacting Cheryl Gaskill as to suggestions on approaching the arts community and will be looking into sponsors.
3: Old Business: 2003 Cheremoya Ave. School Fundraiser expenditures. Jennifer Christie, Friends of Cheremoya, reported on the outlay to date: A complete set of musical instruments were purchased for K-5 Curriculum based books were purchased for the 4th and 6th grade Fossil molds were purchased for the 2nd grade Payment to entertainment groups for the African American Assembly Dance Group, 500 years of black women monologue and setting up African American, Latino and Asian onsite museums. Costco membership available to all Cheremoya teachers and volunteers National History Museum membership Enchanted Learning Center Membership
4: Old Business: Wish List Update Because of the financial crisis after-school coaches are only being paid until 5:00pm. This creates a crisis with working families as the children have no where safe to go. We will work on the necessary fundraising to pay for the coaches until 6:00 pm. Ann De Bello will be the lead person on this issue. Susan Polifronio
Hollywood United Neighborhood Council Town Hall Meeting Survey
This fall, the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council (HUNC) will be hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss issues facing the schools and school children in our area. Please fill out the following survey to help us get as much input as possible as we plan the meeting. If you are interested in helping with the planning or if you have question please contact HUNC at 323-769-6424 or through email,
How many children do you have attending school this year? _____ If you don't have children, please skip the next question and continue to fill out the survey. Thanks.
What are their ages and grade level? ________________________
What issues do you want addressed at a Town Hall meeting (please number in order of importance)?
_____Violence / Bullying _____Safe School Environment
_____ Academic Performance _____ Parental Involvement
_____ Nutrition / Obesity _____ Ethnic Pride
_____ Drugs / Gangs _____ General Health / Insurance
_____ Other - (please explain) _____________________________________________
Thank you for your time and input. We look forward to finding ways to make our children's educational experience even better!
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